Ukraine War Day #473: Wrong Victims + Dead Cats + Charge Of the Meat Brigade

Dear Readers:

Today I have 3 quickies for your delectation:

Story #1: Heads are rolling at Ukrainian TV station after they showed wrong victims and wrong heroes. One needs to keep in mind that Ukrainian media and Russian media are reporting almost identical stories about the Kherson flooding, just with the names and roles switched. It’s like going to the theater to watch Frankenstein two nights in a row, where the first night Benedict Cumberbatch is Viktor Frankenstein, and the following night he is The Monster.

Russian media: Ukrainians blew up the dam. Ordinary Russians are victims, and are being evacuated by Russian Emergency Services. And doing this while the Ukrainians continue to shell staging areas filled with evacuees, almost as if to get off a few extra pot-shots at distressed Russian citizens.

Ukrainian media: Russians blew up the dam. Ordinary Ukrainians are victims, and are being evacuated by Zelensky personally. And doing this while the Russians continue to shell staging areas for evacuees, just because they’re so murderously evil.

BBC sheds crocodile tears over Kherson ordeal.

Also, when I say “Ukrainian media”, I mean Westie media in general; because this is precisely the narrative I have seen on, say CNN or BBC or Sky News, or any other of the Western whorehouse channels. Although, when it comes to Westie media, some of the confusion may be due to genuine ignorance: Their correspondents literally don’t seem to know the difference between the Left Bank and the Right Bank, which side is which, or exactly who was harmed by this catastrophe. For example, they showed photos of Zelensky posing on the high ground on the Right Bank and pretended that he was right in the middle of the flood zone. Rescuing an old lady and a kitten, obviously.

I linked this piece (above) which shows what happens when somebody accidentally slips out of the narrative. The reporter is Kristina Arutyunyan. On June 9, around 16:35 in the early evening, Ukrainian TV channel “Rada” broadcasted video showing people being evacuated from the flooded Left bank. Problem: The rescuers were clearly members of the Emergency Management forces of the Russian Federation, as shown by the markings (МЧС) on their boat and on their uniforms. “Rada” is managed by a man named Vladislav Matyash. Vladislav confirmed the allegations that Russian МЧС was shown in the broadcast, and apologized for the egregious mistake of showing factual video to his viewers: “This was a grievous error. A human error,” he confirmed. “As a result of it, many associates of the channel are going to lose their jobs.”

The TV news broadcast accidentally showed what was happening: Russian Emergency Services rescuing people.

Story #2: Ukrainian Tank Driver Shoots Tank In Front Of Him

Reader may be familiar with the events of the past few days, in which the Ukrainian counter-offensive in Zaporozhie resulted in a kind of “armored graveyard” of Western vehicles, including German Leopard tanks.

Russian military correspondent Alexander Sladkov, while chatting with Russian soldiers, learned about a very curious incident in the battle. An unfortunate Ukrainian tank driver did Russia’s job for them, by shooting up at least one, and possibly two, Leopard 2A4’s that happened to be trundling along in his column. Most probably, he totalled one tank while seriously damaging a second.

This is what happened, as was reported to Sladkov by a Russian officer: They noticed a Ukrainian column on the move. The Russians were watching them closely. When, to their surprise, they saw one of the tanks shoot his cannon directly at the tank in front of it. Most likely, the tank driver simply pushed the wrong button. The 120 mm shell destroyed the forward tank and damaged a second one that was trundling nearby.

At least one fewer cat out on the plains.

Story #3: Ukrainian soldiers complain about their NATO-trained officers

Reporter Dmitry Zubarev points us to an article in the Wall Street Journal (which I can’t read ’cause it’s behind a paywall and even the Wayback Machine demands a toll which I refuse to pay), but thank goodness I can read the Russian summary of the content! Just a stipulation that if anything described below diverges from the original WSJ content, then it’s not my fault, so please don’t sue me.

So, this Ukrainian Commander with call-sign Finn talked to the WSJ reporter about the hard slog that they were enduring. According to Finn, their shiny Western armored vehicles can barely make it through the soft Ukrainian earth, “because they were designed for combat in deserts and cities.” Yup, fighting Russia on the Eastern Front is not exactly the same thing as chasing flip-flop-wearing Arabs across the desert sand, or tearing up the city of Fallujah.

Finn blames the problem on the weather; plus the fact the Ukrainian officers who received NATO training, apparently didn’t receive very good training. Because the NATO training wasn’t really very good. It was maybe so-so. He says the soldiers feel disoriented in this situation, where, for some reason, they feel themselves to be in a constant state of danger.


