Ukraine War Day #734: Crimean Germans Denounce 1990 Treaty

Dear Readers:

Today I have this rather intriguing piece from RIA. I myself did not even know that there was an ethnic German community in Crimea. But yes, in typical Soviet fashion there is a German national-cultural autonomy led by a man named Yury Hempel [Russian spelling actually Gempel, but, in my transliteration system, I prefer to use the letter “H” for Germanic names, for example you will never convince me to spell Hitler as Gitler, or Hamlet as Gamlet!]

Yury Hempel

Either way, this Hempel character supports a recent initiative, put forward by the Soviet of Federations, and sponsored by a politician named Sergei Tsekov, to renounce a 1990 treaty between Russia and Germany.

First some backstory: The treaty “On the Final Regulation of the German Question”, more informally known as “2 plus 4” was signed on September 12, 1990 in Moscow. Signatories included both West and East Germany, the USSR, the USA, France, and Great Britain. The treaty went into effect in March, 1991.

According to Tsekov, the Germans have grossly violated the provisions of this treaty, and therefore the treaty itself should be denounced, declared null and void. This is the essence of his proposed legislation in the Soviet of Federations.

Yury Hempel, as the leader of the German ethnic autonomy in Crimea, heartily supports this legislation. As well he should, since he is also a member of the ruling United Russian party. In an interview with RIA, Hempel said that the entire German community of the Crimean peninsula agrees with him on this point: “The German people living in Crimea are very dissatisfied with the fact that the Motherland of our ancestors has no sovereignty over its own internal and external affairs.”

[yalensis: This is a true statement, in my opinion. Occupied after WWII, Germany eventually became a full political colony of the U.S. and currently possesses zero sovereignty as a nation-state. The once-great nation of Beethoven and Wagner, is ruled by cowardly custards and quisling liver-sausages who only dance to America’s tune.]

More importantly, as Hempel points out, Article 7 of the Treaty allegedly ensures Germany’s sovereignty. Hence, since Germany has no sovereignty, this point was never implemented.

Hempel also complains that the Treaty was supposed to ensure a lasting and stable peace in Europe, including arms control and the establishment of mutual trust. None of this ever happened either.

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15 Responses to Ukraine War Day #734: Crimean Germans Denounce 1990 Treaty

  1. Thick Red Duke says:

    Q: What did Zhukov say when he needed gas for his car in Berlin in 1945?
    A: Git’ler done!

    Sorry… I’ll find my way out.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Steve Parsons says:

    Most interesting – thanks. What has always staggered me is that when Gorbachev was agreeing to the unification of Germany, absolutely nothing was done to protect the property rights of individual East German householders. This allowed the families of Nazis who`d had their property confiscated to reclaim houses that had been occupied for decades by East Germans.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      Thanks, Steve, I didn’t know that particular fact, but it doesn’t surprise me. Gorby was in such a hurry to re-make the world (in America’s image) that he obviously didn’t think through all the ramifications.
      The hilarious thing is that these NATO people claim to be adherents of the capitalist philosophy. And yet, when it comes to protecting personal property rights [as opposed to private property], they don’t care. You see the same thing with Palestinians. Palestinian ownership of titles to particular land and homes don’t mean a thing when it comes to Israeli claims, based on bogus historical claims.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Beluga says:

    Well, the lying Yankees also said toGorby in about that 1990 timeframe, “Oh sure, no NATO Eastern expansion. That’s agreed.” Then said later after welcoming the Balts to NAtO, “You Russkie dolts shoulda got it in writing!”.I presume this is tangentially the point of the German League of Crimea — the US lied and essentially continues to occupy Germany, which is naught but a shell “country” unable to implement the promises of the subject treaty, Their complaint is Item #491 on Biden’s “I don’t give a damn” list.

    Meanwhile, the Houthis, those cunning devils, have damaged fibre optic cables running on the bed of the Red Sea, located between Jeddah in Saudi Arabia and Djibouti in East Africa, belong to major telecommunications operators AAE-1, Seacom, EIG and TGN.

    Moldava is setting its sights on Transnistria, which is arming itself up with drones. The Russian Army is now really on the move in Ukraine. But hold on, Macron wants to send French troops to Ukraine to give the Russkies a severe beating they won’t soon forget, although opposition parties call him insane. The RF S500 AD system passed its commissioning tests which include shooting down hypersonic / intercontinental ballistic missiles and satellites up to 120 miles in orbit. No fluffy Starlink satellite was harmed in the exercise.

    Meanwhile, executives from the US MIC continue to meet to discuss daily champagne lunch menu, stock option bonuses and quarterly earnings. Netanyahoo is about to invade Lebanon, because Palestinians in Gaza are finally starving to death, thus saving bombs for Beirut.

    Nobody has said whether the Houthis are still cutting undersea cables, or if the combined might of US/UK naval forces in the Red Sea area have managed to put a temporary stop to them. “hey, you guys! Quit that or we’ll bomb you!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      I am not sure that I personally approve of cutting underwater cables, the ecological neatnik in me worries what this will do to the planet’s seas. On the other hand, I believe the Houthis are totally the good guys in this horrific apocalyptic story.

      As for Macron, I sincerely hope that this amazing leader will achieve his Napoleonic ambition and achieve his own glorious battle of Waterloo.

      Cue the indispensable… (and pray that I finally get over my hopeless crush on Agnetha…):

      Liked by 2 people

  4. S Brennan says:

    Subject: Germany has no sovereignty

    Watching the German “leadership” commit national seppuku* for the entertainment of DC and London’s twisted twits has been a real eye opener for me. The only thing missing in this ritual hara-kiri, is the fatal sword stroke to the neck by Germany’s faithful companion…shouldn’t Austria be the one to unsheathe it’s katana and make quick work of it? Surely DC and London’s vainglorious ghouls are disappointed that Germany is not following the “proper” ceremonial procedure?

    [see Germany’s green-lighting the disembowelment of Nordstream visera]

    Liked by 1 person

    • S Brennan says:

      And speaking of undersea utilities being blown-up by state actors compare these two stories and note the dates:

      Houthis deny claims of underwater cable sabotage in Red Sea
      TASS Russian News Agency – 27 Feb 24 []


      Could the Houthis sabotage undersea cables?
      BBC – 7 Feb 2024 []

      So shortly after DC/London’s 3LA mouthpieces start priming the pump…

      Hmmm…maybe it was the Houthis that blew up Nordstream and not Gilligan and the intrepid crew of the Minnow? Me thinks the 3LAs need to put in call to their info management firm* and tell them to do a little internet scrubbing?

      * I can’t remember their name but, I think it sounds like Poodle

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I have relatives in Hamburg. I know Germany well. Germany no longer exists in ANY fashion.

    Liked by 1 person

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