Ukraine War Day #464: Mr. Budanov Is Not A Nice Person

“The Right Hon. was a tubby little chap who looked like he had been poured into his clothes and forgotten to say ‘When’.”

P.G. Wodehouse, “Carry on Jeeves”

Dear Readers:

I saw this opinion piece by reporter Maxim Sokolov, the headline reads:

Ukrainian Intelligence – The Most Open Intelligence In The World

Sounds like a compliment, but the reporter is actually making fun of the Ukrainian leaders, for their propensity to run their mouths and openly express every sick thought in their heads. They are all like that, but the main hero today is Kirill Budanov, Director of Military Intelligence. Budanov’s star has been recently on the rise, while those of Zaluzhny and Zelensky start to wane, like soft ghosts of the verdant summer. Budanov likes to shoot his mouth off a lot, for example, threatening to kill Putin, threatening to ethnically cleanse Crimea, threatening to kill any Russians anywhere he can find them on the planet, the list goes on.

Say what you will about German liver sausage, but it tastes damn good!

Sokolov: The Ukrainians are known for being a very chatty people. For example, Melnik the international diplomat, name-calling Chancellor Scholz an “offended liver sausage”. And Melnik isn’t the only one: Kuleba, Danilov, Zelensky himself, all of these Ukrainian officials are very outspoken, their thoughts go directly to their tongues without any mediation in between. This may be part of Bandera culture: They consider it a cop-out to censor their own speech, or to hide their own intentions. For this reason they speak, or rather boast, of their own war crimes with a remarkable transparency. All of these officials, however, even taken together, pale before Budanov and his Deputy, Skibitsky. It was the latter who declared that the main task of his agency was to kill Putin. And also to kill or expel a large amount of the current population of Crimea.

Lusya: “Speaking as a Jewish wife and mother…”

yalensis: Speaking of Crimea, I just have to interject here… Yesterday while cruising on youtube I happened to see an Arestovich video made in Israel a couple of days ago. Seems like our friend Lusya has been in Israel this past week, giving lectures to the Russian-speaking Israeli youth there. And receiving great applause and kudos for his efforts. I might mention here that Arestovich’s star is also rising, as he openly expresses his wish to run for President in the next Ukrainian elections. (Should there actually be elections, and should Ukraine still exist at that time.) However, I don’t really think he has a chance at the post, Budanov will see to that. Anyhow, Lusya was describing to this audience of Russian Jews, how he and his Nazi chums (after they conquer Crimea), plan to expel or otherwise deal with the 2 million ethnic Russians who call Crimea their home. And the audience listening intently and nodding their approval… One of the commenters noted, “These young Jews don’t appear to have any genetic memory.” Clearly they have forgotten who tried to kill them, and who saved their tushes. Personally, I think their genetic memory of victimhood has long been corrupted and supplanted with the idea of their own impunity, from decades of lording it over Palestinians.

“Pensioner here…”

To Lusya’s credit, he did show some human mercy: He conceded that the very elderly “who took Russian passports only in order to get a pension” will be spared in the scything and ethnic cleansing that is to come. Perhaps they will take a leaf from the Passover book, and draw some kind of sign over their doors: “Pensioner here, just needed some cash… Please don’t kill me…”

But back to the Sokolov piece: Recall how Budanov promised “to kill Russians in any part of the world.” To his credit, he used the word “Rossiyane” (Russian citizens) not “Russkie” (ethnic Russians). Which matters a little but not much, because everybody knew what he really meant. Budanov himself, by the way, is an ethnic Russian. This was in the context of his putting out hits on popular Russian television personalities like Simonyan and Soloviev. It never occurred to him that he had the power to just switch the channel, if he didn’t like what he was hearing from those talking heads.

Walked Five Kilometers With a Broken Heart

Next we come to the most pathetic aspect of this man’s personality. It appeared that Budanov was jealous of all the attention and sympathy Zaluzhny was getting, when people thought the good General had been badly hurt. So, Budanov had to hog the attention back and describe his own wounds and ailments. The School Bully needed the other kids to give him a hug and cry about his booboos.

Budanov and his Hitler haircut: “I got a booboo too.”