Finn added that the Russian soldiers they encountered have performed better than expected. The Ukrainians were expecting a cake walk, they were told these Western tanks would just plow through Russian defenses like a knife through warm butter. Instead, the Russians they butted up against formed a “wall of steel”, in his words.

After quoting WSJ, Zubarev goes on to quote a retired NATO officer with the amazingly great name of Stavros Atlamazoglou. Greek, obviously. I googled the name, but I didn’t find the older officer dude I was expecting, I just found a young buck of that name, who is a military journalist. Good-looking chap, too.

Anyhow, this Stavros had reported that the Ukrainians, unfortunately for them, had the pleasure of coming up against the real Russian army. Up to this point, they had been fighting the back-benchers. The B-Team, so to speak. And golly, were they shocked when they encountered the A-Team. Stavros says that the West (like it always does) had seriously underestimated Russian defensive capabilities. Like, how they built a super-duper layered defense and were able to take out Western tanks like Leopard 2A6 and M2 Bradleys. It didn’t help that the Ukrainians had no air support, just infantry and cavalry charging into the breach. Just like the Charge of the Light Brigade:

An actual cake walk
Flashed all their sabres bare,
Flashed as they turned in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
   All the world wondered.
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right through the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reeled from the sabre stroke
   Shattered and sundered.  [NOT]
Then they rode back, but not
   Not the six hundred.

Except that the Light Brigade chaps at least broke through the Russians first Defensive Line, whereas the Ukrainians apparently could not even make it through the strip of Security Zone to get to the first Line. A cake walk, indeed.

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27 Responses to Ukraine War Day #473: Wrong Victims + Dead Cats + Charge Of the Meat Brigade

  1. leaf says:

    just goes to show most of the western weaponry is literally wunderwaffe
    it was even sold that way in western media with the turkish bayraktars, then stingers/nlaws, himars, storm shadow and now the bradleys/leopards all being “game changers” before disappearing from all future reporting


  2. Liborio Guaso says:

    Western training makes no sense, his last real war experience was Vietnam and it was a failure, the later was the war against the civilian population in the Middle East with which no experience is accumulated because launching bombs and missiles on cities is not war It is a war crime.
    That’s why in Ukraine, the democratic Nazis stand out only killing civilians because when they clash with the Russian military they are a disaster.
    Let’s remember that all the European countries went to help kill the Middle East, those who did not have an army sent to kill the police. They called it live target practice.
    Zelensky is asking the West for the planes so he can follow the Western tactic of killing from the air, even if they will run some risk because Russian defense systems are a phenomenon.
    And after all, the planes were of little use in Afghanistan and they had to flee from the barefoot ragheads as they called the Taliban.


    • yalensis says:

      That’s why I don’t understand why Ukrainians are so enthralled with the West and NATO, they believe that Americans win every war hands down; but the opposite has been the case. If I am not mistaken, the Americans have lost every war since WWII, except for Panama and Grenada invasions, which don’t really count.


      • Al says:

        Probably watching too much Hollywood garbage. Turned their brains to mush.


      • Liborio Guaso says:

        Things are going very badly. And in the face of the lack of miraculousness. A stage of extraordinary things begins.
        In the famous city of Las Vegas, after a green flash in the sky, two 10-foot-tall creatures appeared in a city courtyard. And of course they disappeared.
        Now everyone is dazzled by a Terminator-type event.
        A few days ago “a news had leaked” that the government had in its possession some parts of a non-terrestrial spacecraft and some corpses of extraterrestrial beings.
        The only thing left is for some people to appear murdered in an extravagant way and the reign of terror will begin.


        • yalensis says:

          I didn’t hear about that important news from Las Vegas. Who were the 10-foot-tall creatures? I am guessing one of them was Godzilla. The other one could be Gamera, the Giant Turtle? Usually these two creatures should not be together in the same place, because they start to strut around and fight each other like 2 bull rhinos, bringing down whole strips of high-rise hotels and casinos in the process.

          The only thing that can save them: Mayor of the city needs to find a plucky but smart-alecky 9-year-old Japanese urchin boy to talk some sense into the rampaging monsters, while also appealing to their paternal instincts.


