Ukraine War Day #825: Eternal Jew vs Eternal Nazi

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Dear Readers:

Check out this scene at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin: The First Ladies of two major European countries, Elke Büdenbender of Germany and Brigitte Macron of France, are giggling like schoolgirls at an international event. Maybe sharing recipes, maybe gossiping about boys, or maybe telling an off-color joke:

“And then we just popped them into the oven and…”

Looks like they are having a great time, must be a fun event, like an international fair or something like that… Oh wait! It’s a Memorial event dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust.

Yes, the Holocaust! I said the H-word. Well, this story is from a Russian source, after all, and Russians know better than anyone what exactly happened back then. Certainly better than the odorous H-denying freaks who infest much of today’s internet. According to Russian reporter Alexandra Yudina, this amazing (and damning) photo was taken by a Reuters photojournalist named Lisa Johanssen. The two First Ladies had accompanied their husbands to an annual ceremony to lay flowers onto the memorial dedicated to European Jews slaughtered in the Nazi Holocaust.

Elke, of course, is the wife of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, but the Nazi runs deep through the German elites. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova tweeted: “It seems that in the Scholtz family it has become a tradition to burst out laughing whenever the word genocide is pronounced.”

One of the commenters to the VZGLIAD piece notes: “This is exactly how their forefathers laughed and giggled while they were burning Jews in their ovens.”

Max Blumenthal: “I would love to visit an actual Jewish-American museum…”

Speaking of The Holocaust, Jewish-American journalist and pro-Palestinian activist Max Blumenthal, has a very interesting interview with a Turkish journalist, here is Part 2 of their podcast:

Max, of course, is an expert in all things Israel-Palestine, he literally wrote the book on it. (Several books, actually.) He knows Israeli politics from top to bottom and notes sadly there is no hope, in the current situation, of softening Israeli public opinion: Almost to a man, if they had the power to push a button and eliminate every single Palestinian from the planet, they would do it without blinking.

As a consensus develops throughout world public opinion, that the Zionist state must be dismantled in exactly the same way as was done to South Africa, the Zionists and Israeli settler-colonialists cling to their supremacy, using every tool in their toolbox: Religion, fanaticism, geopolitics, etc. On the ideological front, the Zionists are helped by two seemingly contradictory forces: the extreme Zionists, and the actual anti-Semites. The latter being a combination of the traditional Jew-haters, the “Khazarian” proponents, actual Nazis, and the classic Holocaust Deniers. This second group probably do more damage to the Palestinian cause (which they pretend to profess) than the actual Zionists. Because they demonize Jews to the extent that Jews really can’t feel safe anywhere. Which exactly plays into the hands of the Zionists! Plus, the Zionists can point to them: “See! Everybody hates us! Everywhere you look, anti-Semitism!”

In his interview, Max touches briefly on this odious crowd, how they equate Zionism with Judaism, and see original sin and evil in the very concept of Judaism. Their image of “The Eternal Jew” is a classless historical abstraction, just an Evil Entity wandering through human history and messing everything up. Max denies the evil nature of Jews and Judaism per se. “I am not pro-Palestinian!” he declares to the podcaster. Not all Palestinians are nice people either. Max self-identifies as a secular Jewish American who happens to be anti-Zionist.

The most interesting part of the interview, in my opinion, is right at the end, where Max reveals something personal about himself. Of course, everyone knows that he grew up in Washington DC in the home of a privileged and very well-connected political family. As he gestures at the National Mall, he opines on what scholar Norman Finkelstein calls “The Holocaust Industry”, and why can’t Jewish Americans like himself have their own normal museum out there on the National Mall, just like other ethnic groups do?

For example, there is a Native American museum. And, for sure, they talk about the genocide of Native Americans, and all the bad things that happened. But they also have lots of cultural exhibits and try to show all the good stuff too. Similarly, the African-American museum: For sure, the lower wing is dedicated to the slave trade, the “Crossing”, slavery, Jim Crow, all that horrible history. But, as you rise up to the higher wings, things get better and you see exhibits devoted to accomplishments and all the positive stuff that Negros have done for America.

So, what do American Jews have, in comparison? Max asks rhetorically. “A Holocaust Museum.” Of course. And that’s it. And he wonders why they don’t get a normal museum that focuses on all the accomplishments and all the good stuff that American Jews have contributed, not just to America, but to the entire world.

Max is right. You only have to stop and think about it for just a few seconds. Every branch of science, art, literature, music… All of these amazing accomplishments by an ethnic group punching well above their weight, throughout European history (which includes Russia). And now see what they have been brought to: A murderous gang of sadistic TikTok chimpanzees, straight out of Planet of the Apes. You can blame the Zionists for most of this. But also blame the haters, they did their bit too.

