Ukraine War Day #816: Round ’em up before Zelensky turns into a pumpkin!

Dear Readers:

Draft ticket

Yesterday (May 18) went into effect Ukraine’s new law on total mobilization. To help us learn more about the ramifications, I have this piece from GAZETA by reporter Ivan Polovinin.

The law is shockingly totalitarian, but it is hoped (by the Ukrainian regime) to raise them literally hundreds of thousands of new soldiers to send to the front. Anybody trying to dodge this draft will be treated very harshly. Let’s break this down:

“All male citizens of Ukraine between the ages of 18 and 60, their lives changed seriously as the dawn broke on the day of May 18.” Here are the main changes to be expected:

  • The age threshold of mobilization goes down 2 years, from 27 to 25.
  • All males between 18-60 must carry their military (draft) ticket with them at all times.
  • Those who are eligible have 60 days to appear at the draft board and update their personal data.
  • Police may be enlisted to help hunt down those who are trying to evade the mobilization.
  • Draft notices are sent out electronically, they need not be hand-delivered to be in force, so people can’t use that excuse any more.
  • Sanctions for draft-dodgers include fines and property seizures, they may also be forbidden to drive vehicles on the road.

Despite the fact that notices are sent out electronically, eligible males may not update their data online, they must still appear in person at a military station. [This obviously to prevent deceptive males from fleeing the country, then logging in from a different country while still pretending to be resident in Ukraine.]

Males may be stopped on the street and asked to see their draft ticket.

Employers must hand their employees over to the draft boards.

The category “partially able” has been abolished, now it’s just binary “Able” or “Not Able” to serve.

Western Influence

Everybody knows that these draconian measures were forced upon the Ukrainian government by their Western friends. It was a condition of un-blocking the military aid which Ukraine craved. The deal was cemented by Blinken’s trip to Kiev.

“Everybody off to the front! Doo-wap-wap…”

GAZETA questioned several experts to seek their opinions. They all agree that this total mobilization reeks of Western pressure. Alexei Martynov is the Director of an Institute called “New States”, whatever that means: “Clearly the Ukrainians are rushing this through. On May 21 Zelensky’s legitimacy evaporates, and he turns into a pumpkin. This is why the law goes into effect on Saturday May 18. The Ukrainian leadership needed to show their masters that they were ready to continue this bloody opera which devours their own population.”

Vladimir Bruter is also the Director of an Institute, this one called the International Institute of Humanitarian Political Research: “In a conflict such as this one, it is a real issue, just how many men you can send to the front. Resources are limited. That same Blinken, who is also responsible for dispatching foreign mercenaries to Ukraine, understands that you won’t be able to scrape up enough men from Colombia or Peru. The presence of Western Europeans is somewhat scandalous, and the State Department does not have the power to send Africans. The only solution they could derive is to force Ukraine to maximally remove all limitations on whom they send.”

“Uh oh, my term just ran out!”
“But the slipper still fits, so I get to be Queen!”

When the draft law was placed before the Rada, it was stated that the Ukrainian Army needed half a million men. The simple act of lowering the draft age from 27 to 25 would provide them with an additional 100,000 pieces of cannon fodder. Adding prisoners from the jails might allow them to eke out an additional 10 to 15 thousand fresh bodies. There was also talk of mobilizing women, but so far this has not happened, although there already are a lot of women serving in the Ukrainian army, on contract terms.

The new law comes into action just as Russia is pressing down on the Kharkov Oblast. Bruter confesses that it is difficult to prognose what impact this total mobilization will have on the war. “We can only wait and see how this dynamic progresses,” he concludes.

Martynov, on the other hand, is sure that the mobilization cannot help the Ukrainians at this stage: “All that will happen is that the male population will flee the country at ever greater rates,” he predicts. “They will do anything they have to, to get away. And if they try to draft women, well, then the women will also flee.”

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10 Responses to Ukraine War Day #816: Round ’em up before Zelensky turns into a pumpkin!

