Who Stole 143 Tons of Gold From the Libyan People?

I admit that I don’t follow American politics as much as I should, at least not on a day-by-day basis.  It’s just too depressing.  Sometimes it reminds me of that famous Russian saying about  пауки в банке – “spiders in a jar”.  Meaning,  that if you force a bunch of spidies to live together in a jar, then they will cuddle and learn to peacefully coexist ….. NOT.  In this metaphor, it is understood that the spiders are the politicians, and the jar is the American political scene.  With various spiders running for President and trying to bite each other in the process.

And one of these spiders, maybe the biggest one, is named Hillary Clinton.  And apparently, this has been going on for some time, there was a big scandal whereby Clinton, when she was Obama’s Secretary of State, used her personal email account to conduct governmental affairs.  Therefore, there were lawsuits, or whatever, to force her to disclose these emails, because there are laws that official correspondence has to be properly stored in official archives.

Consequently, at the beginning of last month,  around 5,000 pages of the something-like 55,000 pages of Clinton’s “official/personal” correspondence have been published.  Clinton has withheld the lion’s share of the correspondence, but even the paltry stream that has seen the light of day, opens a sticky, filthy edge of the curtain on all the dirty, sticky, secret stuff that has been going on behind the scenes among the Rulers and Exceptional People such as Bubba’s Wife and the other trailer trash reknowned American political leaders.

This piece from VZGLIAD  is entitled:

Clinton’s Emails Have Disclosed the Real Reason for Gaddafi’s Overthrow

Those of us who have memories slightly longer than that of a spider, remember how Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi was violently overthrown and murdered by rampaging jihadists, in 2011.  Along with Gaddafi, his entire family was either destroyed, assassinated, arrested, or sent into exile.

Gaddafi had led Libya for many years and even decades, patching together a successful and wealthy multi-ethnic, multi-tribal, but basically Arab state driven by quasi-socialist principles.  Based on the notions of an extensive social-welfare network and sharing the wealth.

Gaddafi was a decent man who doted on his family.

As he aged, Gaddafi lost his movie-star good looks – in his murder-video, it was revealed that he had lost his mop of curly hair and wore a wig – an old man’s vanity.  Also, as he aged, Gaddafi had cultivated an aura of eccentricity, which caused some Western pundits to peg him as crazy/unhinged; but underneath it all, Gaddafi still possessed that same keen intelligence which took an ex-colonial backwater like Libya, and turned it into an Arab-speaking nation of wealth and repute.  Libya enjoyed an excellent system of health and education.  Gaddafi’s government sponsored vast engineering projects which brought irrigation and made the desert bloom.  Libya was a powerful and wealthy country; and oil revenues were shared by the people.

Towards the end of Gaddafi’s life, before Clinton Happened, Libya had managed to accumulate 140 tons of sovereign gold.  The Libyan government planned to use that gold, not just to raise the living standard of Libyans themselves, but also as a development fund, to drive the economic development of sub-Saharan Africa as well.  Many important development projects were lined up and just waiting to kick-off.

The Empire Strikes Back

Well, according to the rules of the Colonial Empire, sub-Saharan Africans are not allowed to be successful.  Nor Arabs – unless they are Saudis or vassals of the Saudis. Therefore, Gaddafi had to go.

According to the VZGLIAD piece, Clinton’s correspondence reveals that the Americans were worried about Libya’s huge reserves of gold and oil.   Their chief worry was that Gaddafi — as he had sometimes promised to do — would use Libyan gold as the basis for a pan-African currency.  Which would have fit beautifully into the proposed pan-African development bank whose goal was to turn sub-Saharan Africa, especially the African “Francophone” nations, into “tiger-states” of economic boom.

These plans were seen to go against the interests of both the U.S. and also its vassal, France, which was eager to regain military/economic influence in its ex-colonies in Africa.


All of this is laid out here, this link opens to a PDF file which is an image of one of Clinton’s emails.  If you click on the link, a thingy will come up on the bottom of your screen asking if you want to open the PDF.  I think it’s safe to open it; it comes up in another window.

This particular email is very telling.  It is dated April 2, 2011, and is written by a guy named “Sid” to Hillary Clinton.  Just reading the email, it is clear that we are in the presence of true sociopaths:  Clinton, this guy Sid, Sarkozy, Bernard Henri-Levy, all spiders from the same jar.

