Ukraine War Day #717: More Syrsky Fun Facts – Part I

Dear Readers:

Yesterday we welcomed General Syrsky to the team. After laying out the fruit basket, I thought I was done with him, but fun facts keep popping up, so at least a couple more posts while he is still fresh news.

For example: Did you know that Syrsky’s parents still live in Russia? In the city of Vladimir, 200 km east of Moscow. It’s actually one of the oldest Russian cities! Syrsky himself was born there (1965), probably in the same boring Soviet block of flats where his parents continue to live. Conversations around the dinner table must be awkward, whenever the General goes home for a family visit.

Cathedral of the Assumption, Vladimir Russia, reminds us “never to assume...”

I know that fun fact because I saw this piece yesterday. On reading it, I first assumed the reporter (Polina Salkova) was talking about a different city Vladimir, called Volodimir, of course, and located in Western Ukraine. I knew that Syrsky is Russian, of course, but I assumed his family might have moved around and relocated to Ukraine at some point, possibly a military family. But no, because today I saw this one, by our old friend Evgeny Krutikov. Which clarified the matter.

Okay, let’s handle these two pieces in the order in which I read them. Salkova’s piece is short and to the point. Seems like she did what a good reporter should do: She took a trip to Vladimir and started sneaking through the bushes of one of the houses adjacent to the dacha owned by Syrsky’s parents. She was able to find a nosy neighbor willing to dish dirt on the Syrsky family.

Syrsky’s parents are named Vladimir and Galina. They are 84 and 82 years old, respectively, and live on their pensions. They have attempted to remain as secretive as possible, never speaking about their son. To those who do know the truth, they have begged them to please leave them alone, to not punish them for the deeds of their horrible son. They say they are not in touch and only knew about his promotion from reading the newspapers.

“Mr. and Mrs. Syrsky, can I ask you a few questions about your son?”

The parents, along with Syrsky’s brother live in an ordinary block of flats in the center of town, but spend most of their time at their country dacha. Syrsky Mom sings in a choir consisting of retired teachers. Every year the family participates in the patriotic march “Immortal Regiment”, but presumably not holding up posters of their son. They are very showy in their Russian patriotism.

Although the parents wouldn’t talk to reporter Polina, she presumably poked around until she found a nosy neighbor who would spill the beans. A female neighbor (одна из соседок), in this case.

[Actually, I don’t think Polina was there at all, she is just parroting news some other source, but when I clicked on that, it was just the previous link, above, and they didn’t mention the nosy neighbor.]

And Now The Punchline

Anyhow, we finally get to the punchline, this is what the nosy neighbor had to say: Despite whatever the old parents aver about the paternal curse, they are actually in frequent touch with their son, and frequently communicate via video conferencing.

There is more. According to the nosy neighbor, she somehow overheard one of these zoom sessions, and overheard Syrsky himself saying the following unflattering things about his Ukrainian colleagues, as the neighbor is quoted in the Telegram Channel Mash:

«Мы работаем с украинцами, мы сидим в одном штабе, но мы всех их украинцев ненавидим», — цитирует женщину телеграм-канал Mash.

“We work with Ukrainians, we sit in the same HQ with them, but we despise all these Ukrainians.” Syrsky went on to describe his Ukrainian colleagues as “cunning” and “sneaky”.

Next: We turn to Krutikov for more analysis of this bizarre situation.

[to be continued]

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10 Responses to Ukraine War Day #717: More Syrsky Fun Facts – Part I

  1. therealrightway says:

    I enjoyed this article, it only occurred to me recently that the only Ukrainians I know and like are ethnically Russian, the others I’ve met I took an immediate dislike to and couldn’t really figure it out. I suppose the ‘karma’ whenever this war ends, the Ukrainians or whatever they are will exist on land owned by somebody else and useful for nothing more than growing cabbage on owing billions to western banks.
    And the productive and nice parts will end up with the ethnic Russians. Whatever happens to these Ukrops and us euros is anybody’s guess.


    • yalensis says:

      Thanks, rightway, I am glad you enjoyed the article. It is kind of amusing.

      Liked by 1 person

    • S Brennan says:

      I too really enjoyed this write-up…intrepid reporting indeed !

      And this line; “Conversations around the dinner table must be awkward, whenever the General goes home…” [later belied by the video-conference thingy]

      It’s important to remember Ukrainia is not a country but a contrivance. This contrivance is dominated by Galicians who are, using DC’s funding and arms, shoving ethnics peoples other than themselves into the shower…of Russian artillery…just as their spiritual/actual forefathers, under Heinrich Himmler’s orders, shoved Russians & Jews into the boxcars, ditches and gas-chambers. Hell awaits all who have participated in this holocaust.