      • John Jennings says:

        yalensis, you forgot Desert Storm! America’s mighty combined-arms juggernaut kicked Saddam out of Kuwait. Then our aircraft killed thousands (tens of thousands?) of Iraqi conscripts, strafing them as they fled. What a glorious victory, huh? Since 1991, several generations of US and other western militaries have been indoctrinated into the resulting myth of our invincibility …
        You’re still right. Desert Storm was, at best, the exception that proves the rule. But you could argue it was just another Panama or Grenada, on a grander scale. Iraq had nothing even close to a ‘peer’ army.
        Americans wildly over-romanticize light infantry (eg rangers, marines and paratroopers) and ‘special operations.’ This all started when we were still woodcrafty colonists fighting Indians by adapting Indian tactics. The Brits are as bad as we are, with their adulation of royal marine commandos, SBS and SAS.
        In fact, such forces are ideally suited to counter-insurgency, exactly the sort of war that colonial and neocolonial empires find themselves fighting. The USMC pioneered modern western counter-insurgency in the 1920s in Nicaragua, fighting Sandino and his men on behalf of American mining interests.
        It’s all very exciting, sneaking off into the bush in a hostile countryside, trying to ambush the Injuns before they ambush you, or calling in the world’s very first airstrike on Nicaraguan peasants, or dodging NVA patrols in the jungle while you summon B52s to bomb the Ho Chi Minh trail.
        It helps when your enemies have no aircraft, no air defense and not much artillery. So we and the Brits got pretty good at killing low-tech red, brown and yellow peasant fighters. As you observe, it didn’t seem to help us win any wars, but we sure killed lots of people trying.
        It’s out of fashion these days, but long ago, Americans also used to romanticize standing up to bullies. Russia just sent NATO a message straight off a grade-school playground: ‘Try picking on somebody your own size.’

        Liked by 1 person

        • yalensis says:

          Oh, that’s true, you are absolutely correct. I forgot about the glorious conquest of Iraq. I mean, they did manage to pull off a regime-change and kill Saddam….
          (Oh right, I should probably count Libya as well, since they were able to destroy Libya and kill Gaddafi…)

          As far as the final result: Libya is still a basket case, but isn’t Iraq allied with Iran now? Which would have made it a pyrrhic victory, I reckon.

          Liked by 1 person

          • John Jennings says:

            Yep! We ‘liberated’ the Iraqis – the Shias, anyway – so they could team up against us with Iran.
            The Sunnis whom we ‘liberated’ started ISIS. Apparently they recruited sufficient Chechen exiles, and threatened Assad enough to prompt Russian intervention in Syria.
            You’d think the neocons would be more grateful to Russia for cleaning up the messes they made.
            The continuing chaos in Libya strikes me as a golden opportunity for some asymmetric pushback. I’m sure many of the locals would be happy to attack US shipping in the Mediterranean, if somebody would just provide the drones.


            • yalensis says:

              How the world changes! Just recently there has been an historical truce between Iran and Saudi Arabia. I was reading that the Iranians have fully buried the hatchet with all Arab states and are building hypersonic missiles as a deterrent to Israeli aggression. Good for them! It pays to have more friends and fewer enemies, if possible.
              Also, a strategic Sunni-Shia alliance (ending their schism by agreeing to disagree on whatever doctrinal dispute they had) can only stabilize the region. So, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia all holding hands and singing Kumbaya.

              Maybe eventually even Israel will seek the path of peace and join the Kumbaya chorus; but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.

              Liked by 1 person

  3. raccoonburbleca says:

    The Ukraine war keeps rolling on and I have written a couple of new pieces on it. I will continue my practise of sending a link to the Avalanche folks.

    My point in these articles is that he Ukraine war will not end soon. The Atlanticists have it set up to go on forever. They cannot win. The Russians cannot win conclusively, either.

    It is the kind of thing which will end when one side or the other falls apart. In this case, that is going to be the Atlanticists. Alas, they are mentally incapable of seeing where they are heading, or changing even if they did know.

    The most important thing is to prevent it spinning out of control into a nuclear war.

    Such a cheerful topic!

    Goodbye Ukraine

    Goodbye Ukraine; further reflections

    Liked by 1 person

    • therealrightway says:

      One of the many ways it could end is if the enforcement parts of the Ukr state like the SBU, police and courts go across to the Russian side, a bit like SAVAK ended up working for the mullahs in Iran almost immediately. The irony of it is the SBU report to MI6 and Britain chooses all the judges.
      My govt would have a breakdown!


      • yalensis says:

        Which is probably why that scenario is unrealistic. Since SBU and all the repressive structures work for MI6, then their first instinct, upon defeat, would be to flee the country. I am sure that America, Britain, Canada, and Israel will set up rat-lines to help them escape from justice.
        Having said that, there might be a few lower-level officials who would go over to Russian side, but this is all very speculative.


    • yalensis says:

      Oh, thanks! I was using wayback machine and it didn’t work on this particular link, I didn’t know about this other site.