Budanov told the following story to the press: During a trip to Donetsk a mine blew up rather nearby, a fragment lodged into his chest, very close to his heart. “It was impossible for them to extract the fragment, way too dangerous. My back and neck were broken. And yet I had to escape from the front line on my own steam, walking. Only adrenaline kept me going. With my back and neck broken, and the fragment inside my chest, I had to walk for 5 kilometers, and then I just collapsed, unconscious. It was a very serious injury. And yet I survived.”

(Budanov reminds me of that character in the Wodehouse series, I can’t remember his name, who is always boring people with his tales of safaris in the jungle, and always getting almost swallowed by crocodiles and the like, but always escaping by a whisker.) Sokolov believes that a real, professional spy, should be more close-lipped. He should be laconic in his words, and Spartan in his expressions. After all, secrets and confidentiality are at the heart of his very profession. And this has been the norm since the time of Romulus: They should know a lot, and speak only a little. As a thought experiment he invites us to compare the likes of Allen Dulles, Admiral Canaris, Brigade Leader Walter Schellenberg, the heads of the Soviet GRU, etc. They knew how to keep their pieholes shut, for sure.

And it’s not an issue of the varying ideologies, that doesn’t matter. The point is the profession itself, and its requirements. A blabbermouth makes for a lousy spy. Period. And a blabbermouth at the head of the spy service? Double and triple jeopardy. Budanov should be an International Man of Mystery; yet he comes off as an infantile bully.

The Russian government, by the way, has put out an arrest warrant against Budanov. So, if they can ever get their hands on him, he will be charged with many crimes. At which time, if he is smart, he should evoke his “right to remain silent,” until his attorney, Mark Feigin, arrives on the scene. But we shall see.

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48 Responses to Ukraine War Day #464: Mr. Budanov Is Not A Nice Person

  1. Liborio Guaso says:

    Let’s not expect anything good from the ucronazis.
    With the high criminal standard set by the original German Nazi criminals of the 20th century, which epitomized the European criminal experience of two millennia, the Ucronazis and others who come after them can only be copycat clowns as in the Ukrainian case who kill for money out of self-indulgence.
    Hate, living like a wild beast, the desire to kill is not normal in a human being, it is an incurable psychological disease, which since the times of the conquests has been intelligently exploited by racists to enrich themselves.
    And with this I say that the entire white world is rotten and the proof of this is its unit for any collective criminal activity. We will never see that between them for any good purpose.
    And I mean white societies, not the individual white human being.


    • Beluga says:

      I think we can use the Russian term Anglo Saxon instead of white societies. After all, a lot of Russians are white including many leaders, and I don’t see them as immoral fiends.

      Budanov and his injuries? Pfft. BS. Trying to make out he’s tough as nails. Walking 5 km all alone with a broken neck and back and shrapnel lodged next to his heart? Sure. “I’ve got a couple dozen bridges in Ukraine to sell you! Pristine!” He’s been a bit quiet these last few days, but then GRU headquarters in Kiev was hit after the Moscow drone raid. Seems to have quieted the boy right down. Like a bad stink, he’ll likely be back, unfortunately, spouting hatred. Ze is off on a tour of the Balkans, I hear. Typical.

      And here’s some more “experts” expounding horseshite today. Worth a read to see how crazy people are in the US. If you want to feel like a barf, here’s the opening: “It was another bad week in Ukraine for Russian President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and his commanding general, Valery Gerasimov — bad enough to launch criminal retaliation strikes against civilian targets in Kyiv, which largely failed anyway.”

      Liked by 1 person

      • yalensis says:

        I read that Ze was lobbying the Moldavians/Romanians to help him invade Transnistria.


      • Australian lady says:

        Liborio Guaso does qualify his theme by referencing white societies as the pathology, rather than white individuals. But as a representative of the latter, and I guess by circumstance of the former, I’m obliged to disagree.
        My disagreement would simply be that this issue is too complex for racial reductionism. Not just white ( v. black). Perhaps I am misrepresenting Liborio Guaso, but the brutal history of the European countries- and Britain, has been very often directed against other (neighbouring ) white peoples, if not their own. Yes, Indians, Africans, South Americans and Indigenous peoples have righteous grievances against the whiteman, but how do the pale-pigmented express their objections to their own historical circumstances, especially when there are elements of white civilisation to which they feel very endeared?
        Beluga proffers the term “anglosaxon” in lieu of “white societies”. Thierry Meyssan of Voltairenet has been very particular with this usage. I actually credit him with this term. Perhaps for him, being a non-speaker of English, he is defining “the problem” linguistically. Another (geopolitical) term for anglosaxon would be Atlanicist- Speakers of English, both side of the Atlantic, with a common nefarious agenda.
        It becomes exceptionally complex when you throw Bolshevism into the mix. Pervasive ignorance accounts for the continuing elision of Russia and “Bolshevik “. I just can’t fathom this irrational, madly amplified hatred.
        The last few posts from John Helmer have been excellent. Today he give us the lowdown on Norway’s Quisling. This essay of Helmer’s encapsulates a lot of my musings that have been stimulated by the above comments. Well worth reading:

        Liked by 1 person

        • yalensis says:

          Thanks for the Helmer clip, Australian Lady. I agree with you that “defining the baddies” should not be reduced to race or skin pigmentation (i.e., “the white man”) nor to linguistic entities (Anglo-Saxons). The Russian blogosphere is struggling with this issue as well, I think Lavrov might have come up with “Anglo-Saxon” to define the enemy, previously they used the term “Atlanticists”, but then realized that none of these terms really work or are accurate in trying to define exactly who is who, and what is what.

          To me, as a Marxist and practitioner of the Hegelian dialectic, it’s all so simple. Just ignore everything about race, ethnicity, language, and everything else except class. To me, the baddies are the leaders of the imperialist entity, and its vassals. The good guys are ordinary workers and regular people everywhere, who toil under the yoke.
          I know, I know, this is over-simplifed. But it’s a start to a real definition.


    • peter moritz says:

      “which epitomized the European criminal experience of two millennia, the Ucronazis and others who come after them can only be copycat clowns as in the Ukrainian case who kill for money out of self-indulgence.”

      That sounds like the same woke bullshit that gets peddled by the likes of BLM etc; Blacks cannot be racists, Jews cannot be Nazis, all Whites are inherently violent and should be put away mercifully, etc.

      Do you not forget that the Great Khan was not the most kind and considerate invader, and his actions do leave little to the imagination regarding violence and ,mayhem? Or that Vlad the impaler was not necessarily one that would
      compare well regarding violence and brutality? What about the Inca empire and its violent expansion or the Turkish Empire? And of course Russia’s empire and its treatment of the occupied populations, especially those of the caucasus?

      The slave trade: a white phenom? Engaged in by Arabian traders – to this day BTW- with the help of the heads of tribes willing to make a tidy profit. Slave taking and slave ownership was something that up to the anglo Wilberforce nobody black, whiter, yellow or pink spent many a thought of to find unpalatable or to condemn, even the jews and their decendents, the Christians, had no problem with the practice.

      It is utter BS to claim one specific ethnicity having the propensity of being more violent than any other, history does not show this, just that all societies, black, yellow, white, pink have the capabilities to exert dominance over others given circumstances, stratified organisation of society and opportunities.

      The Anglo Saxon expansion was helped in a major way by the nexus of industry, science, technology andthe developing capitalist structures d at a specific point in time, and the exploitation of those means quite without any scruples, a hallmark of any expansive society.


      • yalensis says:

        You speak the truth, White Man. All biological human beings have these propensities. They all enslave and abuse each other, given the opportunity. I have written before about the Pacific Island societies and their astonishing brutality. (Allude to Melville’s character Queequeg and his society’s propensity, among the elite chieftains, to abuse prisoners horribly and then barbecue them ritualistically). Not to mention the brutality of traditional African societies with their rigid class systems. And don’t even get me started on the Indian traditional caste system.

        So yeah, it’s not just whitey be da bad guy. It’s the curse of being human. Original sin. Call it what you will. The only cure is a system of laws which make all people equal under the law; and all human beings deserving of dignity and bodily integrity.

        But, in order for that to happen, there must be socialism, on a world scale. And truly international institutions. (Not the farce-like ones that we have now.)

        My two cents.


        • peter moritz says:

          I would agree with you, but after over 70 years of living I have my doubts that a system of socialized ownership of the means production as the economic basis would ensure long-term stability of a classless, non-stratified by wealth and power society based on true participative democracy.

          There will always be sociopaths and psychopath, the predators within society, that will find a way to power and control and manipulate any society in a way that solely benefits them, even if in the long term it means the destruction of the society they gain control over.

