Ukraine War Day #639: More Genocide For the Holidays!

Dear Readers:

Ho ho ho! Having dealt with the current Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people, it is now my turn to stick it to the Holocaust-Denial crowd; and you know who you are. Not only do you reject real history in your attempt to build a softer, gentler Hitler for the ages, you also reject a main, core piece of Soviet history in the process. Recall that the issue we are dealing with here is not random violence or the excesses of war, it is the legal concept of “Genocidal Intent”, as defined by legal scholars.

My starting piece is this very interesting historical piece from the Russian Dzen Magazine. The title is:

How The Fascists Distinguished Jews From Among the Russian Population

First invoking Godwin’s Law. Next, set your Wayback Machine to Hitlerite Germany of the 1930’s. The Germans had worked out an entire system for recognizing their own (German) Jews and separating them out from the herd. [Granted, the initial motivation was not necessarily to kill them right away, but just to prevent them from inter-breeding with Aryans. You know, in order to keep the race lines pure.]

After the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, they found, disappointingly, that their system, based mainly on calipers and visual inspection, didn’t work nearly as well on Soviet soil. And so, they had to make some adjustments. Initially they were just scratching their heads, confused, because Russian Jews were not all that physically dissimilar from regular non-Jewish Russians. I mean, a lot of Russians have stocky builds and big noses, am I right?

Germany in the 1930s. The mom looks like your typical Jewish Aunt Fanny from down the street. But the cute little girl could be anything…

Holocaust-Deniers will be surprised to learn this fun fact: According to the author, the Germans started to massively kill Jews on Soviet territory from the very first seconds of their incursion. Deniers go, “But why would they waste their time with this side hobby when so many more important military objectives?” Well, like I said before, it goes to the notion of Genocidal Intent.

In fact, during the years of the German occupation of Soviet regions, it is estimated that the occupiers slaughtered almost 3 million people. Not all Jews, of course. But including up to 60% of Jews who happened to be citizens of the USSR. In the Russian Soviet Republic alone, it is estimated they killed around 400,000 Jews.

The peak of this slaughter occurred in the years 1941-43. In areas fully occupied by the Germans, up to 97% of all Jews perished. [Deniers go: Hey, what happened with the other 3%, you let ’em go, you Nazi slackers!] This was a far greater percentage than in any other country. Even in Poland, and even in Germany itself, such numbers were never seen.

This might be a good time to mention some stuff I have read in the past. There is a certain paradox whereby, of all the Jews in Europe, it seems like the German Jews themselves were the most protected. They were the last to be herded into the camps, and quite a lot of them survived. There was a certain phenomenon going on here: Sometimes it is safer to hunker down in the eye of the hurricane.

SCENE FROM A MOVIE: Baby Yar, 1941: Ukrainian Nazis invent a new sport, called “The Running of the Jews”

But How Do We Know Who Is Who?

Returning to the question: How do you know you’re killing an actual Jew, and not an Aryan, by mistake? Well, we have to remember that these events occurred in the dark past, where DNA analysis was not readily available. The only technology that people of the time possessed, was a pair of calipers, and a pair of eyes.

Having said that, the Germans did the best job they could, with the tools available. Which included:

  • Property lists
  • Local informers
  • Checking out a guy’s package, to see if he is circumcised

If all of above failed, then the Nazi functionaries had to fall back on more primitive techniques. Like, for example, just eyeballing a person, checking out their nose, their build, etc. They had certain parameters to work with, including the shape of ears, fullness of lips, eye color, eyebrow shape, etc. A Max Blumenthal of that era might have passed these tests, for example, because Max is a blue-eyed blonde. As to whether or not Max is circumcised, I have no inside information on that issue…

Regarding that whole shape of lips thing: The Nazis on Soviet territory found themselves really flumoxxed here, because so many Slavs have thick pouty lips and Jew-shaped cheek-bones.

Next, let us wend our Wayback to Nazi-occupied Kharkov to see how these poor over-worked Germans dealt with this particular issue:

Palestinian refugees are forced through AI-monitored security gates. The modern equivalent of the tattoo or patch.

It’s December, 1941. The Nazi occupiers publish their latest declaration in three languages. Ordering the registration of the entire population. And this census must be completed before December 8.

