Ukraine War Day #770: Underground Warriors

Dear Readers:

Being somewhat claustrophobic myself, it is amazing to me how the human race has adapted to living underground, especially in times of war. In tunnels, bunkers, and even entire underground cities. In his magnificent novel 1793, Victor Hugo described in great detail the underground villages constructed by the counter-revolutionary peasants of the Vendée. Men were prepared to crawl underground and live like moles for weeks at a time. The marching soldiers above them, never even knew that they were there!

I saw this piece about a rather interesting Rest & Recreation center for Russian front-line troops. The reporter is Denis Telmanov. The army grouping called “South” basically built what they call an “underground city” somewhere in Donetsk, where men come to rest for a few days before returning to the front.

I am not able to embed the video, but you can watch it yourself in the source material. I’ll help by walking you through it:

First you see rows and rows of sleeping cots. Next a small chapel with ikons and shelves of religious literature, mostly Christian but also some of the Muslim variety; and also patriotic literature.

The most important room: The Pantry!

Next we see the “pantry” where all the food supplies are stored, in bulk. And then the kitchen, where the magic happens: Army cooks wearing traditional “cook hats” are slicing the salami and preparing the meals.

Army cooks prepare meals for hungry soldiers.

The cooks follow standard formulas for the necessary nutritional needs of soldiers in combat conditions. The kitchen is equipped with industrial-strength ovens and dishwashers.

Next we are led down a corridor lined by hooks on the wall, where the men can hang their head covers, before entering the dining room. The dining room is meant to be a pleasant and sociable place, the walls lined with pictures colored by schoolchildren. The meal consists of at least 3 courses, including hot soup of course. We see some men chowing down in a sociable setting, at the long cafeteria style tables, a lot of these guys look like grizzled warriors in need of a break from the constant stress of the front lines. But there is a smaller room, with smaller tables for more intimate dining, and also a television set. “It’s pleasant to rest here,” the guide says.

Artwork created by schoolchildren lines the walls.

“And now,” he teases, “here is our beauty!” And, at 3:00 minutes in, he shows us the crown jewel of this underground R&R center: the sauna bath. It’s a traditional Russian (some say Finnish) sauna with the heated wooden benches. Nearby is also located the laundry room, with a washing machine, clothes lines for drying, and an ironing board. On the same level there is also a barbershop where a man can get a shave and haircut.

At 3:46 minutes in, we see a sharp-eyed black cat staring at the camera. So, they have cats. And finally, we see a wall of motivational posters. And that is the end of the video.

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10 Responses to Ukraine War Day #770: Underground Warriors

  1. peter moritz says:

    So, they have cats.

    Of course they do. What better way to calm one down than stroking a purring cat beside you. Having given you royal assent, of course.


  2. S Brennan says:

    R & R, however limited, is what’s needed when you are in it for the long haul and that appears to be the strategy, attrition. 

    OT but…riffing from that subject

    Andrei posted on how DC/London’s Galician-stepan-fetch-its are ordering non-Galician soldiers to impale themselves upon Russian “spears”.

    “This…explains perfectly why Russians do not commit to large arrow offensives yet. Why? When your enemy impales willingly on your spear with no harm to you. Just keep it coming…”

    This is a perfectly reasonable military assessment, no doubt about it. But, from my perspective, while I want to see a fully integrated secure/prosperous Russia, I take no joy in seeing such self-abasement performed for the amusement of DC/London’s ghouls or…Russia’s defenders. I know I am here beating a dead horse, an equine so lifeless…it appears to be made of wood but, like my muse Cassandra, I’ve seen a few “gift horses” that are…how shall we say…overvalued. Let me be clear, while we don’t always agree, I mean no disrespect to Andrei, I find his contribution to public discourse extremely valuable…I just want “inquiring-minds”, to see what awaits with their eyes wide open.



    These are pawns being sent forward, whether they are given no choice by DC/London’s rear units of stepan-fetch-it-Galician-goons or, they have succumbed to 10 years of 24/7365 propaganda…they are still sacrificial pawns.

    The absence of “big-arrow” moves allows DC/London “planners” to continually build new defensive lines, whether they’re simple minefields or, deep entrenchments, all have to be taken in set piece war…and that destroys everything in it’s path. In order for Russia to be secure, it needs a sufficiently large “DMZ” and that requires the Russian Army to take massive amounts of territory at a high-cost, at a slow pace. All that heavily shelled territory will require a massive infusion of Rubles to “pacify”…just what the nutjobs that rule the US and England want.

