Ukraine War Day #634: Russian Doctor Recounts The Horrors Of Gaza

Dear Readers:

Today I have this story from KP, the reporter is Angelina Sharypova. She interviewed a Russian doctor named Juliana, who recounts a harrowing story of survival.

The genocide continues as the world watches on…

The Israeli blockade of Gaza is not 100%. The Israelis have allowed the evacuation of a handful of people who are fortunate to be citizens of other countries, or have dual citizenship. Every nation with a functioning diplomatic service has put some effort into rescuing their own people. [yalensis: Alas, if only there were someone who could rescue everybody! Or, even better, deliver a crushing defeat to the Israeli army. But those are pipe dreams.] Thus, the Russian government has succeeded in saving a few lucky ones with Russian or dual citizenship. Already three flights have delivered a lucky few from the jaws of death.

Exhausted but lucky evacuees are on their way to Russia.

Among these fortunate ones are children, pregnant women, the elderly, and even non-elderly adults. All of these people have lived through hell the past few weeks, awaiting rescue, struggling to survive with minimum rations of water and food. But now, thankfully, they are safe from the horror.

Juliana describes to Angelina what she saw and endured. She had left Russia for Palestine back in 2000, a few years after marrying a Palestinian man. Her husband is also a doctor. Apparently he had studied medicine and got his degree somewhere in Russia, but eventually he wanted to return to his homeland, and so the family picked up and moved to Gaza. And this is not the first time, in their life together in the Palestinian homeland, that they have been dodging Israeli bullets.

Juliana: I might even say that we got accustomed to war situations. But we never before encountered such a mindless and ferocious war, as this one. In the past people have been bombed before, some would die, but it was still possible to find a safe place, to go away for a time, to wait it out while the politicians come to some kind of agreement. But this time around [the Israelis] are simply flattening out every single house and building. It was impossible to find any safe place to hide.

Juliana’s family consists of herself, her husband, a 15-year-old son and a grown-up, pregnant, daughter. When the current war began, they fled their home and went to live with relatives. But soon that place also became unsafe. They decided to find shelter in the local hospital.

Traumatized refugees still startle at the sound of loud noises.

Juliana: I am a therapist, so I am not used to working with the wounded. My husband, though, is a surgeon, he is accustomed to performing operations. They were bringing the wounded into the hospital literally every minute. And also corpses. It was a horror show. The doctors simply did not know how to cope. They were working literally day and night. They said they simply couldn’t feel their own arms and legs any more, after performing so many operations. And now there is a shortage of medications. Many operations are performed without anesthesia, because they simply don’t have the anesthesia meds any more. Peaceful civilians have perished in all of the previous conflicts, but not in these kinds of numbers. Over 6,000 children have died. This reflects our demographics: Half of the population are children. No matter where you drop a bomb, you are going to hit children. As for the grown-up men, the so-called “militants”, we never actually saw any of them. Probably they are running around in those underground tunnels, and the bombs are just flying at the houses. There are no bomb shelters in Gaza, none were ever built, nobody foresaw this.

In the early days, according to Juliana, the Israelis would give a brief warning to the residents: They would drop one bomb on, say, a housing complex, and then give the residents 5 minutes to flee before starting the real bombardment. But then they stopped even giving a warning:

“We know some people who had a warning bomb drop on their building. They grabbed their kids and fled to their neighbor’s house. And then the neighbor’s house was demolished by bombs. Over 40 people died. The only survivors in this particular family were the older daughter and her dad.”

Juliana’s own family eventually left the hospital when it became too dangerous there. They sought shelter in a school, located in the southern part of the Gaza strip. There they joined a collection of around 20,000 people, all clumped together and trying to live, without a roof over their heads.

Juliana: Just imagine the situation. A schoolhouse. Corridors. Classrooms. People are trying to carve out for themselves some little corner, in which to spend the night. We all slept on the bare floor, including my pregnant daughter. Men were not allowed to sleep inside the building, so my husband and son slept outside on the street or pavement. This went on for a month, and they got sick a couple of times. Some people [indoors] constructed tents for themselves, out of chairs and tables. Outdoors they constructed tents from wooden sticks and blankets. They were really afraid that it was going to rain. With every day that passed, more and more people kept arriving at the schoolhouse.

And with every arrival, the scarcity of food and water became ever more critical.

