Ukraine War Day #402: Podolyak Urges Violence Against Monks And Old Ladies

Dear Readers:

This is a continuation of the still-developing story focusing on the Kiev-Peschcherskaya Monastery, known as the Lavra. Recall that there is a stand-off in progress, with members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (under the Moscow Patriarch) gathering to protect the monastery with their own bodies and prayers; whilst armed militias of bully-boys await the order to storm the compound and remove the worshippers and monks.

Metropolitan Pavel

The Ukrainian government had previously decided to seize the compound and hand it over to its own House Church, the other Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is under the Constantinople Patriarch. The Canonical church calls them Schismatics. The Schismatics call the other side “dirty Russians” who need to be wiped out.

Already this morning there was news that the Canonical Abbot, Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed) has been placed under house arrest. Eyewitnesses report that Pavel was surrounded by police, who kept the crowd at bay while the priest was hauled off for interrogation. Hilariously, he was charged with “inciting religious divisions” as well as “justifying Russia’s actions.”

For readers interested in the theological aspects of the Schism, I recommend this series of posts I did back in 2019, which is based on solid research, even though I am far from being an expert in religious matter. There you will learn some fascinating facts including the issue of who gets to prepare and deliver the sacred myrrh. [Hint: if the Ukrainian National church takes over the Lavra, then then will have to pay Patriarch Bartholomew in Constantinople for the myrrh they need in order to conduct business.] However, in today’s post I am more focused on the street politics of what is going on. Things are obviously much more serious now than they were in 2019, and there is the possibility of real violence against ordinary people, which worries me quite a lot.

Mikhail Podolyak: an abscess that needs to be excised.

For example: Yesterday Zelensky’s advisor and close confidante Mikhail Podolyak called for the “cleansing of everything Russian” from the Lavra. Knowing Podolyak, how he thinks and operates , this is a direct call for violence; which is extremely worrisome. Underneath his good looks and apparent humor and charm, Podolyak is an ideological Nazi of the worst flavor. Over the past year we have watched this handsome and cheerful young man age and harden visibly before our eyes; like a portrait of Dorian Gray whose crimes are finally catching up to him, and whose dark soul emerges onto his exterior physiognomy. One can only the imagine the psychological stresses endured by Zelensky’s camarilla these past few months, as they watch everything they have fought and gambled for, turn into dust in their hands. These people need to repent and abandon their hubristic ways. Instead, they double down and seek solace in violence.

The Role Of The Bully Boys

One is surprised to learn that there are still packs of Nazi goons roaming the streets of Kiev with enough free time on their hands to harass monks and old ladies holding candles. Were these Nazis not wiped out in Mariupol? Or put through the meat grinder of Bakhmut? Well, apparently there still are some of them left, although, thankfully, not nearly as numerous as in their glory days, when they numbered in entire brigades. In the Lavra story, we are talking about maybe a couple dozen or so of these goons.

Reporter Vera Basilaya calls these people the “sportive youth” (спортивная молодежь), which is Russian euphemism for bully boys and hooligans: young men of athletic build who are not afraid to get into fights. These are of the same ilk whom the Americans and Europeans relied upon to “get the job done” in the 2014 Maidan, when they needed President Yanukovych to be overthrown. Now they bring them in again to try to solve their “Russian church” problem.

The spectacular interior of the Cathedral of the Dormition, Kiev Lavra

Basilaya: Eye witnesses report that the defenders of the Lavra are praying behind a Schlagbaum (barrier), while holding up ikons and Ukrainian flags [presumably to soften the hearts of the Nationalists by showing they are patriotic Ukrainians all the same]. They chant and sing praises to Jesus Christ while also reading the akathist [catechism?] about the Dormition of the Mother of God.

The hooligans drown out their songs by chanting Nazi slogans and singing the Ukrainian National Anthem.

Suspiciously, as witnesses have reported, some of the bully boys didn’t even know the way, and had to ask for directions, to the Lavra. Which proves they are not from around those parts, as every resident of Kiev would know the way. [yalensis: The hooligans were probably bussed in from Lvov!]

Meanwhile, the Russian government has called upon the “world community” to demand that Kiev stop persecuting the Canonical Church.

Which brings us back to Podolyak, who is clearly thirsting for blood. On an interview with Ukrainian Channel 24 he stated the following: “We had a unique chance earlier in the war, the first 3-6 months of the war, there was an opportunity to resolve this issue very quickly and painlessly; during that time we had an opportunity to simply physically wipe out (физически зачистить) many pro-Russian elements [yalensis: but painlessly, of course]. But now it’s much more complicated.

