Ukraine War Day #845: Sheremet Comes Up With A Good One

Dear Readers:

To be honest, I don’t really follow Russian internal politics that much, so I think I was only vaguely familiar with the name Mikhail Sheremet. He serves in the Lower House of the Russian Parliament, as a member of the ruling United Russia party.

Mikhail Sheremet

Mikhail Sergeevich was born in 1971 in Soviet Crimea, into a working-class family. Based on this, it is not likely that he is related to the aristocratic Sheremetev family who were close to the Rurik Dynasty of the time of Ivan the Terrible. But you never know. The name Sheremet/Sheremetev is said to be of Turkic/Tatar origin, which is not surprising.

Anyhow, my point here is to give this Sheremet some kudos for coming up with a really good zinger this weekend.

At the start of the ridiculous “Peace Summit” in Switzerland, organized by Zelensky, Sheremet compared this affair to the scandalous Russian “Naked Evening Party” of a few months ago, around the time of the New Year season. Readers may recall that this event, organized for nude celebrities by influential blogger Anastasia Ivleeva, shocked Russian society to its very core.

Readers will recall that Ivleeva, an anorexic exhibitionist of the Moscow artistic “elite”, summoned other celebrity exhibitionists to her party and had them pose naked, or semi-naked, or wearing bondage type gear, for the cameras, to post on her social media. In the end, police raided the party, arrested a couple of people, sent everybody else home. All of the partici-pants (or should that be partici-no-pants?) were filled with shame for what they had done (especially after finding themselves ostracized out of lucrative show business contracts) and issued insincere apologies to an unforgiving public.

With all of that background information stored reliably under our bondage wraps and hoods, this is what Sheremet had to say about Zelensky’s big party in Switzerland: “Their gathering reminds me of the Naked Evening Party, because its organizer, Zelensky, is an illegitimate King who is not wearing any clothes. They are trying to convince the Western public that they seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and yet everyone knows perfectly well that the elites of the Western countries are set upon a further escalation. Nobody is interested in an actual peace in Ukraine, except for Russia and its President. Certainly, nobody in the West.”

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12 Responses to Ukraine War Day #845: Sheremet Comes Up With A Good One

  1. I believe the correct appellation of the do in Switzerland is the Piss Conference.

    Liked by 1 person

    • S Brennan says:

      Is that a Piss Conference or a Piss Contest?

      Is anybody taking the “whatever-conference” seriously? Not even the jokers on Team-Biden/[Obama/Cheney/Hillary] are taking it seriously…they’re laughing at the dullards in the audience…mercifully, they sent in Kamala to make sure everybody “gets” the joke. Meanwhile, while everybody was laughing at the spectacle that is Kamala at a “Piss Conference”, they shuffled off Biden to collect 30 million at a “gala” in LA.

      The depressing “political” discussions I hear around me are some variation of:

      Who are the Dems gonna select to replace Biden? And when will the National-Security-State [3LAs] make “it’s move”- [by law I can’t use the actual words said] and make Nikki Haley the Republican nominee

      Y’s offbeat call that Hillary will be anointed Dem-nominee seems more likely than not at this point.

      Hillary vs Haley, now there’s an election that the 3LA and “never-Trumpers” can be proud of…not the slightest hint of choice…just a “Piss-Conference” for the ages!

      Liked by 2 people

      • ccdrakesannetnejp says:

        To answer your question, it’s a Peace Contest. All the entrants try to peace the most prolifically on the whole idea of achieving piss, since the host of the conference is no longer able to peace in the constitutionally approved men’s peace pot.


      • John Jennings says:

        Yeah, SB, I’m hearing that kind of stuff too. Halery v Killary really would be the perfect ‘election’ for the Deep State, wouldn’t it? They’re practically sisters from another mister …

        Ever since Biden took office I’ve complained that America is ruled by a secret junta. Nobody knows who the members are, though I hear Soros’, Obama’s and Hillary’s names bandied about a lot. We’re more backward, in that respect, than Niger, where everyone at least knows who’s in charge.