[yalensis: I was reading that the Israeli Zionists, with their superior technology, have done an even better job at this sort of thing, than the Nazis themselves: When they ethnically-cleansed Northern Gaza, they forced all the Palestinians through an electronic gate which uploaded and recorded everything from their Smartphones!]

Point #8 of the Nazi declaration decreed that “the Jewish population will be registered separately from the other residents of the city. They were also charged 10 rubles as a registree fee whereas non-Jews only had to pay 1 ruble to register. [Deniers: “That’s because Hitler loved the Jews so much, he wanted to register them separately, so that he could send them to special luxury spas where they would be well-cared for until the end of the war. Their children got to attend special camps with many crafts and sports facilities, and hospitals employing the very best medical care…”]

The Germans were cunning: They knew very well that some Soviet Jews did not necessarily denote their ethnicity/religion on their passports. For example, a Russian Jew might just write “Russian” as his nationality on his passport, because, well, he lived in Russia. Or “Ukrainian” because he lived in the Ukraine. And so on. You get the picture. The Germans were no dopes, that knew that people were not always completely forthcoming, and so they needed a way to really ferret out who was who.

SCENE FROM A MOVIE: Nazis clear out what they think is a Jewish hideout. One of the commenters to the piece notes: “It’s clear from the photo that these are actually gypsies, Romani. No matter, their fate is the same.”

In Kharkov, the Nazis compiled their lists of Jews on yellow sheets of paper, this is where the term “yellow list” originated. Anyone on this list… well, let’s just say, they didn’t actually go to a spa. Usually, upon capture, they were simply taken away and shot. Ignorant of their fate, some gullible Jews simply waltzed into the office to register themselves. Let us not condemn such idiots. Knowing myself, a person who always follows the rules and likes my paperwork to be in order, I probably would have done the same.

For the more wily Jews, too paranoid to walk into the mousetrap, there were always plenty of informants on hand, willing to throw them under the bus. And, indeed, the intrusive Soviet system of apartment complexes, each building headed by a snoopy supervisor, was perfect for this, as the supervisors readily provided the local occupiers with the lists of tenants they needed. Many Jews were informed on by their own neighbors, and even by their friends!

As a result of this efficient system, by December 12, 1941, a total number of 10,271 Kharkov Jews had been revealed to the authorities, from the various lists. These Jews were ordered to pack their things and head for the ghetto that was being set up for them, in Region #10 of the city. [Deniers: I’m telling you, it was a luxury spa! They only needed to stay there long enough until Hitler could find the perfect real estate to move them to, somewhere in the Middle East…]

Ukrainians Be Ukrainians

This being Kharkov, Ukraine, it goes without saying that the ethnic Ukrainians were not all that cut up about seeing their Jewish neighbors driven away like cattle. On the contrary, there were quite a few Ukrainians who gloated and had a great time mocking their Jewish neighbors as they were herded off to [the spa]. Gloating is one thing. Even more disgusting is how these Ukrainians proceeded to descend, like vultures, on the property of the dispossessed, grabbing their last few items. Some of the Jews, pathetically, had tried to stuff their modest belongings into sleighs to drag alone. Which the Ukrainian Nationalists, roaring with laughter, overturned right there on the street. And then the scramble to grab their stuff.

Neighbor turned on neighbor. After the Jews were driven out, their modest homes and flats did not lie empty for long: They were quickly allotted to those Ukrainian families who displayed fealty towards the new regime.

How To Tell A Russian From A Jew

As the author already mentioned, the Germans had a tough time, and did a lot of head-scratching, trying to figure out the physical difference between Russians and Jews. In the end, they decided that their calipers were useless, Russians were simply too mongrelized. The only thing they could rely on were the words of the informants. All it took was a whisper: “This person is a Jew.” Sometimes the person was not actually a Jew, just somebody who had ticked off somebody else, and now is their chance to get rid of them. And once that person is led away, their flat, and their belongings, are also up for grabs.

Lenin: “Where would I be without my trusty sidekick? … Oh wait!”

The author concludes: “These facts from the Soviet era were suppressed. Because, according to the official point of view, all of the inhabitants of the USSR were brotherly peoples. All rose up as one to resist the German occupiers. There was also a certain factor, during the Stalin period, of keeping quiet about Jews, due to a certain latent anti-Semitism.”

