Ukraine War Day #751: Zakharova Refutes Estonian Collaborators

Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much.” (Oscar Wilde)

Dear Readers:

Russian Diplomat Maria Zakharova is known around the world for her pithy put-downs of Russia’s enemies. She is like a Russian, female, version of Oscar Wilde. In this story, Maria takes on the Estonians. Granted, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel, but it’s still fun to watch.

The topic is the 80th anniversary (celebrated last Saturday, March 9) of a Soviet air attack (March 9, 1944) on Nazi-occupied Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Tallinn was actually bombed many times in the course of WWII. First by the Germans, in the first few days of the war, and later by the Soviets, several times over the next few years, in the course of driving the Germans out.

Tallinn residents light candles to commemorate the Soviet bombs.

Apparently the Estonians didn’t mind being bombed by the Germans, whom they considered to be their friends, but deeply resented the Soviet bombings. Which is why the Estonian Foreign Ministry decided make a big deal out of the 1944 anniversary. In their communique they termed the enemy bombers as “Russian” rather than “Soviet”, and bemoaned the loss of life and property.

While it’s true that bombs were not as “smart” in those days, and didn’t always hit their target, the target was certainly fascist military formations. And yet the Estonian government, in its communique, insisted that the “Russians” were deliberately targeting “residential areas and cultural objects, just as they are doing now in the Ukraine.”

Zakharova commented on her Telegram channel: “It is no secret to anyone that the current Estonian government associates itself with the Hitlerites… In fact, their rabid Russophobia would be envied by Goebbels himself.”

Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia

Zakharova wanted to correct the record from the falsifiers of history: These bombing runs were part of an operation conducted by the Soviet military to liberate the Baltic states from the Nazis. “The Soviet army did not strike any civilian or cultural objects. The only targets were military targets.” She stressed that the legitimate military targets included Headquarters of the Gestapo and Abwehr, Nazi air defense complexes, their naval arsenal, stores of gunpowder, and the Nazi communications network. “I don’t exclude that, for the Kallas clan and for the descendants of Estonian collaborators, such objects may indeed be deemed holy sites or cultural objects, but for the rest of us, normal, people, these constitute legitimate military targets.”

Zakharova also noted Estonian fakery in their “false parallels” and deceptive use of photographs. Purporting to show Soviet destruction of civilian objects in 1944, the Estonians, in their display, presented a photo that was actually taken in August of 1941, when the Soviet fleet was retreating from the Baltics, and the German invaders actually caused all the damage.

Zakharova also reminded Estonians that the Red Army soldiers, when they re-entered Tallinn in 1944, were greeted by ordinary Estonians as liberators, notwithstanding the years of fascist propaganda and brainwashing. “Several local residents even risked their lives to help the Soviet soldiers. One should also not forget that, in this operation to liberate Tallinn, the most active role was actually taken by Estonians themselves, namely warriors of the 8th Estonian Rifle Corps of the Red Army. These men were true patriots of their Motherland, the current crop cannot even be compared to them,” Zakharova concluded contemptuously.

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16 Responses to Ukraine War Day #751: Zakharova Refutes Estonian Collaborators

  1. TomA says:

    Why is it that so many of these dysfunctional and wayward European nations have women in prominent political roles? Most are clearly creations of globalist puppeteers operating behind the curtains. These women eagerly do as they are told and get away with extremely insane policies, largely because their men have been cowed and cuckolded into submission. And they are destroying their own country by picking fights they cannot win while pretending that real consequences do not exist. Such is the fate of all the Nordic countries bordering Russia.

    These women need a good spanking before its too late. Or their domesticated menfolk will have to pay in blood for this woman’s treacherous folly. The latter may actually be the covert agenda of their GAE masters. Over a million good Slavic men have already perished or been grievously wounded in Ukraine, and this DNA will never be replaced. The GAE did this with deliberate and malign purpose, and they will not stop until forced to do so.

    Liked by 2 people

    • JC says:

      Genocide of Slavic peoples is a feature, not a bug.

      As straight-line inheritors of the scientific racism underlying Nazi ideology, the descendants of fascists (whether actual imports or merely enablers) who make up the Globalist movement view the peoples of the East as untermenschen to be cleansed such that more appropriate races can assume their property.

      Of course, an intermediate stage is also acceptable for a time, in which the toothless and subservient slaves appropriately service their masters with the comely wenches who remain. The males, if not otherwise useful, make excellent organ farms.

      Liked by 1 person

      • TomA says:

        Wow, that was blunt. And I thought I was being overly didactic.


        • yalensis says:

          The elites pick these young women as sort of “Disney princesses” to rule over their lands. And the women who accept this role are probably just dumb yet egotistical, and easy to flatter. They may even believe that they have power and not notice that they are being told what to do.
          Give me Princess Aurora any day, instead of these quislings. Now THAT girl had spunk!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Beluga says:

    The Europeans in general are in a panic. The fair-weather friend USA, or occupying force with military bases in all countries but France to enforce Right Think, couldn’t give a ratsass about their wellbeing. Russia is thumping Ukraine. And Europe can’ do anything about anything, they’re stuck.

