Ukraine War Day #806: Happy Victory Day!

Dear Readers:

Wishing everyone a Happy Victory Day this May 9, 2024! Deep bow and thanks to our ancestors, who saved us from the Nazi monsters.

Speaking of monsters, a quick scan of Westie press headlines (America, Europe, Canada) shows a complete disdain and contempt for the Soviet achievement, coupled with a pro-Nazi slant and a goodly dose of PDS (Putin Derangement Syndrome).

Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, went so far as to claim that the United States, 79 years ago, fought along their Ukrainian allies in the struggle against the totalitarian regimes of Hitler and Stalin!!

Russia’s Ministry of Defense spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, called this statement a “monstrous distortion of history” and went so far as to call Karine herself a monster (Чудовище), which this deranged woman clearly is. Unfortunately, this kind of talk is not just a product of Karine’s own personal ignorance (which is a feature of her tiny vicious little brain) but reflects the actual “thinking” and policies of the Biden Administration, indeed of every Westie administration. Karine was not speaking impromptu, but reading off of notes that were prepared for her by somebody else. One only has to think back a few months to the standing ovation delivered to Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian Parliament, when it was announced that “He fought against the Russians in World War II.” These Westie rulers and elites literally believe that Hitler’s minions were the good guys in WWII.

Soviet Troops Were The Good Guys

Meanwhile, I have this other piece by reporter/historian Vladimir Nagirnyak. He tells a little-known story, how the Red Army worked to save ordinary German civilians from famine and plague, towards the end, as Victory approached. The tone is one of humanism and reconciliation. As opposed to the nasty and hateful tone of the Westie propaganda pieces, which seek to dehumanize and demonize the Russian soldiers.

[yalensis: Me, I see this as a fable proving how the basic humanism at the core of the Marxist ideology was able to survive, like a hardy tardigrade, even through the bad times and distortions of the Stalin period.]

According to Nagirnyak: As the Red Army approached the final battle for Berlin itself, the decisive role was played by the soldiers in the rear. In charge of supplies and logistics, these guys receive very little glory, as compared to the tank drivers and artillery soldiers. And yet their role was key, and they should be thanked by everyone, including German civilians.

Their role was to keep the army supplied with food, fuel, and timely transport. Marshal Georgy Zhukov, the overall Commander of the operation, gave his respect to the “truly heroic workers of the rear” who aced every assignment that was given to them. And, as we shall see, their work played an important role when the time came to assist and support the needs of ordinary German civilians, especially women and children, when they were in distress.

[to be continued]

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27 Responses to Ukraine War Day #806: Happy Victory Day!

  1. nardami says:

    Actually she said no such thing…it appears your sources are deep fakes. As much as I despise her and her “uncle”, this never happened except in Russian-language sources.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      Hm, Okay, I did some research, I reckon you are referring to this tweet by Shayan Sardarizadeh who claims that Karine never said that, and the words were put into her mouth by AI fake.

      Sardarizadeh links this youtube which he says is the full press conference:

      So, I tortured myself by watching the entire press conference, all 43 minutes of it, with that unendurable twat. And you’re right that she never says that thing.

      Now the reporter in the fake tweet (I’ll stipulate that it’s fake), he’s the guy in the blue-white pinstriped shirt and red-white polka-dot tie, his segment starts at 18:28 minutes in and ends at 22:26 minutes in; and he only ever talks about Gaza, not Ukraine. Curiously, it is right in the middle of this segment that the deaf-interpretor suddenly switches from the man to the woman.

      Which doesn’t matter, because, looking at the fake, it is very clearly a fake, even I can see that. Seems like they did a lousy job lip-synching the reporter to put these words into his mouth, but a rather good job lip-synching Karine herself.

      Frankly, I don’t blame Zakharova for falling for this fake. Not that it was well done, but it just seems so damned plausible, considering everything, especially what happened in the Canadian Parliament. In Zakharova’s defense, although her English is good, she may have been relying on the Russian subtitles and not paying attention to the moving of the lips.

      I expect once this is pointed out to Zakharova, that she will retract at least some of what she said. Maybe not the “monster” part, because these people are actually monsters, all the same.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The really pathetic thing is that we had to be told that this was fake.