        But lately I realize my secret-junta theory really doesn’t explain the chaos, confusion, drift and danger that surround us. If there’s really a junta, that implies a hierarchy of individuals directing and orchestrating 3LAs and other agencies. While there’s some room for confusion to creep into a secretive and unaccountable chain of command like that, I wouldn’t expect it to be as bad as what we’re seeing. We’re only five months out from the election. If some hidden hierarchy of 3LAs were running Washington behind the scenes, they’d have replaced Biden long ago – last winter at the very latest, when he was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial.

        Consider: We finally started the war to dismember Russia, which seems to have been in the works ever since Dick Cheney was SecDef over 3 decades ago. It’s not going well, partly because our proxies’ rulers are selling off a lot of the stuff we send them and lining their pockets. At the same time, the same administration has thrown open our borders to ‘asylum seekers.’ The Russian foreign ministry reckons tens of thousands of Russians have entered the US from Mexico since Biden took office. Drone technology, of course, is cheap and widespread and doesn’t have to be smuggled. But at least one cartel sicario has been spotted with a Javelin AT missile somewhere around Matamoros. And the Russians are now openly discussing an ‘asymmetric response’ to NATO strikes inside Russia. How ironic, if it turns out we welcomed GRU sleeper cells of kamikaze drone operators, posing as asylum-seekers sniveling how ‘oppressed’ they were under Putin’s ‘autocracy.’

        But there’s no sign that has occurred to anyone, at any of the 3LAs or anywhere else, least of all at mine (DHS).

        I could go on. On the brink of war, you’d think a junta would exempt its soldiers from a killer vaccine, the way CDC did its own employees. Why would the regime push LGBTQwerty so hard, while importing millions of horny military-aged men from militantly straight cultures? Why steal Russian assets, scaring people away from the dollar when it’s already circling the drain?

        I guess my point is, I’m not sure anyone’s really in charge at the top. I think a wide variety of different neoprogressicon interest groups, from military contractors to migrant-worshipers to trans activists to Russophobic think-tankers, basically have carte blanche to do whatever they want, in company with the usual 3LA bureaucrats and congresscritters, largely without orchestration – even if it threatens the agenda of other members of the coalition.


        • yalensis says:

          If there is a Secret Junta, then they are all pretending to be somebody else. So it would be, like, Catfish Row out there. Or maybe Un ballo in maschera:

          Liked by 1 person

        • JC says:

          The situation in the USA is nearly exactly the same as the situation in Ukraine: cabals (plural) of kleptocrats have gotten into every single trough of public funds that can be found, and are furiously engaged in stealing and rigging everything possible in pursuit of more money.

          In the midst of this chaos there are a few figures of grander vision who want to steer the ship of state one one or the other specific set of rocks, but they are constantly fighting for the wheel and/or engine room. The crew can hardly be found and is frequently replaced by boat-people the ship has careened into, leading to a vast competency gulf and general physical decay. No one can really fix anything, because they’ve ritualistically thrown the manuals overboard to appease a god they made out of used joints and condom wrappers, and anyone with old knowledge is hunted through the corridors with knives.

          Needless to say, any parties with cargo aboard are staring at the situation, agast.

          [Apologies, the analogy took hold….]


          • yalensis says:

            It sounds like the script to a decent horror movie. Suggested title: “Ship of Fools And Zombie Pirates, with Snakes Aboard”. Add a Sharknado to gobble up those who try to escape overboard…


        • S Brennan says:

          [The] secret-junta theory really doesn’t explain the chaos, confusion, drift if there’s really a junta, that implies a hierarchy of individuals, I wouldn’t expect it to be as bad as what we’re seeing. We’re only five months out from the election. If 3LAs were running Washington…they’d have replaced Biden long ago…

          I think the oligarchy is a broader base than that, after all, .01% of 380,000,000 is still 38,000 people…enough to fill a stadium.  And let’s face it, a good portion of that mob of .01%-ers are drunk on fanciful narcissism…all too ready to dance about a bonfire, built to attest to their vanity.  Sadly, the ruling 0.01% are cocooned in the false security that they will be whisked away, to live out the apocalypse on some remote island in style and comfort befitting their status.