    The US is the ultimate navel-gazing nation, and it’s election year, where the hillbilly chieftains gather to diss each other, promise their electorate stuff they have no intention of providing, and elicit money from various lobby groups who want legislation to give them monopoly power in their market sector, or like AIPAC, unconditional support for irrationality. It’s all about the money to the exclusion of anything else, so corruption reigns supreme. It is the shittiest country in the world, period.

    And what have these grand US intellectuals pawned off on Europe? Over time, the same sort of vacuous society, an America Lite, to use Yankee spelling. Diversions like wokeness, social media, endless BS on mryiad topics, all keep the citizenry occupied, their eyes diverted from the goings on of their rich rulers. Society in the West has become hollow for the average dolt. There’s no hope for the future. Let’s use drugs to escape reality!

    The bubblehead nattering crowd, kreakls in Russia-speak, babble endlessly on about nothing of any import. Women have been encouraged to take on bigger roles in business and government, no denying that was overdue, and what have we discovered? They’re just as daft as the men, running the gamut of types. Humans, in other words.

    Someone like Zakharova is pretty unique. So damn smart and able and physically presentable, their sheer competence got her her job on pure merit. Brilliance of a kind that cannot be denied even in a conservative society where men tend to run the show, nobody was going to run over Zakharova. A year ago, I watched some interviews from the past on Boobtube, where speaking in English, Zakharova had zero trouble handling Western dingleberry journos with questions of the leading variety: “Given that Putin is scum and a dictator, what is Russia’s position on the plight of sundried tomato workers in Western Siberia?”

    Russia is whomping the living tar out of Ukie-land these days. Obvious if you follow news sites that take relevant snippets from Tass and pass them on in more orderly fashion. Europe literally doesn’t know whether to shit or get off the pot. Ursula is making sure the EU develops rules to control everyone even more — she’s the evil opposite in morals to Zakharova. But the decorous female “leaders” in Europe are as dumb as the men. Nobodies with few exceptions. Europe is snookered, because it is too stubborn to boot out the Yankees and make a reprochement with Russia. The result is much useless flailing of arms due to deep distress. They have no military power, their economies are croaking, and the Americans don’t care about them, never will. Whether being led by men or women, European countries have to grow a spine and recognize reality before von der Lyin’ takes over, literally:

    Lot more in that article than the title implies. Glad I don’t live there.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. John Jennings says:

    Wow. Hard to top TomA, JC ‘n’ Beluga.
    For the record, I’d be delighted to spank Kaja Kallas, though I expect I’ll have to stand in line.
    The rabid Russophobia of these little East European statelets is very unsettling. While I understand the GAE picks the elites, and the elites pick the ‘Disney princesses,’ it’s troubling that ordinary Estonians, Finns and others seem happy to vote for them. Empire propaganda is brazen, simple-minded and transparent. Why do they find it so irresistible? I’m inclined to chalk it up to some sort of collective inherited character flaw.
    Late last year, a guest writer on another blog posted an essay pointing out that the ‘Iron Curtain’ countries of Eastern Europe (‘groaning under the Soviet heel’ we used to say) were in fact enemy nations that had cooperated with the Nazis during Barbarossa, and got defeated and occupied as their just deserts – just as the US did to Japan and West Germany.
    As NATO struggles to compensate for its Ukraine defeat, it will prepare fallback launch pads and staging areas along Russia’s western approaches. The inane GAE talking point that ‘Putin wants to restore the Russian Empire (or, the Soviet Union) and overrun Europe’ may potentially become self-fulfilling prophecy. Russia needs a buffer zone against western aggression.
    Hopefully by the time that becomes necessary, Putin will have retired and somebody steelier and more pitiless will have succeeded him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      Great comment, John.

      Funny thing about those “Iron Curtain” countries. While dumbheads in the West were taught these were noble Europeans “groaning under the Soviet yoke”, similarly, on the other side of the Iron Curtain, Soviet philistines were taught that these nations, yearning for freedom from the capitalist yoke, had voluntarily jumped aboard.
      There was a grain of truth in both narratives, given that these are class societies, and, depending on the country, there may or may not have been a certain layer of Communist support. Nonetheless, the main thread is that these countries, on the whole, welcomed Hitler. And, like you say, got “occupied” by Stalin as their just deserts. Now they are occupied by the U.S., but the U.S. is a fascist country just like them, so I reckon most of the people there more feel “comfortable” under the American yoke than they did under a socialist or Communist yoke.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. ebear says:

    Maria Warrior Princess strikes again!

    I don’t know how Russians feel about her, but Maria would be my first choice once Putin retires. She’s not even 50 yet, while everyone else who’s qualified is about the same age as Putin. Last thing Russia needs is another gerontocracy, which reminds me of a joke from late Soviet days. Yuri says to Sergui, “so, Sergui, will you be attending the state funeral?” Sergui says, “no, I think I’ll wait for the next one.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      Yup! I’d like to see Maria running Russia as well, she’s the farthest thing from a Disney Princess. She would be a wise ruler, “harsh but fair”, as they say about Stalin. Firm-handed yet compassionate.
      Unfortunately, as the joke goes, the Russian people may be ready for a black President, but not yet ready for a woman President!