For: Hillary From: Sid Re: France’s client & Qaddafi’s gold

1. A high ranking official on the National Libyan Council states that factions have developed within it. In part this reflects the cultivation by France in particular of clients among the rebels. General Abdelfateh Younis is the leading figure closest to the French, who are believed to have made payments of an unknown amount to him. Younis has told others on the NLC that the French have promised they will provide military trainers and arms. So far the men and materiel have not made an appearance. Instead, a few “risk assessment analysts” wielding clipboards have come and gone. Jabril, Jalil and others are impatient. It is understood that France has clear economic interests at stake. Sarkozy’s occasional emissary, the intellectual self-promoter Bernard Henri-Levy, is considered by those in the NLC who have dealt with him as a semi-useful, semi-joke figure.

2. Rumors swept the NLC upper.  echelon this week that Qaddafi may be dead or maybe not.

3. Qaddafi has nearly bottomless financial resources to continue indefinitely, according to the latest report we have received:
On April 2, 2011 sources with access to advisors to Salt al-Islam Qaddafi stated in strictest confidence that while the freezing of Libya’s foreign bank accounts presents Muammar Qaddafi with serious challenges, his ability to equip and maintain his armed forces and intelligence services remains intact. According to sensitive information available to this these individuals, Qaddafi’s government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver. During late March, 2011 these stocks were moved to SABHA (south west in the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from the vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli.
This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French.franc (CFA).
(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues:

a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
b. Increase French influence in North Africa,
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05779612 Date: 12/31/2015
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05779612 Date: 12/31/2015
c. Improve his intemai political situation in France,
d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,
e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa)
On the afternoon of April 1, an individual with access to the National Libyan Council (NLC) stated in private that senior officials of the NLC believe that the rebel military forces are beginning to show signs of improved discipline and fighting spirit under some of the new military commanders, including Colonel Khalifha Haftar, the former commander of the antiQaddafi forces in the Libyan National Army (LNA). According to these sources, units defecting from Qaddafi’s force are also taking a greater role in the fighting on behalf of the rebels:

After Gaddafi’s murder: Al Qaeda flags fly proudly over Benghazi.

And interestingly enough, this letter is among those which Clinton did NOT classify; apparently she didn’t see anything particularly damning in it.

After all, what would the Libyans have done with all that gold anyhow?  Just built schools, hospitals, irrigation projects, and funded African development?  All laughably unimportant, compared to such goals as:

  1. Strengthening Sarkozy’s political position at home
  2. Putting Hillary Clinton into the White House; or
  3. Solidifying Bernard-Henri Lévy’s reputation as the “moral conscience” of our time.  (If “moral conscience” includes such notions as promoting colonial wars and genocide.)

Yes, But Where Is the Gold?

Bottom line:  Nobody knows where the missing gold is.

Where the f*** is the gold? Does Clinton know?

All we know for sure is that Gaddafi, the man whose leadership brought so much wealth to Libya, was brutally murdered by a mob of Western-paid, Western-armed jihadi rabble.

Who didn’t merely kill him, but also tortured and sodomized him first.  Not forgetting to videotape their actions, for the viewing pleasure of their masters, who likes them some snuff porn.

And that Hillary Clinton watched this video, was delighted by it, as one of the commenters to the VZGLIAD piece notes, “She acts like a child who was just given a piece of candy.”

Laughed out loud, and exclaimed:  “We came, we saw, HE DIED!”

And this is the woman who would become President of the United States of America.  Abe Lincoln is sobbing in his grave.

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94 Responses to Who Stole 143 Tons of Gold From the Libyan People?

  1. mukul chand says:

    I doubt she will be President. However that is another matter. Nice Post detailing how another country was destroyed .

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      Thanks again, Mukul. I would like to say “It’s my pleasure,” but obviously it is not. It is very painful and infuriating to watch nations being destroyed. I would prefer to just write about fun things, like movies and operas.

      Anyhow, I honestly don’t know if Hillary will be President or not. I try to avert my eyes from day-to-day American politics, opinion polls, etc.!

      Liked by 2 people

    • So Hillary’s Arab Spring was a big lie?

      Liked by 1 person

    • per gunnar merakerli says:

      øøøøhh, a rapist, a tarrorist ( Lockerbie-plase ) and lots more, who shot down 1200 people in a prison( the start of the revolution) put to jail thousands of innocent people, stole trillions of dollars from his own people. He was not clever in anything, we know that, because we have his speaches on video ! He wa a narcisist, any normal person could se that. He threathened to kill pople, gioing in their houses, as he said, to stop the demonstrants, THEN, NATO came and stopped him from doing what happened in Syria. He was nothing but a sick M.F dictator….. WHAT is the point in defending this animal !???