  1. Twitter and Telegram are full of videos of Ukranazistani towns with deserted streets since everyone is in hiding. People don’t want tu die for Elensky’s cocaine dealer’s bank account! Amazing!


  2. S Brennan says:

    I am appalled that anyone would be against conscripting uninterested untermenschen to fight for Nazism.

    What is the world coming to when Nazis are required to fight for Nazism? Nazis fighting for Nazism..that’s just disgusting…a good Nazi’s job is to be safely in the rear, screwing the fighting man’s wife/girlfriend, stealing his property, juggling foreign bank accounts, all the while choosing what ratline to scamper down. Being Nazi means making tough choices…like where will I locate my retirement mansion..Miami or London..not getting your hands dirty.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ccdrakesannetnejp says:

    The US knows full well Ukraine will lose no matter what. It is forcing the Banderites to draft almost all males because the dead bodies of these males may be able to extend the Ukrainian surrender date past the November election. In effect the US is asking masses of Ukrainians to die for the sake of the leader of a US political party. Is this a form of genocide/holodomor? It certainly looks like it. It is definitely an example of treating Ukrainian men as Untermenschen.


    • yalensis says:

      And it may all be in vain anyhow, because latest polls show Trump leading in the swing states. If Trump wins, then the Ukrainian surrender would probably happen in the interregnum between Biden and Trump. Of course, Biden could also just steal the election outright, like he did last time.


  4. Jen says:

    Ironic that the Banderites themselves are doing a better or rather, faster job of demilitarising and (eventually) de-Nazifying their society than the Russians are doing.


    • yalensis says:

      I know! One could almost form a conspiracy theory here (as in, they are all secretly working for Putin), but in the end I think the answer is simpler than that: They are just all a bunch of literal idiots. Same thing with most of the NATO leaders, especially the chihuahua states with their phony “girl-power” Disney princess leaders. One of the features of an Idiocracy is that the Idiots in charge end up harming themselves more than their enemies. Because they literally just don’t know what they are doing. Might as well put me in charge of the electrical grid, I’d end up breaking the damn thing within an hour!


  5. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    Hereā€™s an interesting thought experiment — imagine the Kiev law superimposed on your own life. Youā€™re still of working age, and physically able to ski. That means YOU would be dragooned* drafted! There can be no limits when it comes to defending the homeland. Is working on a hospital computer system more important than preventing that hospital from being overrun by savages from Siberia?!? I donā€™t THINK sooooo! Rather, men with the power to force you to put down the keyboard and pick up an assault rifle donā€™t think so. And their opinion is what counts.

    So when you walk down the street today, or go to buy something using any electronic card, or doG forbid you go into any government building like a Post Office, envision yourself doing that in Ukranazistan. Youā€™d be looking over your shoulder to scan for guys in uniform who could demand ā€œLet me see your papers.ā€ The coffee and doughnut you want to buy with your bank card? Not gonna happen unless you HAVE shown the man your papers, because your account will be frozen otherwise. (And some people — especially my daughter, believe Iā€™m eccentric because I only use cashā€¦)

    To make this thought experiment even more fun, look at all the surveillance cameras around you. I donā€™t know how thick they are in your part of Amerika, but theyā€™re present in so many settings in this country thatā€™s based on Brutish ways. Ye Jollye Old U.K. luvs its cameras. For safety, of course! Now suppose the camera and the cops were linked, with facial recognition tech. ā€œWe have detected Citizen Yalensis using the car licence plate reader, with a positive face-match via the camera attached to the petrol pump at the station where heā€™s filling up. The copyrighted squad car management software that Uber sold us shows that one of our Shanghai Gangs is only two blocks away. Our algorithm will flash a message on the patrol carā€™s dashboard screen with your photo, car details and the quickest route to get to where you are. The algo will do it faster than a human would be able to make that plan. Everything is automated like the speed of light, instead of the sloth of thought. Welcome to the future! Someday, we will all live like Ukrainians. In fearā€¦

    • Does WordPress support strike-throughs in comments? Woo-hoo — it seems to, based on the preview after I signed in.