      The ending to the original article is both horrendous and nauseating at the same time, the WSJ propaganda message being, apparently, “even with a blown off foot, the Ukrainian soldier still wants to fight!”

      This reminds me of the standard Goebbels propaganda format: Start by conceding something from your side (=”things are not always going well…”), but then finish strong with a soundbite that will evoke strong emotions of passion in your reader, along with the will to victory:

      His squad was sent at around 6 a.m. on Friday to recover the Leopard, to make sure the Russians couldn’t seize it. As the team reached the tank, he heard it beeping, and walked around it to find a position to set up a machine gun and provide cover. About 50 yards from the tank, he stepped on a mine, which blew off most of his foot.
      It was part of the job, he said, adding that, after he gets a prosthetic, he plans to return to the fight.

      Of course he does.


  4. S Brennan says:

    Most of Ukrainia’s army has been shanghaied into service, they are being controlled by goose-stepan-bandrists commanders who have no interest their well-being. The commanders of Ukraina’s army are only interested in preserving their fellow goose-stepanists. This explains why those men shanghaied into service are always in the lead elements of any attack on Russian positions. The well equipped goose-stepan-bandrists elements on the other hand…are almost always held back in “reserve”, they know the war was/is/will-be a hopeless endeavor so, they hide in the rear, as the quintessential symbol of Ukrainia’s endemic corruption.

    As I mention Friday, I am sure those men shanghaied into Ukrainia’s service are carefully searched prior to battle so as to ensure they do not have a scrap of white cloth to to surrender with. The kamikaze of imperial Japan had a better chance of returning from battle. This war, instigated by a cadre of sociopaths in DC & London, disgusts me.

    We should feel a measure of pity for the men that have been shanghaied into service to die in the place of the yellow-bellied instigators of this war, they are victims.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      I know. It’s horrible. I can’t even stand to think about all the dead soldiers.


    • Liborio Guaso says:

      The Western plan has always been to use the Ucrionazis to force normal civilians into combat and the Jew Zelensky as president to confuse Jews and Christians around the world about what is happening in that country.


  5. Stavros Atlamazoglou sounds Greco-Turkish to me.

    Anyway, my characters Stepan and Andriy were made Leopard crews a while back but decided to burn they’re tank for the bounty. If they’d stuck with it though, I’m pretty sure they’d at least be competent enough to not shoot up their own side.

    By the way, the tank driver doesn’t fire the gun, that’s the gunners job.


    • yalensis says:

      Of course! So it must have been the gunner who reacted to something. Maybe he was trying to aim the gun and accidentally hit the trigger, who knows?
      He’s probably dead now, but he shouldn’t feel too bad about it, everybody makes these kinds of mistakes, it’s just human.

      Liked by 1 person

    • So this strapping young buck name of Stavros writes for Are you acquainted with Atlamazoglou’s outlet? It’s in the Top 5 Cringiest amongst all the Ukronazi fanboi sites I’ve squizzed. If you tried to make a parody ‘zine of “stupidevil orcs can’t do anything right, Kyyyyyyyyiv is whoopin‘ ass!!!!!” thought, it would be 19fortyfive.

      I’m not familiar with Atlamazog’s writing (shades of “Gog and Magog from the Book of Revelations!) All the UkeBootLickers there seem the same. The only specific screeder I recollect at 1945 is someone named Col. Daniel Davies. He sometimes pens articles saying “At least the Russians know how to tie their shoes.” For which he is roundly denounced in the comment section. Repeatedly. “Why is Davies even allowed to keep posting here?!?” The commenters are SO screechy.

      I’m not going to glou my eyes to the screen checking Amazog’s stuff, but I regrettably worsened the planet’s greenhouse gas totals by causing electrons to be generated so I could click on the link you posted to his stuff. Headlines showed it was 100% Ukronazi propaganda line. I wonder whether the Stavris you quoted was this dude’s dad, and if so, is Pater ashamed?


      • yalensis says:

        Eeeej! I never read his blog. That’s why I have YOU! to read that stuff for me and warn me away.
        I suspect it must be the buck’s dad, what are the odds of 2 people having that same name? Gog and Magog indeed!


      • I thought you were replying to yalensis, not me!


        • Bukko Boomeranger says:

          Kinda to both of yez, Raghead. Since you brought up Stavros again. I reckon he’s of Greek Cypriot background with a name like that. From the divided island… Cyprus is in my consciousness because I knew a longer-term mental patient from the Turkish side who was one of the more way-out characters I encountered. Like a mash-up of “Rain Man” and an obsessed sex pest. So many off-their-head immigrants here. Point to a place on a map and I’ve probably dealt with someone disturbed from there.


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