          I have observed this starting within the so called counter culture in Germany in the 1960s within the various socialists factions, Marxist and otherwise, mainly University based movements.
          You likely are familiar with those group dynamics, the stratification of the group, the cementing of leadership, the in and outfighting between and within groups with similar goals, but oh those minor and not so minor differences, between the anarchists, the anarcho syndicalsists, the Stalinists, the Trotzkists, the Maoists, the democratic socialists, whose goal always seems to be the same in the end, but the means vary wildly.

          The goal of a classless society that in the end, see above, likely will again result in a stratified system, which it seems to me, from evidence, can only be avoided in nomadic societies, without land ownership but an agreed upon land usage among tribes.


          • yalensis says:

            Communist cadre organizations become corrupted by the same thing that corrupts mainstream political parties: Money.
            The constant need for money to pay for Party facilities, newspapers, pay the salaries of the professional revolutionaries, etc.
            But I believe there is a remedy. Eliminate the money. It’s not really needed that much any more. In the age of the internet, it doesn’t really cost anything to produce a newspaper, for example. And eliminate cadre salaries, make it so that all the members of a party have to support themselves with a job or by some means. Including the leaders. They can do Party work in their spare time, just like people in other organizations, like social clubs, etc.

            I believe that these simple changes will make a lot of the problems go away by themselves.
            Political Parties are still needed, though. The working class doesn’t have any way to exert any influence, let alone power, without an organizational “fist”, as Lenin called it. It’s just necessary to take money out of the equation.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. james says:

    i don’t think this guy is long for this world.. my take… he’s essentially put a large bullseye on himself.. only a matter of time, but i suspect sooner then later he will be gone..


  3. peter moritz says:

    Some thoughts about Ukraine’s counter-offensive:

    Allow me to draw the attention of readers to the ongoing Ukrainian artillery attack on the border city of Shebekino in the RF oblast of Belgorod. This is not the sporadic shelling that the city of Donetsk has undergone over the course of years from fortified positions of the Ukrainian army that were put in place since 2014. No, it is an assault measured in hundreds of artillery shells during the past 24 hours as well as attempted armed incursions of Ukrainian fighters across the border. Several hundred residences and apartment buildings in Shebekino have been damaged or destroyed in the past several days………..

    The Ukrainian attack on Shebekino, a purely civilian town with no military value whatsoever, IS the long awaited Ukrainian “counter offensive.” It is the action of a spent military force which cannot engage the Russian armed forces on the field of battle.

    What is Ukraine doing in the town of Shebekino, Belgorod oblast and what consequences may we expect?


    • yalensis says:

      I think those Ukrainian idiots believe that if they actually capture a Russian Oblast, then they can sit down at the bargaining table and trade for Crimea.

      They obviously don’t understand Russian history and mentality. The Russian General Staff would temporarily sacrifice Belgorod, just as Kutuzov temporarily sacrificed Moscow herself! The Ukrainians are wasting their time and ammo on civilians.

      [A very very cynical person might say: “That’s good. Because all the less ammo they will have where it could really hurt, like in Zaporozhie, or in Transnistria.”]


  4. S Brennan says:

    Excellent response to the diabolical statements emanating from Ukrainia’s “intelligence-services”.

    How an Israeli, IN ISRAEL can, in good conscience, not only listen attentively but, applaud[?] a dyed in the wool Nazi advocating genocide is beyond understanding and forgiveness? That is, unless you DON’T know your history; the Nazis didn’t start their extermination project with Jews, first it was inmates of asylums, next it was the communist, then it was the gays and then, only then, did the Nazis turn their full attention to the Jews. How an Israeli, IN ISRAEL could NOT know this is beyond the pale!

    For the phrase “NEVER AGAIN” to have any operational value it must be preceded by a willingness to NEVER FORGET history’s cold-hearted lessons! Just what the heck is being taught in Israeli schools? If this story is accurately reported, Israeli teachers should hang their collective heads in shame.


  5. the pair says:

    dulles…the GRU…and this guy:

    great article in general. the passover reference was especially well done. (tangent: if “israel” was a person it would be a kid who got beaten senseless by its step-dad only to move out of the house and beat its own step-kid on a daily basis). it also doesn’t help that some of the most vicious russophobes are russian expats themselves (ditto many other cultures/countries; former iranians come to mind). it’s still odd given that their parents ended up in “israel” when the soviet union went tits up and many of its jewish citizens saw the writing on the wall…did they neglect to mention to these kids why they “amscrayed” in the first place?