      Liked by 1 person

      • yalensis says:

        That’s a ludicrous comment, Per.
        “NATO stopped Gaddafi from doing what happened in Syria?” What a ridiculous assertion.

        It was exactly the other way around.
        More like, NATO destroyed Libya using terrorist goons, then attempted the same for Syria, but fortunately have been stopped.
        I take it you are a jihadist and NATO supporter?

        Liked by 2 people

      • mukul chand says:

        Well it was indeed an article posted by you ages ago. Am happy that Hillary lost the elections, is all I can say for now.

        Liked by 1 person

        • yalensis says:

          Dear Mukul:
          For some reason, people are still reading that article, even though it was posted a long time ago!
          Anyhow, I hear what you say, I was happy about Hillary losing too.
          Trump is no treat either, but hopefully he won’t start a war his first day in office!

          Liked by 2 people

          • mukul chand says:

            Tks for responding, time alone will tell what will happen in the future. Wishing you a Very Happy New Year.


          • Jen says:

            I bet everyone loves reading articles about gold, especially stolen gold and its whereabouts. The old James Bond flick “Goldfinger” is still popular and gets re-runs on TV now and again.

            Also saw your discussion with Takinitin further down the comments thread and saw something about the use of sodomy in Muslim societies. This is only a guess on my part that male-on-male sodomy is an expression of absolute power and victory, it’s not purely an act of sexual perversion or hints at an underlying repressed homosexuality (although of course that depends on the motivation of the individual performing it on the victim), and the custom could very well pre-date Islam itself, although like other customs such as female circumcision and girls marrying their fathers’ brothers (which the Qu’ran frowns upon as a no-no) it has probably gone wherever Islam has gone. Ancient Greeks were known to have scorned back-entry sexual intercourse as it was done by husbands to wives (and it is reminiscent of a man ploughing his fields with oxen) and not between equals, and something of this attitude may have lasted to the present day. So male-on-male sodomy reduces a male victim to the status of a woman.


            • yalensis says:

              As far as I know, man-on-man (or man-on-boy rape) exists in all societies, regardless of religion or social mores.
              Why do they do it?
              Disturbing answer: “Because they can.”
              Like, men in power, priestly castes, etc. It always seems to happen when you have a closed caste of powerful men who have access to boys and nobody around to tell them they can’t do it.

              And speaking of sodomy, the Russian press is full of this story about Lyashko and his grown-up boyfriend Yury Sukhin flying off to Thailand (at Ukrainan taxpayer expense) for a vacation in Phuket.
              I thought about doing a post on this, but then decided it was beneath me.
              (But not beneath a comment – heh heh!)

              If I had to bet money, I’d say that Lyashko and Sukhin are going for the boy-sex action, for which Thailand is famous. I feel sorry for those Thai boys, Lyashko is known to be a bully who likes to push other people around..

              Liked by 1 person

  2. davidt says:

    Yes, another interesting post. Apparently, Hillary’s comment “We came, we saw, he died” was a rehearsed response to boot, so, one way or the other, it captures the essence of the woman.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      You mean she actually INTENDED to say that?! Jesus Christ, what a freaking psychopath!
      Actually, if Hillary had rehearsed something piquant for the press, then she should have said it in Latin:
      “Veni, vidi, et mortuus est.”

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jennifer Hor says:

    This is an excellent post, one not likely to be repeated in content and in the way it links the legacy of Colonel Gadhafi’s rule, his ambitions for Libya and Africa generally through the gold dinar and an African common market, Hillary Clinton’s emails, and NATO and France’s reasons for invading Libya. This should go to Russia Insider.

    Well done, Yalensis!

    Liked by 3 people

    • yalensis says:

      Thanks, Jennifer! Yeah, like I mentioned to Lyttenburgh, the American press is all over this, but focusing on the wrong things, like the Ambassador Stevens thing.
      It’s like ordinary Americans still don’t want to face the fact that their government are murderers and thieves.

      Oh, and I just realized, that the phrase in English “Spiders in a Jar” has the same beat as that famous Frank Sinatra song. So we, can start crooning:

      Spiders in a Jar,
      Be doobie doobie
      Spiders in a Jar,
      Be doobie doobie,
      Scooby-dooby doo be dooby dooby do-o-o-o-o-o!

      Liked by 2 people

      • It is imperative this gold is returned to Libya. The 18 trillion that America owes China is looking like it won’t be returned any day soon. No wonder they are going for the gold yuan and more power to them for so doing. I hope to see the BRICS banks take off in all those countries and give the banksters a run for their worthless monopoly money. People need to organise and have these greedy and duplicitous people ran out of town. Gold is heading towards China and India. They’re au fait with what’s transpiring. Will there be anything left in London?