    The absence of “big-arrow” moves allows DC/London to delay negotiations/surrender onto the Trump/Gabbard administration hamstringing them and saddling them with the blame for a war created by their sworn enemies, Hillary/Cheney/Obama/Biden administration [singular-intended]. Meanwhile, the neocolonicon ghouls of DC and London escape blame and hide in the shadows for the next four years biding their time.

    Not one to be overly respectful of Clausewitz but, truth is truth, “war is an extension of politics”. When military planners ignore the politics of the situation they can lose, in the aftermath of war, what they dearly paid for on the battlefield. In order for there to be peace in Eastern Europe, the neocolonicons, those who created this war [and so many others] must be, [metaphorically], chased down…into their sulfur stained lairs, torn limb form limb and cast into hell’s inferno; And then, let their dark master cauterize their wounds, lest their blood dampen the fires of the damned. Metaphorically speaking…of course 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. TomA says:

    You only build R&R tunnels if you’re very serious about winning a war. It says that you’re in it for the long haul and you understand that morale can be more decisive than artillery. It says that your chain of command is both compassionate and wise; which implies that they value the lives of their soldiers and will make decisions accordingly.

    Pity the poor Ukrainian average Ivans on the zero line whose officers are nowhere to be found and have never experienced an R&R rotation. They are being sacrificed for some oligarch’s profit and not even a biscuit to be had as reward.

    Liked by 1 person

    • S Brennan says:

      As I recall, the Nazis built lots of tunnels [entire production plants, concert halls, art galleries….”der bunker”] and while it’s true they were very serious about winning WW II, their intentions were entirely thwarted. DC/London are riddled with tunnels built especially for “very serious people” to find refuge in…should their plans of world dominion result in nuclear war.

      Almost every country builds defensive tunnels…some win, some lose, some play to a draw..all are very serious.

      Russia will win this war eventually, if nothing else, the logistics make a repeat of the Crimean War the stuff of English schoolboy fantasy. Really, the only question is when will the Russians win and…will the true quarry escape to fight* another day.

      *[with another parasitically transmuted proxy]


      • yalensis says:

        I just worry sometimes that if we (humans) spend too much time living underground, then eventually, through evolution, we will lose our eyesight, like blind mole rats.


  4. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    In the Grim World Of The Futurescape, all of us proles will be living in tunnels, because that’s where we’ll be safest from the drones! That whiny buzz is the sound of sudden death…

    On a less- serious, but still farcical note — I don’t see anything about how those subterussian kitchens will cater to food allergies. Are the peanut-free zones clearly marked? A jar of peanut butter can be as deadly as a dronegrenade to a sensitive stomach. What about lactose intolerance? You do NOT want to share an underground latrine bucket with someone who can’t properly digest milk if that’s all the kitchen is dishin’, jus‘ sayin’. If those cooks are slicing salami, I’m sensing less than total awareness of the vegan lifestyle. Are those cooks from some proper private enterprise food service like Serco, or are they just military grunts? I’m not seeing any corporate logos on their seeves. Ugg. Stuff like that would never fly in the Amerikan military. Was it here that someone (Brennan?) posted an image of a mobile Burger King* food truck being backed onto a cargo plane for logisticking to a battle zone? Americans will put their lives on the line for a Whopper (see “Saddam’s Weapons Of Mass Destruction” for example) but nobody’s going to die for a salami sandwich.
    * Which is known as “Hungry Jacks” Downundahere due to some trademarking issue. Same menu items, same colours on the signage, but no King.** Not that anyone reading this will ever experience this first-hand, because nobody ever comes to Australia, but the last Burger King you’ll see is the one in the Auckland airport. On the mainland, it’s all Jackas, in close proximity to the Maccas.
    ** What odds are the bookies giving that the Brutish Empire will have no King by the end of this year? The current King Churlish has some sort of cancer that’s too disgusting to even announce to his groveling subjects what kind it is. Which means it’s probably going to kill him even before he can set up some kind of charity grift to profit from it. If Chuck carks it, though, I suppose his spawn will step up to fill his shoes. By that I mean the bald kinglet who resembles the rest of the inbred Windsor line, not the estranged one who looks like the chauffeur that Spunktress Diana was shagging when she got up the duff.


  5. JC says:

    The only thing that concerns me with the subterranean approach is the ventilation.

    Actually, upon seeing the title but before reading contents, I thought maybe this posting focused on the Odessa tunnel network, which is *fascinating* by the way. Apparently it goes back to Czarist smuggling and stone quarrying days, in which the city above was literally built using stone mined from beneath the resident’s feet. During WW2, partisans used the tunnels, which are mostly unmapped.

    Who knows what kind of devolved nosferatu dwell within!


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