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19 Responses to Ukraine War Day #825: Eternal Jew vs Eternal Nazi

  1. Back on Google Plus I realised something: many of these self professed haters are actually Mossad Hasbarats deliberately out to smear anti zionist fora and discussions by posting hyper anti Judaic claptrap. This is classic black propaganda and it was surprising how often, once accused of being Hasbarats, those accounts would disappear, only to be replaced by similar ones.

    As for the giggling, it’s a typical Western warmonger habit: if I recall correctly it was Barack Hussein Obama grinning at Nelson Mandela’s funeral while talking to the then Danish and Brutish crime sinisters [ Cameron was the latter] and taking a selfie with them.


    • yalensis says:

      I have long suspected that many of these internet haters are actually secret “Hasbara” engaged in black disinfo. I think there are some genuine ones on Unz and places like that, but those are the more “intellectual” anti-Semites. But then you see a bunch of them all over the place spouting sheer nonsense, which makes them suspect. They attempt to infest every meaningful discussion of the relevant issues, such as Zionism and Palestine, and they and poison it from the very start.


    • yalensis says:

      And yeah, this giggly behavior is typical of the modern generation of war criminals. It’s like they never learned how to behave in public, especially at solemn occasions. Like, did their parents never take them to a funeral when they were little, and teach them how to plaster on a “sad face” even if they didn’t know the dead person?


    • S Brennan says:

      I concur, much of the “antisemitism” I’ve seen online is manufactured by puppeteers who are using a form “straw-man-argumentation”, making the “antisemitic-poster” [who is it’s puppeteer] look moronic. Obviously, the “puppeteer” doesn’t have to be that skilled at his/her trade, which is fortunate because…they aren’t.

      A variation of that type of fraudulent posting is to have one of the antisemitic-puppeteers attach themselves to somebody who is offering reasoned arguments that go against DC/London/Jerusalem’s narrative* and then have another puppet point out the association. Smearing reasoned speakers/arguments through guilt by association was big sport after the early big draw blogs sold out to the DNC’s standard offer of 30 pieces of silver. Why does a GREAT job policing his comment section.

      Oddly though, today’s woke crowd loves racism if….
      it’s “properly” directed per WaPo’s helpful hymnal sheets*:
      Hate Russian people/culture & <ur-good2go>
      See WaPo’s helpful hymnal sheets* for instruction:
      Hate straight white males & <ur-good2go>
      But things they are a changing because,
      Hating Palestinians use to be a sure crowd pleaser, and now?
      Hating Palestinians has lost traction due to Israel publicly & undeniably employing Nazi extermination techniques…always a tough sell…even Goebbels demurred from that task.

      Israelis would be wise to be a smarty and follow the Nazi Party playbook. Don’t get “clever” and start improvising, stick to the script, only select audiences should see the extermination process. The general public should only see shiny new condos on the beach while showing the clean shower rooms available for the “refugees” on the “processing-ships”…just offshore. Now, isn’t that a much easier sell on CNN/MSNBC/Fox/PBS/BBC ? And remember this sage advice from a 1980’s band, for the average Israeli lacking their leaders acumen, I’ve checked off the ones already accomplished:

      Once that you’ve decided on a killing [DONE]
      First you make a stone of your heart [DONE]
      And if you find that your hands are still willing [DONE]
      Then you can turn a murder into art [STILL2DO]

      *Don’t know the words to the “narrative”? Not to worry, they’re helpfully posted in WaPo’s hymnal sheet…soon you’ll be singing like a pro !

      Liked by 1 person

      • yalensis says:

        Truly the Israeli Zionists have astonished the world with their brazen genocide. Hitler and the Nazis tried to hide their crimes because they had some sense how it would appear to the outside world. They didn’t have a conscience, but they DID have a sense of optics.

        Israeli Zionists just don’t care, they flaunt their exaggerated cruelty. They didn’t get “smarty”, like you said. This is the primary thing that got them in trouble, in my view. If only they had kept their big mouths shut about that Amalek business… they probably would have got away with everything.


        • S Brennan says:

          Should have been:

          “Y does a GREAT job policing…”


          “Why does a GREAT job policing…”
          But…thinking about it, “Why [Surname-here]”
          Would be a pretty cool/unique name.


          • yalensis says:

            Well, I don’t think I actually “police” my comment section. I’m fairly laissez-faire. A couple of people, I did ask them to leave, but it wasn’t because of their opinions, odious as they were; but more because of their attitude; or because I suspected they were submitting “automated” comments, like bots do.