        • yalensis says:

          I know. I blame neither Zakharova for believing it, nor even myself for repeating it. It just seemed so utterly plausible that nobody even thought to fact-check. I mean, we KNOW that these people actually believe exactly that. And they said as much in the Canadian Parliament. And we have heard it in so many other places too, this is their core belief. So we were just, like, Aha! they said it out loud!


  2. ccdrakesannetnejp says:

    Thank you for pointing out hidden but important aspects of WW2. All I heard about when I was young was that the Red Army consisted of brutish animals and that they used mass rape as part of their military strategy. In school no one told me that in the spring of 1945 Churchill tried to persuade the US to gather all the Wehrmacht pows together and form an army that could immediately make a Blitzkrieg march on Moscow and end communism forever. Luckily the US refused, not for the right reasons but because the Wehrmacht was too exhausted and emaciated to do anything. Basically the thinking of Hitler and Churchill was the same when it came to the USSR… spite of the fact that 80% of the victories over Germany were won by the Red Army, as you point out.

    Ms. Jean-Pierre’s tawdry fantasies were first concocted not by the US (Snyder, etc.) but by the Banderites, especially in the OUN-b group, who surrendered mostly to the Americans at the end of WW2 and were welcomed by US military intel and given safe lodging and working space in the US occupation zone, especially in Munich. Vienna was also a gathering point, though many Banderites and former SS Waffen soon fled to Britain, Canada, and the US. Most of the Banderite “intellectuals,” however, stayed in southern Germany for several years, during which time they concocted a thick Banderite “Bible” about the many unjust attacks on the virtuous “Ukrainians” and their equal persecution by both the Nazis and the Commies. The Great Persecution in this narrative begins with the defeat of the Ukrainian Republic under Symon Petliura after WW1 by the Bolshies, and no mention is made of the mass pogroms against Jews carried out by the Republic. The Holodomor myth claiming that the deadly famines of the early 1930s were deliberate genocide by the USSR began to spread in the 1930s in Galitsia and then flowered in many books in the postwar years. In order to whitewash Banderite collaboration with the Nazis, the Banderite history books claim that the OUN opposed both the Nazis and Reds since both were equally bad. Sincew 2014 this has become dogma in the Ukrainian school system. What actually happened, however, was that when it became clear in in 1943 and 1944 that the Red Army was winning and would soon return to Ukraine SSR, the OUN (among themselves) began putting a bit of distance between themselves and the Nazis and putting out feelers to the “western” Allies, pointing out how useful to them they could be as anti-Russian agents. Then, in the late 20th century, the Banderite-oriented part of the diaspora, especially in the US and Canada, did most of the work spreading the Banderite Gospel in Washington DC and Ottawa. Ms. Jean-Pierre is just a pitiful puppet in all this who simply does as she is told. Of course she is cynical and surely knows what she is doing, but she is only an underling, not the real problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. TomA says:

    I appreciate your ire at the outrageous statements emanating from Western governments in regard to the victory over Nazism, which was largely won by the Red Army and at the cost of tens of millions of Russians lost to that war. And thank God that some people on this planet still revere that sacrifice and accomplishment. But the Russian people have prevailed over enormous hardship and oppression during the past century and now are stronger than ever. Steel has been forged from that gauntlet. Your future is bright.

    Today, the West is in the throes of a decline much like the Soviet Union experienced in the 1980s. We have decaying, corrupt, and incompetent geriatric leaders that afflict us with ever growing depravity and insanity. Our gauntlet is yet to begin. Can you lend us another Putin?


  4. Beluga says:

    Every country is full of myths, and the general BS gets bolder with each passing day. I no more believe all the Russian stories about darn fine fellows helping out German women and chidren than I do the US sneering at the Brits that they won WW1 and 2 in Europe for them. Been subjected to the latter for a lifetime.

    Given the general rewrites of history to which all countries are prone to bolster their self-esteem at being damn fine fellows, not like those other guys over there, I’ll look at the big picture for a day and let the mere horseshite balance itself out. The big picture itself does not balance everything, however.

    Russia won the European war gainst Nazi Germany. Thankyou . Happy Victory Day!


