Ukraine War Day #838: Assassination Attempt Against Gennady Matsegora

Dear Readers:

On June 7, an attempt was made on the life of Gennady Matsegora. It was a serious attempt, he was shot, is in critical condition in a Moscow hospital, and is not expected to survive. Ukrainian Intelligence (GRU) has taken credit for the hit and even boasts about it. Which is completely despicable, in my view. Targeted assassinations of individuals are not only illegal, they are also immoral, in my view.

Matsegora was a well-known name at the beginning of Russia’s Special Military Operation. He was the Mayor of Kupyansk, a Ukrainian city in the Eastern part of the Kharkov Oblast, not far from the Russian border. During the initial part of the invasion, the Russians quickly took Kupyansk, without a drop of blood being shed, or a single building damaged. Mostly due to Matsegora’s decision to let the Russian army enter quickly and pass through without a fight. Kupyansk remained under Russian control until the Ukrainians re-took it, during their counteroffensive in September of 2022. Matsegora was able to flee to Russia in the nick of time, where he took up residence in the Belgorod region. He got a job as the Director of a Sports Complex called Georgievsky, in the town of Stary Oskol.

Gennady Matsegora

Seeking information, the RBK News Service turned to the Investigative Committee of the Belgorod region, the Sports Complex where Matsegora worked, and also to Vitaly Ganchev, who runs Russia’s Shadow Government for the Kharkov Oblast.

In his past, as a Ukrainian politician, Matsegora belonged to the political party “Opposition Platform – For Life” (ОПЗЖ), which was banned in the summer of 2022. He was elected Mayor of Kupyansk in 2020. When the war started, he chose to cooperate with the Russians. In his address to the citizens of Kupyansk, issued on 28 February 2022, he declared that his main goal was “to not allow battles and casualties within our city.”

After the Ukrainians re-took Kupyansk and Matsegora fled to Russia, the Ukrainians charged him with treason. And now this good man is fighting for his life.

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31 Responses to Ukraine War Day #838: Assassination Attempt Against Gennady Matsegora

  1. When Russia re liberates Kupyansk it’ll probably have to destroy most of it this time around.


    • S Brennan says:

      The way Russia is fighting this war they’ll have to rebuild everything they retake…meanwhile very little of western Ukrainia will have been touched by war. The occasional missile strike is not anywhere near the same type of damage suffered by townships where a preparatory artillery barrage with ensuing street to street tank battles are fought.

      Slow wars of Attrition, where you, through your enemy’s machinations, wind up killing your enemy’s enemy and destroy infrastructure that will be yours to rebuild while preserving the lives of your enemy and…his property would not be my first choice of tactics…just saying.


      • S Brennan says:

        As if we couldn’t see this coming:

        Ukraine May Keep F-16s at Ally Bases [Poland/Romania]

        So they are going to do a “touch & go” on some roadway in Ukraine before attacking Russian troops then return safely to Romania for rearmament and refueling.


        • JC says:

          Rather doubt that will fool anyone, if they do stage primarily from a third country. However they likely do want to keep the maintenance and storage for the planes outside of Ukraine. They’ve been training pilots, but how about ground-crews? Those are likely going to be Western.

          So they may well shuttle planes in and out of the country–or try to. Poland, if you recall was cagey enough about even being seen flying military aircraft to Ukraine that they left the planes in parts in the forest for the Ukrainians to pick up!

          So unless something has changed and they’re totally on-board with getting their airfields rinsed by cluster cruise missiles, I don’t think this will be operationalized.

          Now… all that said, we can be quite confident that the non-stealthy F-16s approaching the line of contact close enough to threaten bomb-slingers 50+km back will be obvious to Russian air-superiority pilots.

          And those guys are physically excited by the idea of slapping F-16s with their 400km air-to-air missiles.

          Liked by 1 person

          • S Brennan says:

            “…doubt that will fool anyone”

            As Goebbels instructed his acolytes in the US, in particular, the DullesBro’s:

            “..if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself”

            The 3LAs Anglo-World-Wide-Media exists to fulfill that injunction.

            Liked by 2 people

          • yalensis says:

            NATO are also taking a calculated risk when they state that the Russians will not attack the planes on the ground, when stationed in Poland or Romania.

            Russia has stated that they may do exactly that, so NATO must believe that Russia is bluffing.