            • S Brennan says:

              Fair enough Y,

              On your issues with policing…

              Nobody wants to watch what goes into sausage while it’s being made. The same is true with good policing. It’s easy to isolate one’s self from realities of life and hate both endeavors but…the world is full of harsh realities…

              …and if by chance, you had been born to “stock-yard-Irish”, you’d be made to see the necessity of of both unpleasant chores.


  2. Beluga says:

    I like Max’s analyses. Of course, he’s far from a one-trick pony and is also a stout defender of Assange, for example. All-in-all, the epitome of a highly-informed reasonable man.

    The trouble is, those humans in power are not in the least bit interested in being reasonable. Those types never have been. We also, as a species, measure our individual worth by comparing ourselves to others and deciding whether or not we’re better than the other. That’s how some folk elbow their way to the front and assume charge of the fate of the ones they’ve “left behind’. Alpha dogs lead the pack in the wild, too. It might all be down to biology and survival — many have argued this effect. Everything tends towards the monopolistic. Introduce a new species into an ecoystem, and if conditions warrant, they multiply like crazy in the absence of natural predators. Mussels in the Great Lakes, carp in North American rivers, rabbits and cane toads in Australia, and man in the world spreading out from his point of origin. Once the invading species has eaten itself out of house and home, its influence wanes. Warring with itself, humankind is likely to polish itself off arguing over minutiae like whose god is best and why their subspecies is better than all the ret of the dross, as they see it. Time to press the nuclear trigger when the insults become too big to bear from “those people over there”, and well, Earth gradually regenerates to a new biological equilibrium as various species compete for available food. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

    And that’s about all she wrote. Having a brain and self-consciousnes apparently does not allow humankind to overcome the necessity to eat. And that’s where it all falls apart, no matter how high-faluting philosophy becomes.


    • yalensis says:

      Yes, I think Max has a very good brain, and a very good heart, and he can see through bullshit. He writes on a lot of issues, not just Palestine. He has been very consistent on the Assange issue, well, of course, he is a journalist himself, so he has to defend independent journalism against censorship and repression. He has been pretty good on the Ukraine war as well. I respect him quite a lot.


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        ”Their image of “The Eternal Jew” is a classless historical abstraction, just an Evil Entity wandering through human history and messing everything up.”

        I’ll type this up as a separate comment, because it’s a different thought, and I expressed two concepts in the bloviation above. But you could look at Hebrew history through a 180-degree opposite-lens mirror, the way you did on your blog when you posted the Philistine viewpoint on that berserker Shimshon who did the massacre with the jawbone of an ass and then committed a heinous mass murder-suicide at a holy site. Like the twist that turned “The Wizard of Oz” into “Wicked”.

        A central fable of Hebrew culture is how they escaped bondage in Egypt. What a heroic tribe! Only, by their own mythology, they persuaded their doG to unleash all sorts of filthy plagues on the Egyptians. Death and suffering at the hands of the Heebiegod. When that wasn’t enough, they had their doG kill all the first-born boy-children. Then they drowned the Pharaoh’s entire army, which might have been justified (unless perhaps the Big P was pursuing them because they had made off with all the gold in the Treasury). But it was still a lot of killing.

        Because I’ve been around a lot of Jewish people, I knew about Haman and the enslavement of the Hebrews in Persia. I didn’t make the connection with the Festival of Purim, when Jews celebrate their freedom from that, with how they persuaded the Persian king to let them loose. Beforehand, they had a revolt in which they slaughtered 75,000 Persians. That’s from Judaism’s own accounts, not Nazi historians. Somebody on a blog pointed that out recently. No wonder the king wanted them gone!

        Much of the Old Testament is about tribes of Hebrews traipsing around the Land of Canaan, butchering the polytheist tribes they found there. A nasty bunch! It happened too late to get into the Holey Bibble, but there was the bar Kochba revolt against the Romans in 70 AD, when the original Zealots went on a murderous rampage. For which they were scattered to the four winds for a couple millennia. As much as I like Max, who’s a real mensch, there’s a “Rashomon” way of looking at those Infernal (sic) Jews.


        • yalensis says:

          Yeah… I have said before that being forced to read the Old Testament as a child sort of turned me into a pint-sized anti-Semite. It’s just absolutely horrifying, all the genocide and carnage. And you didn’t even mention the bit where Shimson ties foxes together by their tails, sets them on fire, and unleashes them into the Philistine wheat fields. Almost the same thing that modern-day Israelis do to Palestinian orchards!