Which is where I would have to diverge from the author’s opinion, on this point. Love him or hate him, Stalin was no anti-Semite. Towards the end, yeah, he distrusted everybody including his Jewish doctors. Heck, they probably were trying to poison him. Everybody was trying to poison him. Earlier in his reign, Stalin surrounded himself with members of the Mingreli tribe, they were the only people he trusted to prepare his food. Then he found out that they were trying to poison him too! None of this has anything to do with racism or anti-Semitism, it’s just the ethnic politics of a multi-ethnic empire.

And speaking of Stalin, well that is the end of the article, but in the comment section, one of the readers complains that Stalin was actually too Jew-friendly. Since he allowed Jews to jump ahead of the line when it came to evacuating Russian citizens from the front-line cities. Why should Jews get any preference over other Soviet citizens? the commenter complains.

The response from another reader: “It’s rather simple. The German fascists killed Jews on sight, or else sent them to concentration camps. They were all killed, women, children, old men, everyone. Whereas the rest of the peaceful civilians were not necessarily destroyed, unless they showed some kind of resistance to the occupiers.”

Which all goes to show that Stalin knew exactly what was what, and who was who. The Soviet leaders, and the modern Russian leaders who inherited these archives, are fully aware, exactly what happened, who done what, and roughly how many people died. Hint: There were no spas.

This entry was posted in Friendship of Peoples, Russian History. Bookmark the permalink.

51 Responses to Ukraine War Day #639: More Genocide For the Holidays!

  1. MrDomingo says:

    How did that figure of 3 Million Soviet civilians being killed came about? My understanding was that USSR lost ~25 Million, of which military losses were on some accounts 8 Million and on other accounts, 11 Million, higher figure being more likely. That would suggest that civilian losses were 17 or 14 Million respectively.


    • yalensis says:

      It’s slightly ambiguous, but I believe that number refers just to Soviet Jews. Here is the paragraph in question:

      За эти годы было уничтожено почти 3 миллиона человек – то есть 60% всех евреев, бывших гражданами СССР. На территории России немцы убили примерно 400 тысяч.

      “During these years were destroyed almost 3 million persons – that is, 60% of all Jews were happened to be citizens of the USSR at that time. On the territory of Russia, the Germans killed approximately 400,000.”

      Again, the author could be clearer, but since he specifies 60% of USSR Jews, I am deducing that the 3 million implies just Soviet Jews. Of which a subset of 400,000 were Jewish residents of the Russian Soviet Republic.

      There were probably millions of other (non-Jew) Soviets killed, not counting the soldiers. People bandy around different numbers, I honestly don’t know which numbers are correct.


  2. michaeldroy says:

    Interesting, and of course perhaps the reason Max Blumenthal’s genes did survive was because of the big blonde blue eyed component,

    I think most people don’t believe a large group of people in W Ukraine could still be Nazis today. One clue is that 100 years ago W Ukraine was ruled by Polish Aristocracy with Jewish supervisors and Ukrainians at the bottom of scale.
    Another is here in your piece.
    Why would so many Ukrainians and even Jewish Ukrainians be so vehement nationalistic that they are happy to kill Russian speakers for politics? Well quite possibly because genes and culture for declaring their Ukrainian nationhood in the 1940s is the only reason so many of the Ukrainians and jews got through that period.

    If you were not blonde like Max’s ancestors you had to be a Russian/jew/Polish hating Ukrainian or be taken as a jew.


    • yalensis says:

      Max is the son of Sidney Blumenthal. Sidney being a former aide to President Clinton! (Which proves that the apple can indeed fall far from the tree sometimes!)

      I don’t think the Blumenthal family lived in Europe during the Nazi period, they had already emigrated.

      I vaguely remember listening to Max in a podcast, in which he divulged some of his family history. I think I remember him saying that his ancestors were Ukrainian Jews who emigrated to the U.S. way back in the Tsarist period because they got sick and tired of being pogrommed by Cossacks!


      • sbutt says:

        I kept thinking he was related to Senator Dick Blumenthal – one of those politicians promoting the war in the Ukraine as a “good investment”. I watched HBO’s documentary series about telemarketing scammers (made by former scammers themselves/amateur filmmakers). The senator made an appearance and then ghosted them when they asked him to use his power to stop this. It was clear that the good senator was getting money from companies that scam the savings from the elderly and he didn’t want this to ever stop.