            They are probably right about that, but it wouldn’t be a bet I would make, in their shoes…

            Liked by 1 person

            • JC says:

              They, the NATOzies, are extremely foolish. They make the mistake of assuming that Russians are exactly like them: comfortable mostly with lying and bluffing and being casually psychopathic overall. This is why it’s so easy to tell what the West is doing, because they accuse their opponent of it, first (cue: Goebbels), and then repeat that lie (also Goebbels) until they can lead their populace to support them in doing what they already intended to do (Goring).

              But, bluffing is very bad for relationships and Russia doesn’t do that. If they say “we reserve the right to wax and polish your airfields” it means “we reserve the right to wax and polish your airfields”–whether or not they actually spitshine them.

              Liked by 2 people

        • yalensis says:

          One thing I have learned from this war: Whenever Westie press write something like “Ukraine May Keep F-16s at Ally Bases…” it means it’s already happened. Similarly, when they write “They plan to send…” it means they are already there!

          Liked by 1 person

        • james says:

          russia is saying they will bomb the airports they return to, regardless where they are located..

          sorry to hear this story yalensis.. thanks for your reportage..

          Liked by 1 person

          • yalensis says:

            You’re welcome, James. It is very sad to hear about a good man like this being shot. I remember when the war started, there were stories about Matsegora’s daughter being kidnapped/arrested by Ukrainian intelligence. His daughter (I don’t remember her name) was a young college student studying somewhere inside of central Ukraine. They detained her in order to punish her father for “collaborating” with the Russians. I remember reading, at the time, he was desperate to get her freed. But I don’t know whatever became of her.


        • Thick Red Duke says:

          Simplicius had an article on the F-16s a long time ago. They cannot operate from Poland. It’s way too far from the front line.

          Using them to attack Crimea from Romania should work though. I bet some neocons salivate over that option. If they decide to take that route I’m sure they cannot keep themselves from taking off in Ukraine and return to Romania or vice versa “just to see what Putin does”. The Western leaders aren’t just evil scum, above all they’re infantile, childish, puerile, immature brats.

          Liked by 1 person

          • yalensis says:

            I mean, I hate to say it, but Russia really needs to bomb the Romanian airfield and try to destroy the jets. They could do it like the Iranians do it: Issue a warning first, tell the Romanians exactly when they are coming, and advise to evacuate all workers and any possible civilians from the target area so that no people get hurt, only the equipment.

            Liked by 1 person

            • S Brennan says:

              Y, If you get a chance, look at the vid I posted on 837. Notice the tail, it’s a Romanian flagged F-16 Trainer and what is it practicing? touch and go’s. As I said:

              “Once the Russians attack the bases in Romania, [I don’t think NATO will use Poland], DC/London will dispense with the pretense and will try to turn this into an air war”.

              Hillary wanted that from the start she wanted to declare all airspace over Ukrainia [including Crimea] a no fly zone. Nikki Haley, whom Trump Derangement sufferers hope will replace him on the ballot if the DNC’s lawfare proves efficacious, has said that; “unless circumstance change” she’s “not in favor of imposing a fly zone at this time but, she scolded “the Biden/[Obama/Cheney/Hillary] administration needs to do more to evict Russia”. Since this intentional provocation by Team-Biden would change the circumstances Haley’s evasive answer comes into play and indicates that the establishment of both parties are willing to place a “double or nothing” bet on an air war over Eastern Europe…

              Last night I went to a large gathering for my neighbor’s 60th birthday party. There were several different group conversations about nuclear-war…something I haven’t heard in almost 60 years. Though there were many “preppers” there, I don’t recall anybody talking about surviving the cataclysm…just what they would do with their last days. It was surreal. All to assuage the vanity of some very sick puppies…it’s exactly what TRD said in his last sentence.


              • Bukko Boomeranger says:

                ”I don’t recall anybody talking about surviving the cataclysm…just what they would do with their last days.”

                Abandon all hope, ye who birthday here… Do you perceive an increasing sense of nihilism in the slice of society you see, Brennan? I do. More people than ever seem to have an attitude of “no chance that things will get better. Fck it all! I want to watch the world burn.”

                Part of why I feel that way about everyone else is due to scanning the Internet too much, especially Nitter. People who pontificate from their keyboards are hyper-political and critical. The happy ones are off somewhere doing happy things, not whingeing with words. And I gravitate toward doomy social media accounts, so there’s a selection bias beneath my opinion.