        • The US debt to China is less than one trillion conman986. Why would you inflate that number twenty times over? The BRICS nations are all in recessions bordering on depression. China is facing a debt crisis of enormous proportions and will likely default. Your analysis is just a bunch of make believe.


  4. Lyttenburgh says:

    1) Who Stole 143 Tons of Gold From the Libyan People?

    The US politicians must learn a thing a two from the modern age experts of bullshiting their way out of any situations – the inheritors of the Great Ukrs Civilization!

    Case in study – het’man Victor “Rotten Face” Yuschenko and his now (in)famous claim that “Ці руки нічого не крали!” (These hands didn’t stole anything!)

    Go complete denial! Deny the existence of gold, deny your and your allies connection to its “expropriation” – good Gnomes of Zurich won’t rat you out anyway.

    2) The fact that Henri “Pie-in-the-face” Bernard Levi, this… “conscience of the epoch”… was sooooo deeply involved is both sickening and really no longer surprising.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      Dear Lyttenburg:

      On my monster-o-meter, I claim that Hillary is a worse person than Viktor Dioxinovich. Because V.D. knew that it was wrong to steal, so even though he stole, he denied it and lied about it.
      Whereas Hillary is proud of what she did. She could have suppressed that email, but she didn’t. Like any arrogant criminal, she wants to brag about her heist: “Ці руки багато крали! — Це перемога!”

      By the way, it turns out that the “Sid” in the emails is Hillary’s dear friend Sid Blumenthal.
      Blumenthal had money invested in a defense contractor that wanted to sell arms to the Libyan rebels. I have reason to believe, that Sid’s motives were less than pure.
      As opposed to Bernard-Henri Lévy, the philosopher of “Just War”, whose motives are as pure as those of angels; whose sole concern is the good of the human race, and the great moral victory of democracy against tyranny. [sarc]

      Here is another link. Everybody is doing this story now. Many Americans are still upset about Ambassador Stevens’ death. Personally, I could give a sh*t about Stevens, he was just another spider in the jar, another monster who plotted to destroy the Libyan people.
      Somehow he ticked off his own jihadi goons. They came, they saw, he died.

      Earlier I saw a link, and I’m kicking myself now, because I didn’t save it, and I can’t find it, according to which “Sid” was highly critical of Bernard-Henri Lévy. Even mocked him mercilessly. If anybody can find that link again, I would be grateful.

      Like I said, spiders in a jar.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Takinitin says:

        Please give proof that Ambassador Stevens deserved to be burned, sodomized in the streets, and left in a roadside ditch to die. And that he was trying to destroy Libyan people??? From what I heard, Stevens was about to reveal arms deals HRC initiated. You may recall that weapons and numerous missiles were stolen in Libya during the Benghazi seige.

        Wikileaks’s emails show that HRC intentionally put Steven’s daily schedule out so that he could be tracked by those who were supposed to kill him. What did Stevens and the 3 American elite forces guards do to warrant your wrath and lack of compassion? We really would like to know what it is that you know?


        • yalensis says:

          Dear Takinitin:
          Sorry, I was in a hurry, and I didn’t notice this comment before, so I want to reply to it.
          I certainly don’t believe that Stevens, or anybody, deserves to be sodomized and murdered, no matter what they did. Those acts are horrible and cannot be condoned.

          From what I understand, it was the usual terrorists who did that to him, no?
          They had some kind of falling out? That was my understanding of the matter.
          The blowback of it was the big scandal which harmed Hillary. Republicans accused her of being lax in the Benghazi security, but that was obviously a deflection from the main issue; namely, what were the American State Dept up to in the first place using their Benghazi consulate?


          • Takinitin says:

            Thanks for the attention to my comments. I really do appreciate your straight-forward responses.

            Benghazi was not actually a consulate. It was a CIA outpost. Other embassies had closed and evacuated from Libya, but the US Embassy in Tripoli tried to remain open amidst threats of attack. The staff moved to hotels and then the relocated to Benghazi for security reasons when no additional US help came for Stevens in Tripoli. Unfortunately his plans for movement were sent via email on HRC’s private server and were not secured. Among the Benghazi terrorist attackers were many of the very guards trained to secure the outpost.

            Perhaps sodomy is simply part of the culture… Ghaddafi was also sodomized (while alive) by his attackers.


