Ukraine War Day #413: Duda Goes Beyond Thunderdome

Dear Readers:

Here is a thought experiment: Imagine you’re out there in the middle of Thunderdome, fighting for your very life against some brute dressed like a cross between a 1-ton gladiator and a million dollar drag queen. And this monster is creaming you slowly but steadily. You know you’re gonna die. Your best pal, goes by the name of Hyena, is in the bleachers, cheering you on. He sidles up to the ropes and whispers to you: “Nya, if you can just hang in there till the end of this round… Then I’ll sneak ya a new pair of super-duper boxing gloves with brass knuckles in ’em…”

Martha: “I said, What a dump!” George: “I heard you the first time, Martha.”

“Great!” you whisper back. “But what if I still lose, even with the knuckles?”

“Then I get to keep all your stuff.” And Hyena is licking his lips, thinking of all your fabulous stuff that you keep back in your tent. Like your water bottle and your can of benzine.

Then a tiny thought enters your tiny concussed brain: Hmm.. with friends like those… Maybe it’s in his best interest for me to lose… Not sure I can trust those knuckle-dusters…

And that’s your last thought before you keel over like a brick wall, after the big guy cleans your clock…

All of this is, of course, a very high-level philosophical metaphor for the dilemma facing Mr. Zelensky, as I review this brief newspaper story by reporter Valentina Grigorenko.

It seems (if one is to believe the blogger quoted in this piece, who relates this “news” without any footnotes or citations) that Mr. Zelensky visited Poland a few days ago to meet with his colleague, Mr. Andrzej Duda. Well, that part, the visit itself, is factual. But the rest of it, this is just what somebody is saying. “Another Baba told me,” as the Russian proverb goes…

But let’s play along: Say what you will about Duda, but, as things look now, he is likely to go down in Polish history as the national hero who returned Poland’s Eastern territories, including the city of Lvov. It seems that Zelensky and Duda made a deal: Duda will present Zelensky with a series of weapons sufficient and adequate for “one last chance” against the Russian army. However, there is a Plan B: Should the Final, Decisive, Counter-Offensive fail, then Duda gets to take the Western provinces. And it wouldn’t be the fault of the weapons, because they are gonna be super!

I mean, I’m just an idiot blogger myself, what do I know about military affairs? Nothing. But I do know that if I were a national leader at war, I would never utter the words, “If I lose…” I would say: “Of course I won’t lose! I will win! Yes I shall!” If you’re a leader at war, you can’t hedge your bets, you gotta just go for it. I mean, can you imagine Churchill intoning: “We shall fight them on the beaches… But if we lose the beaches, we shall hand over Cornwall…” [This is actually a bad example. Historians say that Churchill did rather hedge his bets, quite a lot! But I am just going with the inaccurate myth because that’s what people know…]

But anyhow, in case you don’t believe a word I am saying, here is my full translation of the major two paragraphs of this article:


Duda: “I can almost taste victory!”

The author of the Polish portal Niezalezny Dziennik Polityczny Marek Gałaś has written that, as per a deal made between Zelensky and Duda, Western Ukrainian territories will be returned to Poland. According to him, the deal was concluded in exchange for Poland offering “one last chance to the Ukrainian government.”

According to Gałaś, Zelensky was forced to agree to this term, due to his continuing lack of success [on the battlefield]. Other factors include the increasing pressure from the part of the USA; and the unhappiness of foreign governments, who are forced to continue pumping money into the Ukrainian government, without seeing any positive returns.

Aside from handing over the Western regions to Poland, Zelensky also agreed to sell major Ukrainian industries to Polish entrepreneurs, according to the author.

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11 Responses to Ukraine War Day #413: Duda Goes Beyond Thunderdome

  1. Liborio Guaso says:

    It would be interesting to know how much money Zelensky will receive for this gift to Poland.


    • yalensis says:

      Maybe the tee-shirt is only made to look old and stinky. Like those “haute” blue jeans in the stores that cost hundreds of dollars, and they have holes and patches in them (?)


  2. S Brennan says:

    With friends like Poland* who needs enemies? As Y so saliently points out, Churchill knew a hyena when he saw one.

    Now, the question is, will Russia honor this deal between thieves and…will NATO? Because, if NATO recognizes the deal and Russia does not, we have WW III starting in the same place as last time, with the added bonus of the “west” switching sides and joining the Nazis. Talk about a tag team…I bet the Dulles Bros are wetting their pants with joy…thinking finally, we are ON THE RIGHT SIDE !!!

    And China? Well, she’s gonna grab a bag of popcorn and…an island Nation and…become the world’s dominate nation. Just for fun, read-up on how the CCP directly funded the luxury lifestyle of the Biden family for decades [and no, that’s not illegal in the USA].

    *I am speaking of the government of Poland and the 20-25% of the population that actually support said government’s actions.


  3. moon says:

    Yalensis, seems to be pretty obviously ….

    But your intro is entertaining,


  4. the pair says:

    love the mad max imagery; i can’t help but picture putin wearing a hockey mask on a giant dune buggy…”ZEL…you don’t have to DO this…just WALK AWAAAAY”.

    even at his most coked up and arrogant i can’t see zelensky promising land for future piles of smoking metal.


    • S Brennan says:

      Z’s a grifter, his homeland means nothing to him…a quarter of million dead soldiers and what has got to show for it? A quarter of million dead soldiers and all the actor can think to do is cede into slavery the wives of soldiers who fought for DC/London’s mad dream. Hard to imagine but, at least Hitler never “legally” ceded territory to Briton/Russia/USA and to his credit, he had the decency to commit suicide.

      The question is, did the hyena’s jaws tear off the Hungarian/Slovak portions of Ukrainia for it’s own?


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ S Brennan,

        Someone said., “Tome Cruise is the best paid actor this year. He made $100 million!”

        To which some offspring replied, “Not true. That crown goes to Zelenskii. He made a $100 billion!”


    • yalensis says:

      Is that Arnold Schwarzenegger? “yust valk avay…”
      Sound advice, actually.


  5. Daniel Rich says:

    Funny. A ~ 3-year-old boy [at one of the kindergartens I teach at] calls literally everything around him a ‘Duda!’ but when he means me, he says, ‘Papa.’

    How do those brains work [I ask you]?


    • yalensis says:

      I have always been fascinated by American folk songs, so my brain always goes to Stephen Foster:

      The Campptown ladies sing this song,
      Doo-da, Doo-da
      The Camptown racetrack’s five miles long
      Oh, de doo-da day… (etc)


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