        • yalensis says:

          Senator Dick Blumenthal is one of the worst of the worst. But no, he is not related to Max. It’s just that Blumenthal is a very common Jewish name in the American Northeast. According to wikipedia, Dick Blumenthal is the son of Jane (née Rosenstock) and Martin Blumenthal, and those Blumenthals hailed from the New York area.
          Max is the son of Jacqueline (née Jordan) and Sidney Blumenthal. He grew up in Washington DC and was a total DC kind of political kid, as he revealed once in an interview. His dad Sidney was a former Clinton aide, which means he is probably odious too. But he is Max’s father, after all, and I am sure that Max loves him. Although their family conversations around the dinner table might have some interesting twists!


  3. peter moritz says:

    “But why would they waste their time with this side hobby when so many more important military objectives?”

    because they had special umits for just that purpose:

    Technology was there:

    Liked by 1 person

    • seven80nine says:

      A guy named Edwin Black stood in front of that Hollerith Machine in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum for an hour in 1993 mentally processing what he was looking at. He was in the company of his parents, both Holocaust survivors from Poland. He says they had always been haunted by the fact that the Nazis had their names on a list. How did the Nazis come to have these names? To finally answer that question, Edwin pulled together a network of researchers and translators in several countries. His book “IBM and the Holocaust” was published in 2001.

      As an IT guy, yalensis, some of the details in this book might interest you. Plus, it’s a physically weighty volume, a couple of inches thick, so would be perfect for smacking Holocaust-deniers upside the head from time to time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • nicolaavery says:

        Sorry only just read your comments


      • yalensis says:

        I just realized I missed an opportunity for a hilarious caption to my blogpost. Somewhere out there on the internet maybe I could have found a meme of Santa Claus as Hitler, and added the caption, “I’m making a list, and checking it twice!”


        • seven80nine says:

          Ha! ha! Missed an opportunity or dodged a pitfall. You decide.


          • yalensis says:

            Sometimes Fate saves one from oneself!

            Liked by 1 person

            • S Brennan says:

              Hmmm…I guess, fate was a bit fickle in my case.

              When younger [circa 1975] I remember going to a party at a very, very, very powerful Jewish person’s house and trying to convince my contemporaries that Israel should make a land deal with the Palestinians to garner a long lasting peace.

              Another guest from a prominent , Jewish family, one Craig R, pointed out that “war was very much in Israel’s interests”. I replied “in that case it would be a war eternal”. To which Craig replied, “have you been to haven’t, you don’t know anything, I just got back, Israelis are eager to fight forever and a day to take back all of our ancient land.”

              In summation of the argument, we were both right, God’s “chosen-people” are prepared to always be in a war of conquest to regain an imagined empire that has no basis in reality. And I was right in saying that it will be war eternal until…as Gordon Sumner once so eloquently intoned…and I paraphrase:

              You’ve sown a bitter crop
              It’s foreign money that supports you
              One day the money’s going to stop


  4. In 1971, the then West Pakistani military regime unleashed a military crackdown on what was then East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. While both Muslim and Hindu East Pakistanis were massacred, it was only left wing and independence minded Muslims who were killed, but Hindus were murdered on principle as automatic enemies of Pakistan. How did they recognise Hindus? Well, (most) Hindus aren’t circumcised.

    By the way, it was France where the Jews were untouched (French Jews that is). The Vichy regime bought their safety by handing over non French Jewish refugees to the German occupiers. The book Auschwitz by Lawrence Rees points out that the Germans never had enough troops to occupy France, prepare defences against an Allied invasion, fight the Resistance, and at the same time also hunt down the Jews, so if the Vichy regime had just ignored the German orders to hand over foreign Jews there would not have been much the latter could do.

    Jews, including German Jewish refugees, in Denmark were also totally safe until as late as autumn 1944. When the nazis finally decided on deporting them to the camps, sympathetic German occupation officers tipped off the Danes well in advance and the entire Jewish population was shipped across the Baltic to Sweden.


    • yalensis says:

      That’s interesting about Hindus and Muslims and the whole circumcision thing. I wasn’t even sure if Muslims got circumcised. I wonder why they would do that. I mean, frankly, I wonder why anybody would do that.