            • yalensis says:

              Thanks, Takinitin, I appreciate your knowledge of these matters.
              I was not aware of all these details, nor that Hillary’s email server was part of the problem, although that doesn’t surprise me.
              Again, I don’t necessarily have a beef against Stevens himself, nor do I believe that he deserved what befell him. I am sure that he was a patriot carrying out his orders.
              My main problem here is with U.S. foreign policy itself, the “regime change” issue, what they did to Gaddafi, and what they attempted to do to Assad in Syria.

              That’s all part of the larger picture.

              Liked by 1 person

  5. Fern says:

    Terrific post, yalensis. If I could add one further point – the free and independent western media™ has never shown much in the way of interest in investigating where all the Libyan gold and silver went. The perfect example of the cover given to imperialism by both the humanitarian interventionists and the press.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      Thanks, Fern. Yes, one would think that tenacious Freedom Journalists would be on the hunt for the gold…. hee hee, I just made myself laugh.

      However, be careful what you wish for. If they DID take an interest, then, instead of “Libya’s gold”, they would call it “Gaddafi’s gold”, thus personalizing everything and implying that the old dictator owned all of his country’s wealth.
      So, it would be “Gaddafi’s gold”, just like “Saddam’s oil”, etc.

      However, I noticed in Killery’s email correspondence that she and Sid did not make these childish mistakes. They are adults talking to adults, and Sid was perfectly aware that the gold belonged to the Libyan STATE and that it was going to be used for development projects.

      In conclusion, if I had to make an educated (wild) guess, I would say that the gold is currently in Fort Knox. Or maybe Bernard-Henri Lévy has it stashed away in his Paris flat, who knows?

      Liked by 1 person

      • yalensis says:

        P.S. – I guess what the world could use now is a new “Siegfried” type hero to go on a quest and find the gold.


      • Jen says:

        I wonder if gold bars are stamped or imprinted with traceable serial numbers at the time they are created. The serial number need not be on the bar itself, it can be on the core around which the bar is formed.

        Ah, here we go:

        Liked by 1 person

        • yalensis says:

          Dear Jen:
          I assume the thieves would just melt the bars down and reforge into new bars without the stamps? Is that a stupid assumption?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Jen says:

            Yes the thieves could melt the gold bars down and reforge them if they had cooking pots and stoves capable of withstanding temperatures at and above 1,064 degrees Celsius / nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (the melting point of gold).

            Liked by 1 person

            • …”if they had cooking pots and stoves capable of withstanding temperatures at and above 1,064 degrees “…

              Scuse… First time here. Was only going to lurk a while, but a lifelong glassblower and metal-crafter simply must mention how gold refining and casting has been done by “primitive” peoples since ancient times. Even today, a refractory clay crucible supported and ringed-about on appropriately refractory rocks such as, say, granite, and a good hot wood fire underneath, plus a bellows and someone to reliably work it are all that are really required for small quantities of the metal in question. Surely the real thieves have ready access to any number of modern-equipped specialty foundries within their criminal circle, happy to quietly take on a leetle re-melt job for an old family friend, no?

              So imho there really are many ways to skin that particular cat “under the radar” of the Lawful World. State-level looting and affiliated ownership of key industries that support it (banking/repository industry and all, right down to that hypothetical little back-alley foundry) just do run in certain spidery. lizard-like families, now don’t they…?

              Just sayin’ – and that is all. 0{:-)o[

              Liked by 1 person

            • yalensis says:

              Dear revwalkingturtle:
              Excellent points – and thank you for sharing your technical/historical expertise!


            • Jen says:

              You can buy kits and portable furnaces to melt small amounts of gold to make your own gold bars and Youtube has instructional videos as well.

              It would be easier though to create transaction documents demonstrating that the Libyan government or its central bank had “sold” the gold and silver to the thieves who have the bullion. There’d be no need to melt down the gold and silver bars.

              Also one other thing to consider is that some if not all of Libya’s gold and silver bullion might not have been physically in bank vaults in the country itself at the time of the NATO invasion; it might have been held in bank vaults in a third country and NATO could have demanded handover of the ownership documents.

              Liked by 1 person

            • yalensis says:

              Dear Jen:
              You sound like you have some experience in this area of smelting gold!

              Seriously though, in the Hillary-Sid emails they seem to indicate that the Gaddafi government took some steps to secure the gold and silver bars, perhaps by shipping them to a friendly African bank. One can hold out hope that the treasure horde is safe inside some vault somewhere, awaiting its return to its rightful owners: the Libyan people, who worked their butts off for several generations, to create this wealth.

              Dubious, though.