  6. As a completely off-topic remark, I wanted to say something which really struck me which is how the USA’s educational system and media have deliberately cut off Russia from its content and discourse, for at least 100 years or more. History of Russia? Americans don’t know anything, it’s never taught. Only lots of ‘evil communist’ smears.
    Russian arts and culture? Haven’t a clue. What about the amazing Siberian tigers? Never heard of, btw are you nuts? Or a stoner? Or heaven forbid–a PUTIN BOT!?!?


    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      And yet they can’t get through Christmas without Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. Nor can they survive a 4th of July without Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture!

      Liked by 1 person

      • S Brennan says:

        Not to mention that Czarist Russia backed the US when England and France schemed to assist American blood flow during the Civil War in a calculated effort to take back their respective “colonies”.

        As I recall, the Russ wintered their fleet in Philadelphia to send a clear signal to England & France to let the Americans settle their fratricidal war on their own. Had Russia not interrupted England & France’s plans the Civil war would have lasted for decades and bled the US white.


        • yalensis says:

          In truth, if you look through history, Russia never actually did anything bad to the Americans. The only example I can even think of, where a grudge might be held, is their support of North Vietnam during that war. That’s probably the source of McCain’s grudge, at least, because maybe a Russian pilot shot him down. (To which, by the way, I like Trump’s response to McCain’s pathos, didn’t he say something like, “I prefer my heroes who were NOT shot down!”)


          • Bukko Boomeranger says:

            It’s a small thing, but Russian pilots WERE flying a lot of the supposedly Nork MIG-15s that fought American bombers over North Korea during the Korean War. They shot down enough B-29s that the U.S. had to call off its carpet-bombing campaign over the north. That Russian counter-move pales in comparison to all the stuff that Amerika has done; just adding this to fill out some of your historical knowledge. The real root of the Russia hatred, of course, is that they were spreading the gospel of international revolutionary communism after smashing the Tsarist regime, and that was a threat to the capitalists.


        • Jen says:

          The Russian navy sent its ship to San Francisco, not Philadelphia, to warn the British against seizing California during the American Civil War.

          For a long time afterwards, until recently, people in San Francisco used to celebrate this event as a mark of thanks to Russia for helping to keep the Union intact.


          • yalensis says:

            No good deed goes unpunished!


          • S Brennan says:

            Well, pardon me, I stand corrected…however, I was off by about 90 miles, not ~2,500*.


            And it may not be a case of either or…it is entirely possible that the Russians brought their Pacific Fleet to the Bay Area AND their Atlantic fleet to NY City as more than one thing can be true at the same time another is also true…yes?

            I believe the Russ had a fort & settlers as far south as the…wait for it…The Russian River just north of Petaluma in Sonoma county prior to acquiescing the north coast to the Americans. So the Bay area was well known to the Russ.


            • yalensis says:

              Speaking of Russians invading New York… that might be back in the headlines at some point, if and when the Russian army takes the settlement of “New York” in the Ukraine (it’s the name of a real town in the Donbass!)


  7. JMF says:

    Mr. Budanov Is Not A Nice Person …

    … And neither is dimwit Lindsey Graham! Stephen Karganovic here blasts that equally big-mouthed idiot and presents an absolutely marvelous Pushkin poem:

    In Misnamed ‘Kyiv’, a Meeting of Titans Generates a Disgusting Racist Slur

    If there ever was doubt whether Senator Lindsey Graham was a certified moron, the issue is now resolved. As for his host in “Kyiv,” there never was any dilemma in that regard. …


    • yalensis says:

      Yes, Pushkin’s poem resonates today, more than ever!

      “And what have the good people of South Carolina got to say about this? Do they support the primitive outbursts of the man who formally represents them and speaks in their name? Are they prepared to share the moral opprobrium for their favourite son’s remarks?”

      Whatever the good people of South Carolina think, I don’t think they actually get much say in who represents them. Once somebody is elected to the Senate, it is just about impossible to dislodge them.


      • S Brennan says:

        Agree. As long as you stay in good with the 3LAs, you’re made man. Just read the daily WaPo and swear by every word.