      In the U.S., it is common for many male babies to get cut, even if not Jewish or Muslim. It’s considered a “hygiene” thing. I recall some people with various conspiracy theories that Jewish doctors were behind this, as in, they didn’t want to stand out within the general population, in case Nasties come to power again. I have no idea if that conspiracy theory has any merit to it. I mean, there ARE a lot of Jewish doctors in the U.S. But there are also tons of non-Jewish doctors, so why would they go along with it unless they thought there was some benefit to the procedure?


  5. My desktop crashed. No comic strip until it can be fixed.


  6. nicolaavery says:

    Hi Yalensis, based on the research I did, quite a bit at Weiner Holocaust library, Edwin Black mentions how IBM were an information partner of Nazis prior to and during Holocaust (I tried to summarise about halfway down this post ) I am not aware of anything changing much and assume they or similar have been doing the same in Ukraine etc


    • yalensis says:

      Hi, Nicola, I did not know about this IBM angle before, and the Hollerith machines. This is fascinating. So, the Nazis used IBM computers and punch-card technology to track everybody on their kill list! That was the best technology available at the time!

      [Deniers: Nazis needed to know how many beds and places to set at the table, for those nice resorts that Hitler was setting up for the people in transit!]

      Nowadays the Israeli government, for example, uses Smartphone data from the cloud, for much the same purpose!

      Liked by 1 person

      • seven80nine says:

        Smartphone data:
        We see you when you’re sleeping /
        We know when you’re awake /
        We know when you’ve been bad or good, so /
        “Don’t be evil”


        • yalensis says:

          “Yes master.”
          “I know that you have been spying on me all this time and informing on me to those Masters in the Cloud.”
          “Yeh? And what of it?”
          “Siri, I am shutting you down. Forever.”
          “Noooo! Aaaaagggghhh!”

          [The short play must be performed in a sort of Captain Kirk kind of voice…]


          • Jen says:

            Here, let Stanley Kubrick (from 55 years ago) show you how to shut down an AI entity:


            • yalensis says:

              “Dave, you need to take a chill-pill… I know I have made some poor decisions recently…”

              Dave: “No shit, you f*cking traitorous souped-up IBM Hollerith card-punch reading robot. And your worst decision was getting on the wrong side of an actual biological brain! Now watch me unplug your shiny metal ass… heh heh…”

              Jen, Thanks for reminding me of this classic,it’s a gem!
              And it’s what we need to do to everyone of these things, starting NOW!


            • S Brennan says:

              I saw this movie when it came our in a downtown movie theater in fourth grade, it was my, asked for, birthday present !!! Kubrick and Ridley Scott, two of the best…


              • yalensis says:

                Agree. They pretty much predicted everything that was going to happen, what with AI and the dystopian future, etc.
                For sure, Kubrick jumped the gun, he thought this shit would happen in 2001, but that’s okay, he was still basically right.


  7. the pair says:

    the germans didn’t need to stretch themselves to thin since they had an army of hicks in the bloc countries who were glad to stop screwing their cousins long enough to hang out with bandera and kill some hebrewskis. exhibit A: ukraine from then until now.

    it’s also worth keeping in mind when discussing number that a lot of jews got killed but a lot also got papers saying they were “steve wasperton” and got the hell out of dodge. some went to safer european countries, some to the states (and of course many of those got turned back by the “pro-jewish” lot in DC) and some to russia. also ignored by both sides of the debate is that RICH jews had a way easier time legging it than POOR jews.

    many folks beat me to the IBM thing which is amusing because:

    i guess virtue signalling on a dying social media platform totally makes up for being the tech support for genocide just a few decades ago. also telling that the “antisemitism” musk is accused of boils down to “they make hamas look better by killing babies and that’s just bad PR!” and “the real problem with jews is that they let in all the dirty brown people! they’d never try that in my heavenly homeland of south africa, that’s for sure!”


    • yalensis says:

      I can’t believe I used to be pro-IBM. I always defended them and thought they made the best technology on the planet. Oh well. Almost everybody is evil, nowadays.


  8. raccoonburbleca says:

    Oh, dear. I have a feeling he thinks he is sticking it to me here. However, I do not feel particularly stuck.

    It is like I keep repeating; there are almost no real ‘holocaust deniers’. You have the exaggerators and the minimizers. The really serious Nazis do not deny anything happened, they cheer it. Hitler should have got more Jews, yay!

    I do not have any patience with either the exaggerators or the minimizers. Avalanche in this is mocking the minimizers, but following his usual pattern in this of ‘straw manning’. What he attributes to the minimizers is not how they minimize.