              Liked by 2 people

            • Jen says:

              I don’t claim to be a gold digger of any stripe at all.


              Liked by 2 people

            • yalensis says:

              Oh sure! We know your type.


  6. Jeff says:

    Jim Willie, author of the Golden Jackass Hat Trick Letter can point you in the direction of where the gold is –


  7. C. Moore says:

    I’d look for the gold in Tel Aviv.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jtremaine says:

    Reblogged this on Puppet Master's Slave Market.


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  10. s weil says:

    It would seem appropriate to ask Hillary about the matter on her last gig with us before she takes on another. The other question is whether the ambassador might have gotten killed over the heist.


    • yalensis says:

      You refer to Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens?
      Apparently he was into a lot of dodgy things.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Takinitin says:

        Why wouldn’t the “Syd” referred to in the revealing correspondences to HRC have been Sydney Blumenthal. That would have been my guess.


      • Takinitin says:

        To what dodgy things do you refer? If you know something we don’t, say it.


        • yalensis says:

          Arms running to Syrian rebels, among others, but I think that all came out publicly.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Takinitin says:

            I had never heard that. I followed Benghazi outpost attack very closely, read all the books, am a member of the Kris Paronto anti-ISIS activism group; and have heard him speak a number of times, but never heard anything about Stevens being anything but a patriot. He was gay and you wonder, in a country that kills gays, why he was even assigned to Libya.

            Some of the contractors there spoke of the gun running…. the one who came from Tripoli to help at Benghazi (deceased) admitted that’s why he was in Libya. I always thought Stevens loved the country, knew what the Sec of State was up to, and was blowing the whistle– and that he was set up to be killed.

            This is why Americans are hung up on the deaths of our embassy staff, elite soldiers and a US Ambassador. They were hung out to dry with no answers to requests for help, and while weapons, vehicles and a large amount of missiles were stolen by …..?. I’m sure the wealth had already been moved by then. It was a year later, and Rothschild’s Central Bank had been open in Libya for almost six months (it opened in March or April 2012).

            Please let us know where we can link to report on Stevens misdeeds. I would like to read about it.


            • yalensis says:

              Thanks for your comment, Takinitin. That’s an interesting angle. I did read some things about Stevens possibly blowing the whistle on Hillary. There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there. I mostly follow the Russian press. The gist of everything I read (and I am definitely not as well read on this story as you are) was that Stevens was carrying out State Dept policy to help overthrow Assad in Syria, using the same jihadist forces and armies as helped them to overthrow Gaddafi.

              I didn’t know that Stevens was gay, that shouldn’t make a difference to anyone, but, realistically you make a good point about assigning him to an Arab country, why did they do that? Well, maybe he was still the best man for the job. And that maybe wasn’t even a factor to the jihadists, who knows? They probably punished and killed him for reasons unrelated to that. Just because it’s what they do.


  11. Takinitin says:

    Why wouldn’t the “Syd” referred to in the revealing correspondences to HRC have been Sydney Blumenthal. That would have been my guess.


  12. Takinitin says:

    I believe at the time of this Western-led Lybian coup there was no Central Bank in Libya– one of only 2 countries in the world to distance itself from the Rothschild banks. I think it is safe to assume that a Central Bank was in full operation there immediately upon the demise of leader Ghaddafi.

    I also read that the various world governments, including that of the USA, engineered the downing of the Lockerby flight (the plane crash that killed so many US student youths) to frame Ghaddafi. So that he would look like a terrorist monster…. ?


  13. Takinitin says:

    Who owns 3/4 of all the wealth on the planet? Whose bank dominates everything everywhere in the world except in Libya? Who opened a Central Bank in Libya immediately after the killing of Ghaddafi?


  14. Takinitin says:

    It is estimated that Japan had over $100t in wealth when the YS dropped the bombs. What happened to that wealth? Rumors were that some of the gold was hidden in caves in the Philippines, and later searched for and dug up by Marcos. But a hundred trillion? Where is it?


  15. Takinitin says:

    Ghaddafi was killed Oct. 2011. The Benghazi raid was Sept 2012. Wouldn’t the gold have been removed by the time Benghazi was under attack?


  16. Tom says:

    Here is another piece in the puzzle of the reasons for the destruction of Libya, and the strange situation where the Americans provided real-time updates with satellite and intercepted communications to lead a rebel crew directly to the location where they could kill Ghaddafi.

    Ghaddafi and his sons made the fatal mistake of endorsing Obama as the Democratic Party nominee in the 2008 presidential race. They went on to endorse Obama during the 2008 election and the 2012 election.