      Liked by 1 person

      • yalensis says:

        Maybe Syrsky sneaks back to his parents dacha to visit them in person every now and then, when Zelensky isn’t looking! He could don a disguise, his face is completely forgettable anyhow. Just slap on a moustache or something. Unlike Zaluzhny, who would never be able to hide that giant potato head of his.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beluga says:

    Well, this is marginally more interesting than the yards and yards and yards of text Simplicius ground out on Syrsky, amounting to bugger all. But it’s still rank gossip and about as reliable as a hot tip on the gee gees.

    Zelensky fancies himself as a grand military strategist and master tactician, and by golly, Syrsky is just as dumb: “Send in the meat! We must not retreat!” It even rhymes in English. Syrsky’s poor old parents in Russia are like the shunned relatives of a convicted mass murderer, because people in general are, you know, dumb as oxen and believe in ju-ju when all’s said and done. “Look! She floats! Must be a witch!’

    Of course, Zaluzhny’s own pet meat-grinding project has been to send troops across the Dniepr in small boats by moonlight to Kryniki on the left bank, where after they land, bored Russians mow ’em down by the score. That’s sfter having had live mortar practice on intrepid Ukie boats as they attempt to cross the river on a suicide mission. Yet somehow, Zaluzhny got the rep for saving his troops. It’s all relative — who ran the Grand Counter Offensive last summer and fall, which killed maybe 100,000 dragooned-into-service Ukies? Teddiy Kacinskichuk, Master Baker of the 47th Brigade Combined Field Kitchens, Armoured Leopard Tank Squadron? Might as well have been.

    Yawn. Europe is committing mass economic suicide and removing agricultural diesel fuel subsidies so farmers cannot afford to grow crops.Gotta send that saved loot to Ukraine to prop up fantasies. Well, hell, face it, Mexico’s Mubarak as perJoe the Magnicent won’t take the hills of surplus GMO corn US farmers want to dump there, preferring actual native varieties, so Europeans now have to be trained in the fine arts of 50 ways to make corn fritters, grits rather than polenta, taco shells and burpellino wraps plus the mass production of WeinerDoritos. Italian farmers are demonstrating today, it’s their turn. Magnioli the Mussolini Lady is pissed. Olaf the Meatloaf Shotz, Richi Sunbaked, Manny Macron and Edgar the Dutch Tulip King have so far repelled the farmers and arrested pro-Palestinian protestors for not obeying Israeli Groupthink. Things are unravelling as they should.


    • yalensis says:

      Good points about General (“The Merciful One”) Zaluzhny. He’s the guy who sent just masses of men to pointless deaths. But because he schmoozes with the ordinary guys and is a bit of a dog, they come to love him nonetheless. Allegedly. Meanwhile, Syrsky has no social skills, so everybody hates him, but he is no more a “butcher” than is Zaluzhny himself.


  3. countrumford says:

    I think Vicki wants someone who will send the azov guys to the front lines to do some damage to the russkies. Zuluny was just pushing undesirables to the front, as an ethnic cleanser. Zuluny does look a bit like “Mr. Clean” IMO. What ever happened to the Chechans? If VVP had a sense of humor he’d send several russkie battalions to the USA/MEX border to ask for asylum.


    • yalensis says:

      I think Syrsky resembles Mr. Clean more than does Zaluzhny, the latter resembling more like some creature spawned by a marriage between Mr. Potato Head and a Sontaran pilot!


  4. australianlady9 says:

    Russia has designated 2024 as The Year of The Family.
    That’s 12 months of Russian media saturation of stories about families living within the R.F. Presumably these stories will feature heart-warming, edifying, family-oriented themes.
    Compare this with Ukraine, 2024.
    Hundreds of thousands of dead fathers, husbands, sons, families scattered and broken forever, and in April, mass mobilisation. 2024 could be described as the year of the collapse of the Ukrainian family.
    Western media will of course ignore this grotesque comparison, but Ukrainian civilians may not be so emotionally impervious.
    The Ukrainian Army is a spent force.
    Family, Army, Ukraine. All spent. And in April, mass mobilisation. Gen. Srzsky seems a good fit to lead a zombie army, no “personality”. The Kiev crowd would hope no publicity too, as they present themselves, under the creative direction of A.Yermak, as perennial victors who never ever capitulate.
    They have two more months before the Rada announcement, and catastrophe.


    • yalensis says:

      Yes,it is very sombre and grotesque. Zelensky, Yermak, Syrsky, Zaluzhny, and all the other zombie masters – like Medvedev says, May the ground burn under their feet! Those lives will never be returned, and those families will never be reunited.


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