    • yalensis says:

      Yes! The WordPress comment interface does support strike-through, oh wait, did you do that in an HTML tag? Because I don’t actually see it in the options any more as I sit here typing this reply to your comment. Oh well.

      To the larger point: You scare me a lot, Bukko. Because everything that you say is true, and is already happening. The totalitarian, omnipresent cameras, facial recognition, AI, Robocops, ability to freeze bank accounts, etc. We are living in the dystopian future of Black Mirror.

      Well, if they do draft me, maybe they would put in a mountain brigade so I could at least get some skiing in…

      The only possible remedy that I can see to all of this b.s. is the people rising up to overthrow these totalitarian authorities and put an end to this repressive system. But after the Revolution, we have to put mechanisms in place to assure that the new leaders don’t resort to the same shit. Tall order.

      Speaking of which, Putin’s Russia is no utopia either. When I was skimming the Russian press the other day, I came upon an article (which I put aside for possible review in my blog) about the new Russia AI “Assistant”, created by Yandex. She’s just like amazon’s Alexa, except her name is Alisa. Are Russian families dumb enough to put this thing on their nightstand and allow it to upload all their private conversations to the KGB? Probably…


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        Yeah, I had to HTML the strike-through. I enjoy typeface tricks, to the extent that my limited talent can pull them off. I have to code the italics again today because the “highlight and italicise” box seems to be gone from WordPress again.

        As far as what I predict being true, I’m just an alarmist with an intentionally cultivated sense of paranoia. No savant! I look at trends and try to project “what’s the worst way this could play out?” I always keep in mind that the actual mentally ill people I used to work with did the same, although on a more irrational basis. I DON’T want to be as whacko as them. So I always say “I hope I’m wrong.”

        The good thing is, dystopia doesn’t develop as fast as it SHOULD (based on my projected glide path of civilisational descent) because there’s an inertia to human events. The 1984-ish way the U.S. getting now, my Xwife and I thought was going to unfold suddenly as we were making plans to emigrate in 2004. We were semi-panicky that we couldn’t get away fast enough. We just called it 20 years too early. I can forecast bad things will happen, but when there are 300+ million people in the U.S., and 8 billion on the planet, they’re not going to shift all at once.

        Sadly, the people will not rise up. They are feckless and apathetic. Fascists are going to be the ones making the Revolution, because they are organised and ruthless.

        As bad as Genocidin’ and the Democraps are, and they deserve to be tossed out on their arses, futurePresident Trump will make FJB look good. Not because of Cheeto Hitler is going to be unleashing some overarching totalitarian plan. He’s too dim-witted to be a Stalin or a Franco. All he cares about is stroking his ego. But he WILL appoint people into positions of power who DO have Big Bad Ideas. Look at his past appointees such as Bolton and Pompeo. Someone such as Tom Cotton will be the new Heinrich Himmler.

        People like them will be the ones giving the orders to build the concentration camps (for the illegals they want to deport, and then the homeless people, and then anyone who resists in any way.) Trump has interest in building gold-plated toilets, not barb-wired prisons. Remember the unmarked vans that were cruising around Portland, Ore. during the BLM riots and grabbing people for interrogation? Trump did not design that clampdown. Some evil underling did, and Presidimwit signed off on it. Look for Round 2 of something like that, scaled up massively, in the face of economic trouble as the U.S. dollar crumbles against the BRICS wall.

        Then again, I could be full of crap! Or too early. Maybe The Collapse won’t happen until, say, 2027. You might have a few years to lay the groundwork to immigrate to Russia. I bet Yandex has an app to help you with that…


        • yalensis says:

          If I escape to Russia, I decided I want to live in Yaroslavl. That’s sufficiently far enough away from Moscow, and a beautiful city as well.

          As for Trump, I am definitely NOT rooting for him. If and when he comes to power, I think he will want to complete the Palestinian genocide. By that time, all the Gazans will probably be dead, but there are still tons of Palestinians living on the West Bank, and I am sure Trumpy will want to go after them as well.


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