          As I got older, though, I learned not to take all of this so literally, and not to apply the curse of Cain to all Jews. Especially since I always had quite a lot of Jewish friends.

          Vast majority of people living in Canaan through the centuries, including Jews, were happily peaceful, lived ordinary lives, and most of them worshipped the various Canaanite Gods, of which Ba’al was probably the best and most benign. You have to remember that the Bible was written by a minority cadre of raving sociopathic zealots. It’s telling that these raving prophets are always criticizing their own people for “falling away” from the “true beliefs”, and threatening them with god’s wrath. and punishment. Most of the time the people ignore them, until something bad happens, and then they’re, like, “Oh, maybe the priests were right after all, they predicted we’d all be slaughtered, and here we are!”


    • yalensis says:

      P.S. – I just thought of a funny story, I don’t know if you saw the Judge Nap video from a couple of weeks ago, the Judge showed a clip of himself making a surprise appearance at a speech somewhere involving Max, Aaron Maté, and Anya Parampil (all reporters at the Grayzone). Anya is married to Max, and she is quite a hottie. When they left the stage, Judge came from the audience to greet them, it was a big surprise and they all took selfies and video clips. Anya loves Judge Nap, she threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. Later, while interviewing Max, Judge showed the clip and apologized to Max for making such a show of affection with his (Max’s) wife, while Max had to just stand there and watch! It was all very jokey and good humored, of course. Max deadpanned perfectly: “It’s okay. I didn’t feel that it went on long enough that I would be forced to intervene!”

      Max is actually a funny guy, and fairly quick on his feet. He rarely shows this flash of humor, but it’s a dry humor.


  3. peter moritz says:

     “but the Nazi runs deep through the German elites”

    Not only through the German elites.

    I grew up in Germany, where deeply anti Nazi chancellors (Brandt, Adenauer, Schmidt, etc. etc.) were part of the political elite, when we in school learned about the atrocities committed, where generally, except in some political circles, especially the CSU and the FDP, old Nazis had to hide their convictions, or at least do not publicly admit to an admiration of those ideas.

    But even then, despite the hiding, many of the old Fascists remained active, and of course the USA (our bastards are ours, no matter their political convictions) supported as part of its cold war strategy the grouping of neo-fascist cells.

    The first public return happened in the late 1960s, with the founding of the NDP, an openly fascist political party, and the attack against Rudy Dutschke.

    Serving two years in the Bundeswehr, there was of course always admiration for the generals of the Wehrmacht, but more with a nudge nudge, wink wink attitude. You see, the Nazis weren’t that bad after all.

    We left Germany for Canada in 1979, and had very little interest in the politics of Germany and the EU. After we emigrated ten years ago to the Azores, I have become a bit more familiar with the recent political currents in Germany, especially since my sister and her husband joined us here some years ago.

    However, there was an increase in fascist terror acts that began in the late 1970s, with the highest activity in the early 1980s against Vietnamese immigrants, continuing and increasing in activities throughout the “Wiedervereinigung” into the 2000s, with the NSU as a main actor, known to the BND, but not exposed and therefore likely to some extent under its protection.

    I asked my brother in law, regarding the state of politics in Germany and fascism still as an ongoing and supported ideology, aside from what might be called fringe groups, if the situation was really that serious. He responded that especially in the police forces there is clearly a trend to have no more fear of contamination with fascists ideas, especially after the rather uncontrolled wave of immigration in the mid of the second decade of this century.

    Once in a while some colleague, who does not quite fit in, gets sacrificed for appearances sake, with the right wing extremist label attached (that is what Nazis are called now), but overall there is less awareness now, according to him, about the history and power of fascism, and therefore not even a denial, but a lack of interest in this history, and therefore much easier to accept that ideology.

    Yes, it seems the young guard has lost its “Beruehrungsangst” with fascism, and is more willing to find it an acceptable political ideology, even as the old guard that survived is now close to vanish completely.

    A short overview of the continued fascism in Germany after WW2, and the role of the BND later on.


    • yalensis says:

      Thanks for that interesting discussion, Peter. I have the impression that modern German fascism is more directed against immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, and not so much concerned any more with Jews.