    This enraged Hillary Clinton who, as is her fashion, blamed everyone but herself for her loss of the nomination. Clinton’s penchant for revenge is also legendary.

    Accounts of cabinet-level discussions prior to the decision of the Obama administration to greenlight the Libyan regime change operation make it clear that Clinton was pushing a very reluctant Obama to make the move. Was it just because of policy positions by her, the EU warhawks who wanted the regime change to promote energy security for Europe, the neocon ideologues she surrounded herself with? Or was it motivated at least partly by a desire for revenge?

    We’ll never know. But the highly unusual direct communication with a Libyan rebel hit squad using advanced technologies that are not usually used with non-state players had to be done with the approval of the State Department, and Clinton would have had to sign off on that se directly.

    Would Clinton with millions of dollars of taxpayer money, risk exposure of classified technological abilities to a terrorist organization, and cause thousands of deaths just because she wanted revenge on a guy who (in her mind) had contributed to her not reaching the White House?

    Do we even need to ask that question?


    • yalensis says:

      That is a very interesting theory, Tom. But we also need to factor in, that European nations, especially France, were completely on-board with supporting the “rebels” and with killing Gaddafi. Must have been something in it for them, too.


  17. Takinitin says:

    I believe the 2008 US Pres election included a deal for Clinton to drop out, serve as Sec of State in exchange for Obama’s help to get her get elected in ’16. I think Ghaddafi’s death was over global money (Central Bank finally opening in Libya, and Libyas stocked trillions in wealth), and weapons.


    • yalensis says:

      Yes, these are good points.
      My research also indicates that the Libyan government’s decision to fund a Central Bank and institute a gold dinar for African development, was the trigger for Western-sponsored regime change.
      American economy depends on petro-dollar, they cannot tolerate anything which undermines the U.S. dollar.


  18. Rich says:

    So what do I do if I know who took the gold?


  19. This a comment on the Libyan gold.
    Re: “All of this is laid out here, this link opens to a PDF file”

    This link is not open anymore, closed, I suppose by the State Department.

    I totally agree with your article/analysisyalensis and it my view also that internatiojal Imperialism has destroyed or is currently destroying any country that is home of mineral wealth-oil/gas.
    The biggest possibly reserves of gas have just been discovered between Greece and Libya.
    Is it strange that Greece has been hammered economicaly using treachery and false accounting?


    • yalensis says:

      Thanks for your comment, Antonis!
      I hope somebody has saved those documents, American internet is always at the whim of unaccountable government agencies.


  20. Sheila says:

    no one stole the gold, it was in the central bank in Tripoli it took a little while for Gadhafi to get there but when he did he used some of it to pay for his soldiers and military support, the rest was shipped out of the country with his wife and daughter. I believe one son also was out of the country I have the cable if I can find it I will post it. But it was meant to be kept in safekeeping for the Libyan people. I know Gaddafi was getting foreign help from somewhere so that means there was a safe haven for his family as well.


  21. Liz Vaughn says:

    This is kind of killing me inside. It was only about a hundred years ago that the abolition of slavery happened. We in the west look at undeveloped countries with pity. We wonder, why aren’t they as hard working as us? Why aren’t they as smart as us? But these are the same countries that were enslaved, the same countries that made the developed countries rich. It’s literally killing me inside.


  22. Paul Arnold says:

    Gadaffi was a great leader. The rothchilds had him killed and stole the gold as they did with tsar Nicholas of Russia. The jew is so predictable.


    • yalensis says:

      Dear Paul Arnold: Would agree with you that Gaddaffi was a great leader.
      However, I can’t endorse the rest of your comment, as it consists of primitive and a-historical Jew-hating.
      The motto of my blog, just as a reminder, is “Human Dignity”.


  23. Dear Valensis,
    I can understand your reaction on Paul Arnold’s comments and I very much appreciate your motto. However, the question is, what influence American banker families with Jewish origin, has on US foreign and domestic politics. From my perspective, Sweden, it seems like they have a lot of influence. Hillary statement before CFR is more than a hint of what has been going on. https://youtu.be/Ba9wxl1Dmas
    To believe that important politicians in the Western hemisphere only act for the good of the people who voted for them, is as best a naïve belief. Money is, sadly, what rules the world! And the big money comes largely from Jewish bankers like Rockefeller, Rothschild etc (and in Sweden from Wallenbergs and Bonniers, well connected to important Jewish bankers who work behind the scenes). These interests tried to take over Russia after the breakdown of the Sovjet union, through several oligarch, mainly Chodorovskij, but they failed. http://www.voltairenet.org/article168007.html
    In this perspective it’s easy to understand current American policy on Russia and this policy is not in the interest of the people in US, Europe or Russia, but very much in the interests of the bankers.