Gaza evacuees arrive at the Moscow airport.

Juliana: There was no “normal” type of food. At first one was able, for a price, to cook somewhat on portable gas-powered hot plates. But then the gas ran out. So people started setting fires to cook on, but then the food ran out. A few times some UN aid workers were able to bring in some humanitarian aid, this was mostly tinned food, some packets of milk, biscuits, cheese spreads. Everything else we could still buy in a few stores, until they ran out of products as well. All the store shelves became empty, you couldn’t even get lemonade, this is something that people traditionally drink to bring their blood sugar up when they are hungry.

Juliana’s son lost 15 kilos of body weight during this time. Eventually the family was reduced to one meal per day, and a small one at that.

Juliana: We also lacked drinking water. We were forced to drink what they call “technical” water. Dirty water. We would have liked to boil it first, but there was no way to do that, the electricity was turned on only one hour a day, and 3-5 hours per night. We were reduced to pure survival. And people stood in lines even for the technical water, they needed it to do their laundry. It was hot outside, after all. Later they started to bring in some water and would sell it to us. But a new horror arose: We would purchase some rationed water, but if we had to leave [our spot] for a while, then it wasn’t there when we came back.

Juliana and her family spent 37 days hiding out in the schoolhouse, until eventually they were able to get their names onto a list for evacuation. Currently they are living in a refugee camp just outside of Moscow. Juliana’s pregnant daughter had to be taken to the hospital, though: “She is already in her eighth month, I have been very worried about her. We are hoping that the stress we endured will not affect her baby. After we arrived in Russia, they immediately admitted her to the hospital, where she is under observation. Even though we ourselves never had bombs fall on us, when we were still living in the Northern part of Gaza, we would be woken up every 15 minutes by the sound of explosions. Even now, loud noises and whistling sounds make us all jump out of our skins.”

Juliana’s family does not know if their house back in Gaza, is still standing. It had been destroyed once before, in the previous war, after which they had it rebuilt. It was just this past January that they were finally able to move back into it, and then this happened. They have escaped to Russia, but with very few of their belongings, not much more than a single packet of things hastily grabbed. Everything else they own is back there…

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19 Responses to Ukraine War Day #634: Russian Doctor Recounts The Horrors Of Gaza

  1. MrDomingo says:

    This war has exposed West as frauds that they are.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      Exactly. This war has caused many heads to explode all around the world. I even noticed, in mainstream Westie/Atlanticist press like The New Yorker, some actual criticisms of Israel! This used to be unheard of. Any American mainstream reporter (or Hollywood celebrity, for that matter) who ever criticized Israel, however mildly, it was an instant death to career. But now it is starting to happen.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. nicolaavery says:

    Heartbreaking. I went in 1990s, not to Gaza but repairing / refurbishing a Palestinian kindegarten in Lydda/Lod and it was bad then. I keep hoping we will have a ceasefire but to quote Arthur Scargill a former miners leader in England, Westminster is a cesspit. We will keep trying to all do what we can when we can.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. peter moritz says:

    I see Hamas as a tool of Isreal, wittingly or unwittingly helping to progress the Israeli agenda to clear Gaza from Palestinians, for energy-economy reasons, political reasons, to facilitate landgrab and establishing a greater “for the jews” Israel, with Lebanon and maybe parts of Syria next?).
    That for the “jews only” thing, there was someone who tried that before, he just used the word “nation of a pure” whatever race.

    One shoud never forget and forgive, that Hamas was an Israeli creation to split the Palestinians into two camps, something Hamas was of course a willing party to, to gain power and control over Gaza, that Hamas was fighting with Isis in Syria, and that every operation that Hamas undertook, including the most recent one, alway turned out to be – foreseeably so, knowing Israeli’s “most moral” army and its responses – a disaster for the population.

    Despite all that, and not to exculpate Hamas, one really should watch this video by Max Blumenhal:

    I was not aware that the Hannibal Order had existed.


    • yalensis says:

      When I first heard about the October 7 events and the Hamas hi-jinks to grab hostages, I thought to myself, “Taking hostages is immoral and I can never condone such a thing; but on the other hand, it might help them get some of their own guys back, since the Israelis are so fanatic about retrieving hostages.”