“Having said that, complicated is not the same thing as impossible. And today we must act in a way that is legally motivated, we must proceed with all harshness along that path. Once again I stress: There must be only one canonical Orthodox church in the Ukraine.” Podolyak went on to compare the Canonical church [subordinate to Moscow Patriarch] to an “abscess” that needs to be surgically excised.

The possibility of serious violence is clearly present. Let us hope it doesn’t go down that road. Those who believe, should pray; and those who don’t believe, should just hope.

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17 Responses to Ukraine War Day #402: Podolyak Urges Violence Against Monks And Old Ladies

  1. peter moritz says:

    “The Schismatics call the other side “dirty Russians” who need to be wiped out”

    Which throughout history has been a correct and proper stance of most churches, be they of whatever denomination.

    “These people need to repent and abandon their hubristic ways. Instead, they double down and seek solace in violence.”

    Which again, throughout the sordid history of Nazism, is a correct and proper attitude and response.

    “during that time we had an opportunity to simply physically wipe out (физически зачистить) many pro-Russian elements”

    Now, now, no time for regrets, duty calls them to remedy a the consequences of a missed opportunity.

    I sometimes, after having lived for a short 73 yearson this planet: why is humanity still a thing, and has survided itself? Considering the acts of violence and the streams of bloods this war against itself has produced, how come it has not drowned in those rivers?
    Maybe earth needs to clean the slate, and give another species a chance to rise to the top. Rats seem a more viable long term option. Or cockroaches.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peter moritz says:

    Old but still valid:

    Michael Parenti speaks on empires and neo-imperialism in the age of GW Bush


  3. nicolaavery says:

    I have asked a retired friend about how to make an appropriate response of solidarity, regardless of faith. If he finds anything worth passing on, I will reply back.


    • yalensis says:

      I just checked the latest headlines. Metropolitan Pavel was sentenced to 60 days under house arrest. This is actually good news, believe it or not. Because his “house” is inside the monastery, he has residential quarters there. Which means the Nationalists have to hold off on clearing him out, along with the others.
      I don’t know if the Ukrainian court did this on purpose as a kind of cunning “easement” of the tension, or if they just didn’t think it through!

      Meanwhile, small mobs of dancing Nazis (literally) are dancing around and “zigging” in front of the gates, dancing and singing, making fun of worshippers who sit there meekly and devoutly pray for those who are mocking them. I saw some disturbing videos of this. The men and women engaging in this behavior are clearly deranged.

      The “mockery” rituals of “dancing beasts” as the Russian press call them, are clearly meant to work the mob up to suddenly turn to violence and attack the worshippers. But so far the police appear to be keeping it in control, at least for now. Otherwise, this thing could get very ugly and easily turn into Odessa Part II.

      Liked by 2 people

        • yalensis says:

          Thanks for that link, Nicola, this is very informative. This fits in with what my research has shown as well; namely, that the Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the most numerous and populous religion in the Ukraine. They have millions of worshippers and people going on the annual pilgrimage, etc. Compared to that, the Uniates and Schismatics are in the minority.

          Therefore it is highly irresponsible and dangerous for Zelensky to try to destroy this religion. It would be, like, the U.S. deciding to ban the Roman Catholic Church if the American government got into a tiff with the Italian government. (Hypothetical thought experiment.)
          Can you even imagine the blowback from such a move? I am not a religious person myself, but even I can see how reckless and dangerous this is. History has shown, time and time again, that governments need to just back off and leave religion alone.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Daniel Rich says:

    This ‘god’ [dog in the mirror] must be a very busy ‘B’ with so many and various religions claiming him/her/it to be THEIR head honcho.

    Poor me. I’m fully, 100% responsible for everything I do [or don’t do]. I’ve got nothing to fall back upon [like Beelzebub]…, but my own, sorry ass…

    Well, it’s Sunday!



    • yalensis says:

      Me, I am only 90% responsible for all the things I do. The other 10% is a combination of Bismillah, Beelzebub, and Scaramouche manipulating my brain:

      We will not let you go (let me go)
      Will not let you go (let me go)
      Never, never, never, never let me go
      No, no, no, no, no, no, no!


      • Daniel Rich says:

        @ yalensis,

        We’ve all been there, but, in the end, you’ll get to that 100% and all those hideous voices will die down :o]


  5. S Brennan says:

    Ref: “One is surprised to learn that there are still packs of Nazi goons roaming the streets of Kiev with enough free time on their hands to harass monks and old ladies holding candles. Were these Nazis not wiped out in Mariupol? Or put through the meat grinder of Bakhmut?”

    Nazis, just like Dick-Cheney/Clinton/Obama/Hillary/Biden types all have “better things to do” than fight wars…hence, they’re always available should oppressive measures need to be taken against the relatives of those fighting on the front.