  8. You usedta run monthly posts on “How Am I Doing?” back in your operareview days. Here’s a brief report on how I have seen that you are doping recently (prompted by this ratBoydanov post.) Earlier this week, one of the regular commenters at Naked Capitalism, with the nym of “Polar Socialist” cited an old post about Budanov you made (from War Day #306) in something he had to say about everybody’s Buddy. IIRC, the nym belongs to someone in Norway. I reckon that’s pretty good — more than 100 war-days later, somebody was name-checking something you wrote when the conflict wasn’t even a year old. I spotted a link to AA in comments yesterday on Larry Johnson’s blog, too, plus occasional others. And none of them are dropped by Raghead, who comments all over the place in the Russosphere under his (I presume) real name. So congrats for the fame. Don’t let it go to your head, though — Simplicius still gets more commentmentions than you, and he’s only been at it for about 6 months (under that nym, vs. the one he used on the Saker earlier in the war)


    • yalensis says:

      Hey, Bukko. Yeah, when I first started my blog, I was very keen on measuring my own “success” with statistics and stuff. My numbers changed very little from month to month, but that was okay, I was satisfied even having just a few readers and views, and I was flattered that I was getting hits in many different countries all over the world.
      At a certain point I slacked off doing that. For starters, my How’m I doin’ posts typically took several hours to put together, because I had to run the stats, download to Excel, etc., and then I also would post links to my articles of the month. Besides keeping myself honest, it was also a way of “working my customer base”, by inviting them to read some posts they might have missed earlier in the month.
      Anyhow, long story short, I think I just got lazy and stopped doing these “measures and metrics” posts, I don’t even look at my numbers anymore. Also, since the war started, my main focus has been to keep my “promise” to post content every single day, and that’s a big commitment!

      Long story short, I am very happy with the readers that I have, and I am not really trying to achieve any fame. Quite the contrary, it’s safer for me to fly under the radar a bit! (if you know what I mean…) Also, I know I’ll never be as good as Helmer or Simplicius, those guys are true political analysts and thinkers. I’m not really a thinker. My niche is a little different, but hopefully there is a place for me in the overall blogosphere.


  9. “Budanov reminds me of that character in the Wodehouse series, I can’t remember his name, who is always boring people with his tales of safaris in the jungle, and always getting almost swallowed by crocodiles and the like, but always escaping by a whisker.”

    Neither do I, and I thought I knew Wodehouse fairly well. Well enough to write a Bertie Wooster parody.


  10. Australian lady says:

    One guy who kept his mouth shut whilst also being a big celebrity was Robert Maxwell. And those “Russian speaking Israeli youth”, with their shameless hubristic ignorance of historical connections, wouldn’t have a clue about Maxwell’s machinations that made them Israelis and not Eastern Europeans. It would be their parents who made the aliyah, courtesy of Robert Maxwell. (Though it’s interesting to note they still speak Russian).
    That Arestovich/Lusya character would go down a treat in Israel. At least for now. I think for “Israel” the clock is ticking. Also for Budanov, if not Arestovich.
    Arestovich versus Budanov. Now that’s an entertaining sideline sideshow to war day#464!
    Back to Maxwell, father of Ghislaine, mentor of Epstein. The man who kept his trap shut about being a spy. I read this book 20 years ago, and still reckon it’s highly relevant. Robert-Maxwell-Israel’s-Superspy-Gordon/dp/07867


  11. We must hate and want to kill all Russians!


    Russia supported the US when it consisted of only colonies, which were fighting against the despotic global British empire. (It is still despotic and still an empire, but now the US is allies with it?) For that, we must intensely hate all Russians, right?

    Well, then Russia sold the young US, a state that is now called Alaska, for almost nothing, a gift practically. For that, we must intensely hate all Russians, right?

    Russia was allies with the US in an undeclared war against China in 1800’s. For that, we must intensely hate all Russians, right?

    Russia was allies with the US in a war against fascist Hitler and his genocidal policies. Over 29 million Russians sacrificed their lives in order to vanquish this global foe. Russians did the really heavy lifting, but let’s the US believe it won that war all by itself with no help at all from Russia. For that, we must intensely hate all Russians, right?

    Yea, that makes complete sense.. especially when one knows that the CIA Operation Aerodynamic supported, financed and trained Neo Nazis in Ukraine since WWII all the way up to today.

    Yea, that makes complete sense.. especially when one knows that the CIA fomented and carried out a coup in Ukraine in 2014, with the help of those same Neo Nazis it trained and financed.


  12. JMF says:

    This just in! If confirmed, couldn’t have happened to a “nicer” guy:



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