                Still, though, I’m finding that more average folks are agreeing with my gloom. Yesterday, I was paying for my routine teeth-cleaning at a dentist office where I’ve been going for years. The receptionist wanted to set me up for the next cleaning appointment in six months, which I politely declined due to the cost and the fact that my choppers are in great nick. I said to organise one in a year from now. She did, and mused about the date being in 2025. I mentioned that song from the 1960s, “In the Year 2525” (she’s old enough to know it) and said “the way things are going, who knows if we’ll even be here next year?” She made a reply that basically agreed with me, instead of looking at me like I was a nutter holding up a sign saying “The End Is Near”. There’s a vibe of “this sucker’s going down” in the air, due to Covid, genocide, wars all over, social division… The birthday party you went to captured a piece of the zeitgeist.

I liked a mordant quote I saw this week on the Twaater account of a Covid alarmist I read: “I don’t even have a sense of humour any more. It’s literally just sarcasm and a general hatred for the majority of humanity.”


              • yalensis says:

                Instead of despairing and going around all Gloomy-Gus, people should be bucking themselves up and preparing for the Glorious Revolution. Which shall sweep away all this scum and make people happy again! Hoorah!

                Everybody make sure you have plenty of knitting needles in stock! [crude Madame Defarge allusion…]


          • ccdrakesannetnejp says:

            Holding mafia-like or yakuza-like grudges and taking pleasure in killing “inferior” civilians and in assassinations is part of this same immaturity and lack of self-respect. My impression is that this was also characteristic of the Brownshirts in the last century.


          • Bukko Boomeranger says:

            I’m on the same page as the Duke and Simplicius. Ukraine is a looooong country if an airplane is starting in Poland. F-16s don’t have enough fuel to get all the way across. Perhaps if they have auxiliary fuel tanks attached, but then, where do they hook the bombs or cruise missiles? Assuming the jet has enough weight-carrying capacity to take off in that situation. A fig-leaf touch-and-go landing is not going to fill up the fuel tank. Air-to-air refueling? How many flying gas stations does Ukronazia have? Zero. Even if some are “donated” they would make an interesting video on Telegram if they were blown up in the sky.

            From what I’ve read about the F-16’s vulnerability to gorping its engine by inhaling debris from anything less than a pristine runway surface, landing on a highway somewhere is not going to be a good way to take off too many times. Does Ukronazistan have enough spare mooks to sweep the road surface as much as it will take?

            Plus, this plan is premised on the Russians NOT reacting. They are not as stupid as the stupidos who dreamt up this scenario. As Newton said, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I hate to cheer for the Russian side, but you KNOW they have gamed out all sorts of counter-actions, with many levels of escalation. Anything from drones dropping nuts and bolts on airfields in Romania <i>(if that’s what the Ukro- and NATOzis plan)</i> HEY, WHERE DID THOSE DRONES COME FROM?!? They just appeared from that forest 10 km away! — to blasting the F-16s out of the sky with Russian fighters packing long-range missiles as soon as they are spotted on radar leaving Romanazi skies. I’m a layman who knows nothing of the wargamesmanship involved, but I’ll bet there’s plenty of tricks up the General Staff’s sleeve.


            • S Brennan says:

              I’m not sure how people got the impression I thought the F-16’s would take off from Poland given that I said the exact opposite in 837 then re-quoted above. Also in 837 I show the location of the F-16 training center Romania. Also I have been pointing out for months/[probably-years] the long supply line from Poland. And how in Crimean-War 2.0 the anglicized/English schoolboys of DC/London have repeatedly shown their cards insofar as Odessa/[the Black Sea Coast] is concerned.

              Again, if so many people said I said the opposite of what I thought I said, I’m not sure if my writing is unclear or, their is a comprehension problem.




              • Thick Red Duke says:

                SB wrote: “Ukraine May Keep F-16s at Ally Bases [ Poland/Romania]”


              • S Brennan says:

                That was a headline [see bold] with info from several other similar stories which emphasized NATO training/repair stations already in Poland since 2023…which is true...also I used may, not will.

                I’ve been doubtful that operations would occur from Poland for a number of reasons, 1] external* fuel tanks [which do provide the range required…although limit payload] slow the aircraft, 2] tanks offer brighter radar returns, making it harder to evade radar and that 3] interdiction was more likely given that they fly alongside hostile territory the whole way to the front [assuming they’re going there…that aspect may change with developments]

                My expressed view right below that headline/link; I wrote [no quotation marks] my person opinion:

                So they are going to do a “touch & go” on some roadway in Ukraine before attacking Russian troops then return safely to Romania for rearmament and refueling.

                Which, I would hope, expresses that I thought the operational basing was going to occur from Romania.

                *there is also a version with conformal tanks but, that’s not on offer to Ukrainia…just the oldest F-16 versions.