      Then I read about the Hannibal order, and I thought to myself, “Oh, so it didn’t even buy them anything to grab Israeli hostages, since the Israelis are not really interested in getting their people back.”

      But then I keep reading about the Israeli/Zionist rage, and how they will do anything, even burn down the whole world, just to get their hostages back.

      So, which is it?


    • yalensis says:

      P.S. – regarding Max Blumenthal, I trust him very much. He is by no means a Hamas dupe, but his sympathies are clearly with them, and with anybody who takes up arms against the Zionists. Especially the settlers, who seem to be a really vile bunch of fascists.

      Personally, I respect Hezbollah and the Iranians. I somewhat distrust Hamas, and I know their very checkered history, but I am almost willing to give them the benefit of the doubt here. Namely, that they thought they were really going to pull a heroic feat of resistance. Sadly, I believe they are doomed to lose everything they have, and take down all of Gaza with them. I am pessimistic about the whole thing. I think Israel is bound to win the war and incorporate Gaza into their little empire. I fervently hope I am wrong, but I am not going to allow myself any false hopes.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bukko Boomeranger says:

      I am ranting a lot these days about the Samson Option and the Hannibal Doctrine. It shocks the unaware people, but my explanation has more credibility than typical conspiracy theory BS because I can cite names such as Gilad Shalit (the soldier was captured by Hezbollah and the Israelis had multiple soldiers killed trying to rescue him, so now they decided to do a cost-benefit tradeoff and kill one of their own instead of losing several if they try to get a guy free) and Mordecai Vanunu (the guy who leaked the details on Israel’s nuclear bomb program in the 1980s and was eventually kidnapped by Mossad and stuck in prison for decades.) Being a news junkie, I’m good at laying out details. My memory is excellent despite all the weed I’ve smoked in my life!

      I had a good discourse on all this earlier this month with my general practitioner, who’s a Bangladeshi woman. I’ve been with her for about eight years; even followed her when she switched practices to a new practice way across the metro area. I’m in great health but still have to go to her office every 6 months to get a renewal for my blood pressure meds. She knows I’m political, and we spend more time talking about current events than medical stuff. She asked me what I do with my days now that I’m not working (part of the subtle psychological probing doctors do to determine patients’ mental state) and I mentioned keeping track of the news. SHE was the one who raised the topic of “what’s going on in Israel?” which led to Samson and Hannibal. Being a Muslim, she is predisposed to be suspicious of Jews. As a non-Westerner, she was not familiar with the historical personages of Sam and Han, so I had some ‘splainin’ to do. Anyway, it must have interested her, because she wrote out those names on her doctor’s pads, and returned to the topic when she rang me a few days later to discuss the results of my routine bloodwork. (All levels normal — I’m healthier now as an unemployed bum than I was when I was working in medical facilities where I could snaffle all sorts of free food.) One person cannot enlighten the world with a single act, but if enough of us spread the truth, it will be a grassroots movement to lift the lid on the darkness.


      • yalensis says:

        What a great story! Your doc sounds like quite a corker. Does she write prescriptions like, “Bukko needs to take 2 Samsons and one Hannibal on an empty stomach!”


    • australianlady9 says:

      For the purposes of the grand narrative it has been convenient for Israel to showcase Hamas as the collective identity of the enemy. Hamas, the terrorist organisation, versus Israel the democracy. It even works if you are opposed to Zionism because Hamas has a dubious backstory, as described by Peter Moritz in his comment.
      And this is entirely understandable. I was appalled that Hamas employed the services of Tony Blair when he was Middle East “peace” envoy, from 2007-2015. And then Hamas sent in fighters to the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria to bring recalcitrant Palestinian Assad supporters in the camps under the control of ISIL. I remember these terrible battles and thought of Hamas as treacherous.
      Wiki also has a battle of Yarmouk, 2015 entry, but ominously any mention of the participation of Hamas is absent in both accounts.
      However, it does appear that in 2023 things have changed, but not the narrative. Contrary to all popular accounts, the operation Al Aqsa flood was a combined effort comprising four united groups,- a combined Palestinian resistance for the first time in 50 years.
      Hamas is the largest component by far, but also included is the Islamic jihad (Sunni and Khomeinis), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Marxist) (PFLP) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command (PFLPCG).
      This is a war being fought by Palestinians, and supported by the entirety of the Muslim world. Impossible to suppress.