  24. Abdelwahab says:

    Hi Yalensus,

    I like Ricky’s commont! I was too doing something else on the web (looking for a gold detector) and than ….. here I am. Yalensus, I don’t think you are selling these detectors, do you? 🙂

    Anyway, I am from Libya and I hope to find that gold 🙂

    But before I leave the blog and start my quest to find that gold, I would like to share with you a thought that dwelled on my mind for quite some time. I was always wondering why Russia left Gaddafi fall without giving him a hand. Russia was his best friend. But then it hit me! It seemed that US, France and Russia agreed to divide the spoil of Mediterranean sea. US and France to take Libya and Russia to take Syria. But it seemed that US decided not to leave anything for Russia and went after Syria. So, Russia decided to get back at US and backed Bashar. This is why Bashar is still clinging on to his throne up till now.

    Syria is the last shelter for Russian warships in Mediterranean sea and the fall of Bashar means no country will accept to harbor the Russian ships losing Mediterranean sea for US.

    Nobody is Innocent of the destruction brought to Libya. All are red handed. All have played their parts very well including Qaddafi himself.

    Money and power is the name of this game. Casualty or collateral damage? Not important as long as it is not happening in their countries or to their people.



    • yalensis says:

      Dear Abdelwahad:
      Thank you for your comment! Personally I think it is highly dubious that Russia made such a deal with the West as you surmise, to partition the Mediterranean Arab nations.
      I think it is more likely that Russia simply chickened out at the time, and would not take the risk to go up against the U.S. and France.
      I think you are right, however, that Russia considers Syria to be more strategically important than Libya.
      I personally believe that Russia made a huge mistake at the time not to defend Qaddafi.
      Or at least try to prevent his murder.


      • Laninya says:

        This is an old thread, but seems to still be attracting viewers, so I’ll add my own 2¢ here to the question of why Russia ‘allowed’ Libya and Col. Qaddafi to be destroyed.

        I believe the record shows that Russia’s then President, Dmitry Medvedev — a decent domestic manager tho’ not particularly sophisticated in international affairs (not nearly cynical enough) — had been quite handily bamboozled by his Western ‘partners’ to go along with a UN Resolution which was worded in such a way that former President V.V.Putin complained (something to the effect of) ‘you could have driven a truck through it!’ I recall there was a bit of a dust up between the two over it, with Putin publicly overstepping his role as Prime Minister to weigh in on the matter, and with Medvedev publicly smacking him down.

        What happened to Libya in 2011 certainly factored into why Putin went back for another run at the Presidency in 2012.

        It’s my belief that no one other than the team of Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu & Gerasimov could have pulled off a military intervention in Syria without it quickly making matters worse (or, as predicted by Obama: sucking Russia into another Afghanistan-style quagmire). The fact Russia’s intervention has had the (still limited) positive effect it has had, is kind of a miracle when you understand what they were, and are still, up against. Was the intervention a Great Game gambit/gamble, or merely an audacious rescue operation? Either way, whatever material benefit may accrue to Russia as a result will have been earned (or lost) fair and square.

        I do notice, though, that I’ve yet to see or hear anyone complaining that Italy, Libya’s former “protector”, not only allowed the country to be destroyed without giving them a hand, but participated in the destruction. Nor have I seen or heard anyone challenge France for participating in the destruction of its former “protectorate”, Syria. Seems vampires can’t be blamed for the fact blood has been drawn — they’re vampires after all!. And, pirates are no longer hung, drawn, and quartered for stolen booty — com’on, they’re pirates! Grabbing gold is what they do! What we do, instead, is blame Russia for not rising from the dead fast enough to redeem the rest of us from our sins.


        • yalensis says:

          Thanks for your incisive comment, Laninya. This thread, though old, still attracts commenters. The post itself has proved to be the most popular one ever on my blog, click-wise. I’m not really sure why, I myself thought it was pretty good but not really that great; and yet it seems to have struck a nerve somehow. Maybe just the simplicity and brutality of robbing another nation of its gold!
          Anyhow, you are probably right about the whole Medvedev-Putin thing, and it seems pretty clear that the Putin-Lavrov team learned the needed lessons from Libya. I read somewhere that Putin was very much affected by watching the snuff-video of Gaddafi’s death. Well, it’s enough to shock anyone who has a soul.


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