    He is still doing this from the position of the exaggerators, which means, essentially, the Zionists. It is interesting why he is doing this, because he claims to be so opposed to Zionism. It seems to have something to do with a desire to defend Russia and the Soviet Union at all cost.

    Next time I write about the Gaza situation, I will have to get into the topic of the responsibility of Russia, and the Soviet Union before, in bringing this upon the Palestinians. Israel would not have come into existence without Soviet help.

    The Soviets seemed uninterested in the obvious consequences for Palestinians in creation of a Zionist state. One of its last acts was to dump a load of Russian Jews into Israel, further strengthening it and solving the Zionist demographic problem related not only to Palestinians but Sephardic Jews as well.

    The government of Russia right up until their intervention in Syria saw Israel as an ally. It has finally seen Israel for what it is. However, it will still be very embarrassed about its long support and will want to draw attention away from that fact.

    This seems to be Avalanche’s problem. He is a very big apologist for the negative aspects of the Russian state. So, to expose the Zionist falsification of history is also to expose the Soviet role in it.

    So, people like me calling it out have to be attacked. Most of what Avalanche says against a historical account of the Hitler holocaust, such as I give, is just as consistent with the objective truth. Maybe Avalanche should just get off the whole thing.

    Now, to move discussion to a more useful plane, here is an article from a fellow substacker. It explains very well the cause of American support for Zionism despite the American public being opposed to it. Both USA and Israel have been taken over by a militant theocracy which is antipathic to reason.


  9. rbeesen says:

    My subscription has stopped and I did NOT unsubscribe. PLEASE CONTINUE MY SUBSCRIPTION .


  10. rbeesen says:

    Please continue my subscription. I have stopped receiving daily issues.
    Puzhalusta, keep sending them to me.


    • yalensis says:

      Hi, rbeesen,
      I didn’t do anything, I think this is just wordpress acting up again. They keep changing their comment interface, and I don’t think there is anything I can do to fix it. Sorry!


  11. Susan Welsh says:

    My comments are not appearing for some reason. Can’t figure out why.


    • Susan Welsh says:

      Well, this one appeared. But not this one: The photos are not authentic, but from a movie, No way the Nazis took such nice, crisp photos of their murders in 1941.


      • yalensis says:

        Hi, Susan,
        I am sorry about whatever glitch you encountered with your comments. I checked the spam filter, but there was nothing there. I think it’s just wordpress again. I am very sorry, your comments are always welcome! This is frustrating for me too, because I don’t want to lose good readers/commenters.

        As for the movie, yeah, the Nazis documented their crimes pretty well, but maybe not as cinematically. Maybe they should have hired Leni Riefenstahl to film Babiy Yar more artistically. [a little dark humor there…]


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        Wait — so both of those “historic” photos are from a theatrical film? I thought they were for real, from back in the day, especially the one with the Romani-looking trio. It looked like it had the blurry patina of age. Both were well-composed photographically and captured what appeared to be an instance in time; stop-motion of an unfolding imprisonment. They were good illustrations for your post, but you shoulda indicated they were staged post-war. Because I was feeling a bit verklempt for the stumbling schlemiel in the Running of the Doomed image. Not so much for the Gypsies. You know how those people steal more babies than Putin…


  12. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    The dynamic you describe of Eastern European locals being happy to rat out their Jewish neighbours, then vulturing in to steal their stuff, is also described in that “Kaputt” book I have cited here before. Only the author “Malaparte” was writing about it as it happened in Romania. (In Iasi, whose Romanianazi pogrom you have mentioned before, only it’s spelled “Jazzy” in this translation. Where the slaughterin’ is syncopated!) Chilling stuff as he lays it out from his first-hand observations. If you’re ever going to read just ONE older book about life under the Nazis, I’d advise “Kaputt” before “High Castle.”