      • yalensis says:

        Very great analysis, Australian Lady! I think we could tentatively conclude that Hamas has indeed changed. They used to be the baddies, but then something changed, and now they are the good guys. (Putting things very crudely, in simplistic Hollywood terms!) Like Lex Luthor suddenly having a change of heart and deciding to help Superman obtain justice for the world.

        Things go the other way too, as I wrote in my past “Credo” post. Namely, Jews used to be the “good guys” and truly were victims (I mean, ordinary Jews, not Zionists) up through WWII. And, despite what the “Deniers” claim, truly were “holocausted” (which has become a verb in Russian, by the way!)

        But then things changed, all too many Jews got infected by the Zionist virus, and then they became the baddies. Especially after the 1947 Nakba. Again, I include only Israeli supporters. There are tons of Jews who don’t support Nutty Yahoo and his genocidal schemes. But I don’t really need to explain this, people get it, and it isn’t all that complicated…


      • peter moritz says:

        that Hamas has indeed changed.?

        Really? Who alone befits from Hamas actions?
        It is somewhat disconcerting to read here the praises of the present day Hamas, who again, with its associates, starts an action where mainly civilians suffer from the overwhelming, and knowing Israeli history since 1948, expected response by the IDF under direction of its political masters.

        Again: who benefited? Clearly it is Israel, whose Government now has whipped up with lurid discriptions of “atrocities” in the “Kuwait incubators” or German soldiers’ “babies on the bayonet” style its population to justify the complete takeover of Gaza and the Westbank.

        That is all Hamas has achieved, aside from powerless fury by the Arab nations and Iran, who all deperately and rationally try to avoid the spreading of the fire. As the Israeli reaction was foreseeable and, to any rational thinking person, expected, I can see only two reasons for the actions by Hamas
        To help Israel to implement the final solution to the Palestinian question (another final one)
        it was an Elensky type strategy of publicity, to create a worldwide front against Israel, who in essence gives a shit because it can ALWAYS count, no matter what, on the US uni party backing of its actions.

        Hamas willingly and knowingly (who claims otherwise really is a clueless git) sacrificed sofar about 1200 Israeli lives (I heard 50% of this soldiers) in the first attacks, and roughly 30 000 Plaestinian wounded and 12 000 dead by Israels reponse, mostly women and children, for an action that will lead, let me repeat, to the complete dispossession of the Palestinians.

        I can see no good reason at all to exculpate or rationalize Hamas actions, causing this disaster for Palestine.


        • S Brennan says:

          Peter, as I have said exactly this from the start, I concur.

          This is an Israeli operation from start to finish. Unfortunately for the Israeli “Security” Forces [ISF], two Israeli intel officers survived the initial attack by Hamas in spite of the ISF’s best efforts to ensure they and their comrades deaths.

          This oversight by ISF has led to these two ladies into revealing that the ISF knew ahead of time [and with certainty] what Hamas going to do. The Israeli non-response/response was designed, from the start, to increase the death toll of Israeli lives.

          Again, this is an Israeli Operation coordinated with Biden’s handlers in the White House. It provides a smokescreen for the neocon/neocolonialists, they escape being scrutinized for another arson job gone bad in Ukrainia while the ISF got to sacrificed liberal/lefty Israelis in a mobbed-up real estate deal meant to ensure swanky beachfront condos for Netanyahu’s right wing donors. Such a deal…what’s not to like?

          This has been the most cynical war since Hillary’s quid pro quo scheme in Libya…the corruption of the neoconnish neocolonials in the Clinton/Bush/Obama/Biden administration rivals the worst of Rome.

          In the end, I can only be angry so many days a week. The Pols in DC/London/Jerusalem are and have-been exercising the “Sampson-Option” for quite some time completely unaware of their ironic role in the DC’s destruction.


  4. I have lost any sympathy for zionists. Yes, some are good people, but one does not pick and choose to spare a good smallpox virus.


  5. yalensis says:

    Amazing and emotional rant by Scott Ritter:


  6. raccoonburbleca says:

    Hello, Avalanche people. I have now completed my third article about Gaza. I am dropping it her as promised. It is the longest blog piece I have written yet. I think it is one of my best.


  7. nicolaavery says:

    Yes, appalling isn’t it


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