      Liked by 1 person

      • JC says:

        They were rather ok with Catherine, who wasn’t even Russian! I think they’d be decently supportive of a woman of steel. But: Catherine had Ottomans to kick in the face; Maria would need something similar.

        However, my fondest hope is that we get what would be literally best for everyone and the US pulls out of NATO. At that point the Globalists can freely provoke Europe into final suicide (and currency reset) as the bear’s lunch, and no one actually has to trigger the atomic side of it.

        Unless or until the US drops the alliance, literally ANY successful non-Putin candidate (including Maria) would be dragged much more quickly into a series of mistakes that involves roughly a billion dead. Putin is and has been exceedingly careful in this regard, and so have the adults in the west. (Yes, there are some. No, they are not in office.)


  5. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    Why do semi-hawt MILFy types like Kallas and Sandu and Meloni get put in positions of power? Because the paunchy, balding men with REAL power like looking at them. Those are the secretaries they enjoy banging. Not saying that any of the above screwed their way to the top the way that Kamala Harris did with Willie Brown when he was the king of the California state legislature. Because I don’t know anything about their rises to the positions they occupy. I just know how men are. Coz I’m that way too, although I try to control it.

    If you’re an icky guy like Bill Gates or Melon Husk, you’re not going to want a witch like Victoria “the Hutt” Nuland or Madelaine “Dead Kids, No problem” Albright as your front-person. (Nuland was attractive when she was young — I saw Twaats with before-and-after photos following her defenestration — but she became bloated by evil. So was Hilary Clinton.) People such as Klaus “Eat Bugs” Schulz won’t go in front of the populace to ask for votes so they can exercise power overtly because most people have an instinctive sense that squicks them out when they see sociopaths. (Others are easily fooled, hence Trump.) So they have MILFionettes like Kallas.

    These types also attract female citizens. Not for the base, lustful reasons why paunch-bros luv ‘em, but because many women think “she looks a lot like I did, before having all those kids and eating all that ice cream made me this way.” There’s more to political support than physical appearance, of course. But if you’re photogenic, you’ve got a leg up in the contest. Even if the leg isn’t spread…

    It works that way on both sides, too. Do you think that Zakharova would be getting so many Re-twaats of her zinged phrases (sic) if she was a crone like Margaret Thatcher? Nah — she’d come across as the cruel elementary school teacher then, a Russian “Karen.” Would that make her a Karensky?


    • yalensis says:

      Kamala Harris banged her way to the top?!! you could bowl me over with a feather, that creature is not even a MILF!

      In other news, I am still trying to figure out how very rich people like Killery and Noodles allowed themselves to put on so much weight. I try not to be catty, but I mean, couldn’t they afford liposuction, or something like that? I thought rich people had ways to stay more photogenic, that are not available to those who are not billionaires.


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        Jeez, I hate to junk up your blog with scurrilous political gossip — although if it’s factual, I guess it’s not gossip — but here’s the deal. There was a guy named Willie Brown, savvy black political operator in the California state legislature in the 1990s and early 2000s. I forget exactly what his position was and I can’t be arsed to look it up, but he rose to the top of the Leg and stayed there for years. Dude was a sharp dresser and a sharp operator. I mean no disrespect. Willie got things done, including for black folks, and he was no more corrupt than your average politician. He also had an eye for the ladies. When Harris was younger and prettier, she was Willie’s arm candy. She wound up getting good-paying positions on a few governmental boards that she was not qualified for, and they became a springboard for her to become a higher- and higher-level prosecuting attorney. Nothing illegal, and while there are reasons to complain about how she did her job — she was a pothead but sicced her office on pot smokers, f’rinstance — Harris was not overtly criminal. If you’re curious, you could Yandex it for details, but it’s not worth the molecules of greenhouse gas that would create to generate the electricity for a search.

        (WordPress playing funnybuggers with sign-in again)


        • yalensis says:

          Well, the ultimate irony would be if Kamala actually becomes Prez. There would be a sort of cosmic logic if that were to come to pass.
          I think I remember the stories about Willie now, wasn’t he the guy who uttered the famous words, “Bitch set me up!”


          • Bukko Boomeranger says:

            No, that was Marion Barry, the crack-smoking mayor of Washington, D.C. Uttered in 1990 after a hidden camera caught him in the act. Another politician close to my orbit, since I spent so many years living around that cesspit of official corruption. When I saw your comment, I thought it was Barry, but I had to Yandex it to be sure. Glad my memory for misdeeds is still working! FWIW, crack-smoking mayors aren’t always black. Remember Doug Ford in Toronto? He’s dead now, but his brother is running the city. Hopefully while not smoking anything illegal.


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