  6. The intra-Orthodox dispute might have been theological or nationalistic when you wrote about it in 2019. (I tried to read a couple of those posts and boy, does religious stuff make my eyes glaze over…) But now it seems psychological. As in “paranoid and psychopathic.”

    I opine that after reading a recent report on Russia’s unorthodox (pun intended) warfare written by a British think tank known as RUSI. (Royal United Services Institute). RUSI put out a well-regarded study about “the return of industrial-scale warfare” last year. Although it was biased against Russia — they are Brits, after all — its conclusions about the need for making mass quantities of war materiel, especially artillery shells, was sensible. RUSI was all like “The Russians are winning, which we HATE, and they’re doing it because they have the production lines to crank out shitloads of explodey things, which is better than basing our plans on ‘just-in-time’ delivery of fancy weapons like HIMARs.”

    So I had high hopes when some commenter somewhere posted a link to this new one by RUSI. It promised to be about how Russia set up a network of spies and influencers throughout Ukraine after 2014, plus a description of the sneaky tactics it’s using behind enemy lines as we speak. (Or read, to be precise.)

    My expectations were dashed when I read the preface about the sources for the study. It’s all based on talking to sources in the Ukraine .gov “security services.” i.e. their spooks. I suppose that’s Yermak’s department (the barely-human monster Vasily Yermak, not the “sausage insult” failed diplomat Andriy one.) Rat-face Budyanov is in charge of sabotage and assassinations outside Ukraine’s borders, right? So it wouldn’t be his security people leaking. No names are given in the RUSI report, to protect the identity of their informants.

    I won’t drone on about my quibbles with the entire thing. It’s like reading a funhouse mirror version of events; warped and backwards from the way you (and me too) see the conflict. I bring this up because the Ukie insiders, via RUSI, show how they see the Russia-linked Orthodoxers as being deadly spies. Lifting a quote from the study:

    “The one body of ideologically committed agents supporting the invasion was the Russian Orthodox Church. Beyond its efforts to support Russian information operations, its priests were widely recruited and run by the Russian special services and their monasteries and churches used as safe houses for equipment and personnel. The use of religion as cover is not only a widely established method of the Russian special services but also creates its own protection mechanism because of the political sensitivities of state targeting of religious institutions. For this reason, it took some time for the Ukrainian state to move to constrain the activities of these parts of Russia’s support apparatus even after the invasion.”

    (their words; boldface emphasis HTMLed by me)

    I don’t know if that’s totally true. Partially, maybe? Grounds for suspicion? Certainly the Russia-leaning Orthodox holymen would not be fans of the Ukie .gov church. But spies providing safe houses? Whatever the actual facts, that appears to be what the Yermaspooks BELIEVE. Which would explain the hostile takeovers of the Lavra, the searches, the dickhead intimidation by the “sportive youths” etc. It’s not sectarian schism; it’s psychopathy about spies. Spycopathy…

    (That sly link does not seem to be working, for some reason, and it’s not just because of my bad coding. Must be on RUSI’s end, or maybe something having to do with it being a .pdf. This is the naked link if you want it: but it’s a long report and probably not worth the time it would take you to read it. I slogged through but I’m a glutton for punishment that way sometimes.)


    • yalensis says:

      Hi, Bukko, Thanks for the links and analysis. RUSI’s conclusions about the vast Russian spy network in Ukraine, including Orthodox monks, etc. – it’s one of those things where I “wish it were true”, but probably not so much.
      Not that there might not be a few priest-spies here and there, abiding by the rules of the genre. But I don’t think that is what’s going on; so RUSI is simply providing the Ukrainian government with the ideological rationale to employ violence against the OCU.

      Unfortunately, the whole SMO, especially at the beginning of it, revealed all the glaring weaknesses of the Russian Intel network in Ukraine. At the time, Putin had listened to many top analysts in the Russian Intel community, who assured him that the Ukrainians would welcome the Russian army as liberators, and the war would only last a couple of weeks, etc. It goes without saying that all those top analysts and spies were fired from their jobs, when their predictive powers proved to be wrong. Russian government doesn’t mess around with that sort of thing. Unlike the American government, where top officials are rewarded and promoted for failures and wrong prognoses.

      Anyhow, regarding my posts of 2019, I appreciate that you tried to read them. I probably wouldn’t be able to get through them either, if I hadn’t written them myself! At the time I was sincerely trying to understand what was going on with the Schism. Being my jolly agnostic self, see that I adopted a cynical and humorous attitude in these posts; which nowadays would sound really off, given the seriousness of what is going on, and the inherent dangers.

      But yes, I think your point is correct that the rat-faced goons in the Zelensky government believe that these monks are a nest of traitors. Just like Henry VIII really went medieval on some of the priests that HE had to deal with. And not even to mention Saint Thomas Becket. Oops, I slipped and mentioned Thomas Becket!


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