          • Bukko Boomeranger says:

            Terrorism will be the last poison arrow in the Ukronazi quiver. You would know more about the history of post-WW II Ukrainian history than I do, Yalensis, but how did the Soviets deal with the Operation Gladio terroresistance there, which went on for years? I suppose they’ll have to dust off those plans again. Inshallah, there will be blowback for the Westies when their flying monkenazis decide to get revenge for being dolchstossed by NATO and start using the ample amounts of blowy-uppy stuff they’ve been supplied in the countries that supplied them. “But you didn’t give us that stuff fast enough! And there wasn’t enough of it! And you didn’t send your own guys to light it off!” Also, given the criminal nature of the Ukronazi regime, terror-for-ransom will be a great business model. “You know that petrol tanker that blew up on the remote highway? Wouldn’t it be a shame if it happened in the middle of your capital city? Send _______ in Bitcoin to the following wallet and you won’t have to worry. For a while…”


            • yalensis says:

              Post-WWII, from what I understand, Soviets just plugged along, ineffectually but mechanically, dealing with the CIA-sponsored Banderite terrorism in Ukraine. Army and military intelligence were involved. There were some successes here and there, like assassination of Bandera himself (which I don’t actually endorse, I don’t think it’s immoral in this case, but I fail to see what purpose it served). Soviet people (and leaders) were just sick of the war, and this was an add-on they were forced to engage in, but felt no zeal in it.

              From what I understand, Khrushchev used combination of carrot and stick and made many concessions to the Ukrainian Nationalists, just to get them to stop what they were doing. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but in retrospect….


              • yalensis says:

                P.S. I should mention that post-war, especially after death of Stalin, Soviet society experienced a kind of renaissance of spirit and happiness. But the overwhelming mood was, Russian people just wanted to live normal lives and enjoy themselves. They were utterly sick of violence and war. Even in Ukraine, eventually things died down, and there was a kind of brief Golden Age under Brezhnev.

                Things were actually good for a while, if one ignored the warning lights of the oncoming train…


              • Bukko Boomeranger says:

                “From what I understand, Khrushchev used combination of carrot and stick and made many concessions to the Ukrainian Nationalists, just to get them to stop what they were doing.”

                Perhaps that’s why Mr. Shoe-Banger gave them Crimea! Thereby building the train that would eventually roll down the track toward his descendants…


            • yalensis says:

              I’m not sure that Crimea was a factor in the conciliation/appeasement process. Well, maybe it was, I dunno. But I think the Ukrainian Nationalists at the time, the ones who needed to put down their guns, were more interested in issues of amnesty and being reintegrated back into civilian society. Not sure they even cared that much about Crimea or major geo-political issues…


    • yalensis says:

      True, unfortunately. That’s what Matsegora was trying to avoid.


  2. Pavlo Svolochenko says:

    It does actually speak well of the Ukrainians that any of them are willing to collaborate with the federation. Those who do so can only be acting from the most honourable motives, because nobody at this point could have hope of gain thereby.


    • yalensis says:

      People like Tsarev and Matsegora, I don’t think they hoped for anything except to be able to live a normal life in safety. Normal lives they got, safety – no.


      • Pavlo Svolochenko says:

        Perhaps in two years’ time. Progress is currently steady if unremarkable, war material deficits on the Ukrainian side have not been solved and the yield from recent mobilisation efforts has been unimpressive. A tipping point must come eventually, and once the war is over the prospects for an ongoing insurgency are limited.

        One of the maps indicated that there are two fortified lines and a contingent of Azov scum between the Russian forces and Kupyansk.


  3. Thick Red Duke says:

    Maybe there’s more to this story:

    MediaZone. Exclusive
    A fake account in “VKontakte” wrote about the death of the mayor-collaborator of Kupyansk

    Several publications reported about the death of the Mayor of Kupyansk (Kharkiv Region of Ukraine) Gennadiy Matsegora, referring to the post in “VKontakte”, allegedly written on behalf of his mother.

    This is a fake page that was recently renamed. According to the account’s history, at least in late April it had the name Nik Bondar. Now there is only one photo of a woman there and one post – about Matsegora’s death.

    The post was posted a few hours ago. After that, about the death of Matsegora without specifying the source of the data wrote telegram channels Mash, Baza, Shot and others. The representative of the military intelligence of Ukraine Andriy Yusov, also without naming the source, “confirmed” it “Suspilne”. Then his words were replaced with “requires further clarification”.


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