  4. the pair says:

    the garden variety bigots in the scum right AmRen/Vdare/unz circles are annoying and all but i wouldn’t say they played any part in this other than being “useful idiots”. it’s like how those same types find every article about a black person doing something bad to a “white” person and use them as “proof” of a “white holocaust replacement immigrant soros genocide”. the claims that us “goyim” are born with some genetic hatred of hebrews is the same thing. supporters of “israel” have their slimy fingers in the military, higher education, the “legal” structure of the west, finance high or otherwise and the media both legacy and oligarch-driven (musk has been just as spineless and stupid as any CNN executive).

    the bigots have house and senate seats for the flyover states and a dwindling population of church goers. they have dopey columns on unz full of typos and whining about “sodomy”. most of them are either boomers with one foot in the grave or dumb bros who will move on when it’s no longer “edge lordy” to whine about “teh ((j00s))”. they only have the pull they’re allowed to have by the previously mentioned rabidly pro-“israel” groups. if they didn’t exist everything would be the same since zionists would just declare some other group “the new nazis” without a shred of self awareness.

    tl;dr – pretending to be a victim is a good way to distract people from the fact that you have outsized power. “white replacement” dorks and cops and rich assholes and “israelis” are ALL prime examples.


    • yalensis says:

      Yeah, what you say would be crazy if it wasn’t all true! Another cute thing these racists do, on the internet, is every time a black person is shown in any position above the level of janitor, they call them a “DEI hire”. The complicated factor: It’s true for certain high-level douches like Lloyd Austin and that horrid little twit who is Biden’s Press Secretary. One certainly doesn’t want to open one’s mouth to defend the likes of them; and yet not every black who holds down a good-paying job is necessarily a DEI hire.

      And actually, black positions in the American workplace have not really improved that much over the years, with a few token exceptions… but it’s a classic white racist move to see every black hired as one less position available for a white racist…


  5. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    “Zionists can point to them: “See! Everybody hates us! Everywhere you look, anti-Semitism!”

    That’s a point which has also been made by a guy named Alon Mizrahi who I read via the Twaater work-around. He’s got excellent insight to Israeli society, because he IS a citizen of the Zionist entity. He’s ethnically Arab, but religiously Jewish (born to parents who were refugees from Tunisia when the Jews were pushed out of North Africa). This guy is a voice of moral clarity when it comes to analysing Israeli society, and he thunders like an Old Testament prophet. He doesn’t Twaat a lot, maybe 10 or 15 times a day, but he’ll frequently have long-form posts with multiple paragraphs.

    I don’t know how Twaaterers can do that. IIRC, the 140-character limit was dropped for some, but not all Twaatheads, but I’ve never been a participant, so I dunno. I’m also surprised Mizrahi hasn’t been obliviated by some pro-Zionist algorithm. Perhaps he’s not well-known enough. To make money the (anti)social media grifts have to walk a fine line between censorship and participation. If they kick off everyone who mentions Covid or genocide, and only allow uploads of kute kat videos or images about “look at my fabulous overseas holiday and envy me, losers!” then they’re going to piss off so many people that their user base will eviscerate. And advertisers won’t fork over money to Musk if nobody but kat-and-holiday mooks are looking at a platform. Same goes for Fakebook, Sik-Tok, Instascam and all the others. Perhaps they WILL censor themselves into non-existence. In Cory Doctorow’s enshittification dynamic, Step 4 in the grift cycle is “go out of business.” Inshallah!

    One of the reasons why my anti-Israeli sentiment has gone off the charts is because of a mini-essay Mizrahi wrote about public opinion in the Entity. The populace there has NO conception of Palestinians as people, according to Mizrahi. They’re just “things” to the nazIsraelis, opponents who are causing trouble and must be stopped. There’s no consideration of why the Pals are upset, or if anything should be done to conciliate them. Just as a human would not give a thought to why fire ants are roiling and biting when you dig into their nest in your flower bed. He laid it out so clearly, from an insider’s perspective. The guy also castigates Amerikan culture and says the entire country should collapse for the good of humanity. I wish I could disagree with him, but day-um! he makes some good points.

    On another point, not to defend neo-Nazis, but I can’t get too worked up about the photo of the two giggling spousefraus. That meme has been all across Russosphere Twaater — “look at these c*nts, smirking at the Holocaust.” (There are also posts about how the wives are actually MEN, just as there are about Michelle Obama being “Michael” in reality.) I don’t think they were chuckling through the entire ceremony like they had just smoked a doob. People talk; they joke, they occasionally have different facial expressions. When you’re a VIP, every microsecond in public is being recorded. Sometimes you frown, sometimes you squinch your face up, sometimes you larf. A moment does not equal the whole.


    • yalensis says:

      I recall that Max Blumenthal was making similar points about Israeli society, in one of his interviews. He doesn’t know Israeli society as thoroughly, from the inside, as does Mizrahi, but he knows it well enough. He reported that Israeli school textbooks either ignore Palestinians altogether, or only depict them as terrorists. Israeli children grow up not even realizing that Palestinians are human beings. They are just things, objects.


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