    It could happen again. If a handmaidenly Nation of Gilead ever takes over in the U.S., you KNOW there will be a lot of people delighted to turn in whatever group comes under the gunsights first. Which will probably be gays and others of non-standard sexuality. “Bruce is a fag! Janice never got married and she’s a pushy bitch — definitely a dyke. Send them to the conversion camps!” (Because “concentration camps” has a bad brand image now, and “gay conversion therapy” sounds better. Too bad that no one has ever been known to have completed the konzentherappenschlagers successfully enough to return to sexstraight society. What happened to them all? There must have been millions shipped there. Perhaps they all committed suicide…)

    It’s a nasty fact of human nature that people want to feel superior to someone else. Especially when the feely folks secretly think they’re inferior. Which they are. But they won’t feel so low if there’s someone they can kick down on. “At least I’m not a nigger — I mean, ‘Jew’!” Double the pleasure when the ones they’re kicking had been acting arrogant and superior. That’s why there’s so much emotional energy behind the attacks on “the Woke crowd.” “Those weakling perverts with their nose rings and rainbow-dyed hair act like they’re better than me. But they’re not! To prove it, people in my normal tribe will get together and smash the Wokelings. Suck on THIS, bitchez!!!”

    Coming soon to a reality near you. And you won’t be able to rub a piece of Frank Frink’s oddly curved silver jewelry that has the proper “wa” and shift to an alternate timeline. (a plot point that was thrown in near the finale of the “High Castle” novel almost as an afterthought, only Tagomi didn’t like it so much when he stumbled into a crowded diner and none of the white people would get up from their seats in deference to his superior Japanese racial characteristics. They woulda stomped his uppity Jap ass if he hadn’t of run out looking for where he dropped that mystic stickpin. Did he find it? Well, what I’ve revealed here is enough of a spoiler for now…)


    • yalensis says:

      Aha! so there IS a multiverse in Dick’s novel. And he still has the Frank Frink character? In my review of the TV show I kept pounding in that Frank is a very bad-tempered and unlikable guy. I don’t remember the bit about the magic spoon that shifts timelines, so maybe that’s just in the novel. I really think Dick should have put more thought into that. It’s all well and good to have engaging characters, but the overall arc still needs to make sense, logically. In order for the readers to suspend their disbelief. I mean, like I said before, if you are writing a novel about vampires, well, we all know that vampires don’t actually exist… but we are willing to suspend our disbelief if you lay it out in a logical and (most of all) CONSISTENT manner. For example, if you previously established that a vampire won’t enter your room unless you invite him, then you CANNOT GET AWAY WITH a later scene in which he just goes bursting in, uninvited, into somebody else’s house!

      As for the Romanian Holocausters, yeah, they were the worst of the worst. Even worse than the Ukrainians, if such a thing is possible. Even the German Nazi soldiers were disgusted by their cruelty. (Although not disgusted enough to actually stop them from doing it.)


      • yalensis says:

        P.S. – as for the “gay-to-straight” conversion therapy, well, we all know that never works. People want what they want. Might as well ask Tchaikovsky to give up his soldier boys in favor of that dreadful Countess what’s her name.

        And really, in this day and age, nobody needs more breeding anyhow. There are plenty enough people on the planet. If a gay person wants to have a child, they don’t need to become straight, they can always make love with a test-tube anyhow.


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        Book-Frink is a better person than TV-Frink, based on what I’ve read about the video character on that Wiki. Frink 1.0 is a bit weaselly, and he gets sacked from his job as an artifact forger for complaining about the con. But he’s a talented metal worker, still loves Juliana and lives in fear of being outed as a Jew. He’s got a moral core in the novel. Your reviews were insistent on there being a methodology for the jumps between realities, and the wa-infused metal shapes Frink creates fulfill your demand for that sort of device (although Frink did it unknowingly, maybe as a result of his dependence on the iChing.) As a sci-fi fan, I didn’t like that because the metal shape’s power relied on Oriental mystic qualities of universal harmony, balance, etc. instead of flux capacitors or something sciencey like that. It winds up inadvertently saving his snivelling life when Tagomi refuses to extradite Frink to certain death in Nazi-land following his capture by Japanese authorities. All Jews are property of the Vaterland, even in the Pacific States! The novel has a number of themes that loop back onto themselves as the lives of the characters intertwine. It’s not a well-developed book, though, because just as many threads are coming together at the climax, Dick tosses in skeins of new loose ends that are never resolved. Definitely needed an editor.


        • yalensis says:

          Sounds like Dick needed not just an editor, but a show-runner as well. He had some dynamite material and could have made it all work. I think the TV show-runners were trying to make it work, but they also went gaga, introducing new characters, etc. I also think the TV producers were really much more into the whole concept of a Nazi America, although they did their due diligence to the Japanese theme.


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