    • yalensis says:

      Happy Victory Day back at you! You will see, however, in tomorrow’s post that the Russians helping German women and children is not a myth. There are actual, real numbers about the logistics involved, down to the number of tons of potatoes delivered to feed the hungry Berliners. A whole section of the Red Army was devoted to this project.


      • Jean Meslier says:

        It is indeed not a myth. A cursory google search gave me this result (see the “commander of Berlin” and “honorary citizenship” sections). A bona fide Hero of the Soviet Union.

        Unless, of course, you consider Wikipedia a russophile propagandist rag 😉


        • yalensis says:

          I was similarly pleasantly surprised when it took me only a few seconds, in a Westie search engine, to find that Alamy photo (you’ll see in today’s post) of smiling Soviet soldiers ladling out soup for German civilians. I had expected all that to be scrubbed by now, in favor of the “raping barbarians” motif.


  5. Thick Red Duke says:

    I suspect this will backfire, just like everything else the West does. When you position yourself on the side that opposed the Soviet Union in WW2 you’re partying up with the loser, Nazi Germany. It doesn’t matter how much you insist that you fought Adolf. The Global South outside Russia, to the extent they’re interested in WW2, can clearly see that the US and Europe stand side by side with Germany and Japan as well as with the new kid on the genocide podium, Israel.

    This raises the question of how relevant WW2 is. Today’s 20 year old students were born 60 years after WW2. History is hardly taught in school, and it’s unlikely they’ve talked much with people who experienced the war. So subtract 60 years from your own date of birth and see how much you care about what happened back then.

    I think many people have no interest in listening to squabbles about who did what almost a century ago. It’s a lot easier to simply draw the conclusion that, then like now, Germany, Japan, EU, US, UK were all the same: evil fascist states.


    • yalensis says:

      I may be different from the normal, but I actually care about history going way back, even as far as Sumeria. I think earlier than Sumeria I don’t really care. But everything after that, I not only care, but I passionately take sides! Usually my side loses though, for example I back Darius against Alexander, and Carthage against Rome. Only rarely does my team get to win!


      • Jean Meslier says:

        I take sides in nearly every historical conflict I’ve encountered, mostly on very biased grounds 🙂

        I back Darius against Alexander, but, of course, Rome against Carthage (the young patriotic citizen’s republic vs the fat merchant hegemon, never was any doubt for me 🙂 – against the Gauls, that’s another matter…)


        • yalensis says:

          I mean, I like Italians a lot, but I also like the Phoenicians, they were very smart people and knew how to invent an alphabet. Also, the Trojan hero Aeneas started the whole feud when he snuck out on Queen Dido, leaving her heartbroken in the middle of the night.

          Tiepolo: The capture of Carthage


          • australianlady9 says:

            And don’t forget the Etruscans.


            • yalensis says:

              E-Truscans from E-Trojans

              They were the digital version of the Trojans. (Little joke, but I am not making up the basic etymology, the Etruscans really were the same people who fled from Troy, historians believe…)


              • australianlady9 says:

                Now that’s why I like reading your posts, yalensis.

                Alittle personal aside – I’ve always had a thing for that Golden Boy Hector. Plus his sister was terrific.


              • yalensis says:

                “What’s Hecuba to thee, or thou to Hecuba?”

                No, seriously, I love the Trojans too. Achilles was basically a pig, but Hector was a true hero, I agree with you there. And he had some terrific sisters, especially Cassandra.

                I have probably asked you this before, so forgive me, but my dull brain can’t remember, did you ever get a chance to see Mozart’s brilliant opera Ideomeneo? It’s about those very characters. The heroine is another of Hector’s sisters, Ilia. Who is taken away to Crete to serve in the household of King Ideomeneus, one of the Greek heroes who commanded the inner-horse cavalry (i.e., hid away inside the horse). Unlike most of the other Greeks, Idomeneus is not a pig, he’s a mostly nice guy who doesn’t commit war crimes; and his son, Idamante is also a nice guy who falls in love with Ilia. Before they can consummate their love, this young couple have to deal with various threats which include a sea monster, the god Neptune, and, most fearsome of all, a crazed schizo-Elektra who has an obsessive bunny-boiling thing for Idamante! This nutcase was not having a good morning at all that day… So the morning did not become her at all… not to mention she was having a bad hair day… [have I tossed out enough jokes and puns already…]


              • australianlady9 says:

                Never had the pleasure of experiencing Mozart’s Ideomeneo yalensis, but I shall see what YouTube has to offer. Thanks for the encouragement and for informing me of Cassandra’s other sisters.