          Then to…what are the core competencies of the 3LAs…murder, kidnapping, extortion, blackmail, office backstabbing? Basically that of a low level mob boss and…I suspect mob bosses are more highly skilled because, they have to work with fewer resources.  Anyway the point is, the repertoire of those who run the 3LAs is extremely limited and they are in turn ruled by the aforementioned mob.  Who said oligarchies are neat and organized, especially when scaled from a small polis to a vast, world-wide empire?  And realistically, the ruling  mob is bigger than my extrapolation because, it is the .01% of the “western”world not just the US.

          Why is Biden still there?

          I think the delay in replacing Biden stems from the fact that the DNC did not want a primary at this point in time.  Much easier to switch & select a candidate after the convention or, at the convention, than risk a genuine primary, one where an FDRist might force their way through all the carefully caulked cracks.  Additionally, a late choice limits the time for Toto to pull back the curtain on whoever they choose.  Then too, should Trump be allowed to win, the west has had a band of arsonists running the show without restraint since 2001…similar to what the USSR went through in the 1990’s.  And when it comes to managing a massive reformation, Trump is no Putin…not even close.  In all likelihood, if Trump is even allowed into the Temple, he will be made into a sacrificial scapegoat*.

          For example, Trump has three very solid VP choices** who are willing and available but, he won’t choose any of them. Instead, he’ll choose a backstabbing flatterer with back channels to the Hillary/Cheney cabal…and his cabinet will be similarly afflicted, not all but, enough to ruin any chance of steering the ship of state away from the oncoming iceberg.  Better than Biden?  Yeah sure but, so is a ham sandwich.  But it’s hard to have a legitimate discussion of Trump’s shortcomings because, the 3LA’s minions in the media [and their willing patsy’s] are so busy filling the airwaves/social-media with ridiculous images of Trump being “the next Hitler” that meaningful critiques are drowned out by these screaming banshees.

          It will be interesting to see who the 3LA/DNCers select and whether they’ll cut Trump’s straw short.  Interesting times.

          *Although, Putin’s Piss Proposal cleverly put the ball into Team-Biden/[Obama/Cheney/Hillary]’s court…a very astute move.  I know, if the media screams loud enough on, “who lost Ukrainia”, everybody will come to blame Trump, [should the 3LAs allow such an outcome] but, Putin’s maneuvering will make that a very tough sell.

          **All of who would be good life insurance policy.


          • JC says:

            Thank you, yes. If Trump is allowed to win, it will because he’s a) cut a deal that includes seasoning his punchbowl with deep-state turds, b) been anointed as the scapegoat for a major collapse event, and/or c) been accepted as doing what some significant faction(s) of the elite find useful at this time.

            And, in my intuition, what some significant factions find useful at this time is a limited nuclear war in Europe.

            They just can’t realistically get such a property-value-reducing event (yay says the City) going, because NATO is saddled with the US’s nuclear arsenal on beck and call. Trump wants to, and may be counted on, taking the US out of NATO and leaving Europe to be driven onto Russian spears. At which point all the capital in Europe goes to the US (yay says Wall Street) and gets plowed into the MIC (yay says MIC) so the US can reprise its role as Great Rescuer and Build-back-Betterer (yay says WEF) from WW1 and WW2.

            Because the elite of today truly have no imagination and all the chutzpa.


  2. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    Wow, that’s a striking artwork there with the Naked Emperor Bidead. I’m surprised nobody mentioned it in your comments, and that you didn’t have any attribution as to the source. It led me to type up the .com to find McNaughton’s site, which was helpfully included as a watermark/signature. He does primarily Trump-worship and Christopatriotic crap, from what I saw before my stomach started heaving. But the one you dug out to include here, right on!


    • yalensis says:

      Being lazy ole me, I didn’t really seek out McNaughton’s site. I just goggled “images of naked emperor”, that one came up, among others, and I thought it was hilarious, even though it didn’t actually fit to my narrative. I know I am a ruthless thief, but I figured in this case, it said McNaughton on it, so people were not going to assume that, like, I painted it myself, and whoever this McNaughton fellow was, would get the credit!

      I never actually visited this guy’s site, but just from the pic I sort of grokked that he was a Trumper. Like he has Putin in there being buddies with Obama and Killery and the others. Instead of being revolted by that, I found it sort of funny, like everybody, all these evil characters, just sort of hanging out and getting along in their mockery of Bidet!


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