                I’m about to go on holiday and that could make for pleasant after hours hotel room recreation.

                By the way, I think you have a very shiny, highly polished brain!


              • yalensis says:

                Why, thank you kindly, Dear Australian Lady! I pride myself on my shiny brain. It is so smooth (none of those unsightly ridges and grooves) that you could literally heat it up and fry an egg on it.

                As for Idomeneo, I hope you can find a good version on youtube. One good version I saw, back in the day, was at the Met. I even wrote a 2-part review of this production on my blog, back when I was doing opera reviews. This was WAY back in 2017!

                You can read my review if you want. But maybe wait until after you have seen the opera yourself, because my review contains SPOILERS!


      • Thick Red Duke says:

        I rarely take a side. I think they’re all wicked. But I do enjoy reading about evil rulers or military commanders being killed.


  6. S Brennan says:

    And who are these “western leaders” that denigrate the sacrifice millions of Russian Soldiers in WW II ? For the most part, they have never served a day in their respective country’s Army/Marines. No indeed, the US has a verifiable fetish in not electing as president, a Viet Nam veteran. Draft dodgers, child-rapists, non-service people, no problem, but, actual service to country during a time of war…”nah, we’re not going to let that happen”..said the apparatchik from Langley VA. 

    Could it be that like JFK, those who have actual combat experience, those who share the enlisted man’s suffering are often times most inclined to question the rubrics that lead to war? Could it be that enduring what the ordinary man endures forever changes a man and cast doubts upon a man’s “fitness” to commit the country to a senseless war by those who rule in the shadows?

    TASS News Agency reports that a US Colonel [Ret.], Frank Cohn, who saw combat in WW II, gives Russia it’s due while the draft-dodging elite line up behind the velvet curtain obscuring “western” Nazi-sympathizers…those who, discredit the Russian peoples great sacrifices in WW II:

    “There’s no question that the Russians changed what was going on at Stalingrad and they started to move westward and we had our invasion. If the Russians hadn’t kept a lot of German troops at the eastern front, we would have been in a very bad shape. We never would have had a foothold in our invasion if it wasn’t for what was going on on the Russian side”

    I’ll take the good US Colonel [Ret.], Frank Cohn’s word over any of the non-service/BS-service pols in DC or London. Is it not sad that western-leaders and their media-minions, who never served a day, can’t, on rare occasion, acknowledge reality?


  7. hismastersvoice says:

    Oh dear, it was such a nice story — I mean, the fake White House statement — that it really ought to be true

    I am sure that there was a lot of rape and murder happening in Eastern Germany at the end of the war. There was also a lot of it happening in Western Germany (and earlier on in France) carried out by mainly rear-echelon troops of the US Army. But that somehow didn’t get into the history-books during the Cold War. Also, if I recall correctly, the Nazis themselves were not altogether utterly restrained in their behaviour earlier on in the war in Eastern Europe, although that gradually got edited out of most of the history-books until today they mostly ignore the slaughter of Slavs and Gypsies (who according to current European positions apparently dserve to die anyway).

    Obviously the Soviet Army had good reason not to allow millions of Germans to starve to death around them. They’d have died of the consequent diseases. Just as the Western occupation forces did not allow millions of Germans to starve to death although they did, apparently, deliberately limit the amount of calories which the Germans were allowed to have (rather like the Israelis in their blockade of Gaza before October 2023).


    • yalensis says:

      From what I understand, the Americans pretty much raped their way across Western Europe. Where they didn’t rape openly, they turned local girls into prostitutes by dangling nylon stockings and chocolate bars in front of their starving eyes.


  8. John Jennings says:

    yalensis, belated Happy Victory Day to you, and to all my fellow Awful Avalanche readers. I hope and pray that very soon, we have a 21st-century Victory Day to celebrate.


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