Ukraine War Day #843: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Created A Drone Army, Deceived Starlink, and Tested Tsar-Bomb – Part V

“For our God is a consuming fire.” (Epistle to the Hebrews, 12:29)

Dear Readers:

Today continuing (and finally concluding) my review of this piece by Russian war correspondent Dmitry Steshin. And, by the way, since I am quoting scary Bible verses, check out the Lancet photo below, which I randomly found on the internet. Is it just me, or is there a demonic face embedded in the warhead? Either it’s just an optical illusion, or they buried Groucho Marx inside that bird. But never mind about that, we shall resume with the section called

Operation Lancet

Steshin: The strike drone “Lancet” was first shown to the public back in 2019. Within a year it was added to the arsenal, and in 2021 it was used against Syrian militants in Idlib. Lancet has an electrical engine and can reach a speed of 300 km/hour. But its main distinction from the Western analogs: Our Lancet does not require satellite navigation. It can maneuver on its own in the air for up to 30 minutes, avoiding anti-air systems. Its ability to leave the strike zone and return to base is also an important distinction from rockets. Lancets can be launched from moving catapults, even from the back of a truck. The Lancet operates according to the high-explosive fragmentation principle, but if it crashes into an armored vehicle, a cumulative effect occurs – and the armor is burned through.

Russian Lancet kamikaze drone

Western experts were driven into a tizzy when Lancets began to be used massively in the course of the Special Military Operation (SMO). Hundreds of monographs were written on the topic. All of this signaled that the Lancet was a success.

In the fall of 2023, analyzing the failure of the Ukrainian offensive, analysts from the USA wrote: “The Lancets destroyed around 200 units of Ukrainian armor, and the number of damaged vehicles cannot even be counted. 15% of these targets were Ukrainian anti-air devices, which guaranteed Russia air supremacy.”

But the real shock for the West came in September 2023, when a Lancet destroyed a Ukrainian MIG-29.

Horror From The Sky

There is another monster out there which can swoop in at any moment, and even a concrete bunker will not necessarily save you. It’s called the Kalibr. These winged Kalibers had already been tested under fire, in the Middle East. I recall how people at the time were astonished by the very fact of launching these rockets from the Caspian Sea all the way to distant targets in Syria. The Kalibr has a distance of over 2,000 km. Some people believe the distance is actually much greater than that, but the real number is not disclosed.

As we speak, Kalibrs are decimating Ukrainian military air fields, which were under preparation to receive NATO F-16’s. Even if these F-16’s are moved to fields in Romania or Poland, it’s not like the Kalibers cannot also reach them there.

And let’s not even speak about the hypersonic Kinzhal, for which a concrete shelter is no obstacle. The Kinzhals debuted in the SMO on March 18, 2022: In the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast an underground cache of aviation supplies was obliterated. This warehouse was built in the USSR times, its purpose was to store nuclear weapons, and it was considered unbreakable. The magazine The American Conservative expressed its concern that the Russians had succeeded in creating weapons that could defeat the American arsenal. This was a catastrophic defeat for the West.

The Kinzhals continue to operate against the hidey-holes of our opponent. If a Kinzhal gets tired, then it can be relieved by a Tsyrkon, a similar type of entity.

And still one more star of the SMO: Long-range winged rockets X-22. These were in development back in USSR times, their intended purpose was anti-ship. But the Ukrainian fleet has long ceased to exist, therefore these rockets are now used against land targets. Several times per week, in fact. And for them the cherry on top is their speed: The X-22 can fly 3,600 km/hour and in principle cannot be intercepted by the anti-air currently available to our opponent.

We Are Learning To Win

Besides the Lancet, we also have the Geranium, the Orlan, the Tachyon, the Eleron, and the Forpost. An entire brood of drones. And our own “peoples drone”, the Vampire (Upyr‘), which was invented by hobbyists, and now is manufactured on an industrial scale.

“Let us know when you’ve had enough…”

We also have this unique system called the Solntsepek (“Sunburn”), which inspires nightmares in our enemy, but it is constantly being reworked and improved, to become better and longer range.

Our helicopters KA-52 and MI-28 are beautiful not just in themselves, but also because of their teamwork with the Vikhr and the “Product-305“. But there is no resting on the laurels, the work of improvement continues unrelentingly.

And this is the main conclusion that I wanted to make: Our Defense complex never just settled for things that already existed, using them up until the bitter end. No, the work always continues, ever testing, testing in battle.

Of course, it goes without saying that not everything is wonderful, and we should not exaggerate our successes. There are definitely areas in which we have stagnated, in which we have lagged behind NATO. It’s no secret, everybody at the front knows it, that our weakest area is Communications and Electronic Warfare. And since we know this, then we have to fix this. It’s always been our way. And at the end of the road, when this SMO is over, then Russia will find that it possesses a very strong, super-modern, fire-tested army.

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8 Responses to Ukraine War Day #843: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Created A Drone Army, Deceived Starlink, and Tested Tsar-Bomb – Part V

  1. S Brennan says:

    It was interesting to read through Putin’s peace proposal terms which, I thought, too generous. Of course the west will never lift sanctions, and truthfully, for your average Russian worker that’s a good thing; [I think Putin threw that bit in there as agitprop…I saw a wry smile momentarily pass across his face]*.

    To the average Russian worker who may legitimately may doubt my sincerity.

    Better not to have every little trinket your heart desires and have steady meaningful work, secure housing, a community to belong to**. Can’t get French wines…boo-hoo drink Chilean or Argentine, or better yet, finish taking the BSC and grow wine there. And…I am pretty sure Syrian lands will support the establishment of fine vintners because, it did so for thousands of years.

    That’s the thing about having a nation-united gets the difficult things done and the impossible thing doable.


    **I say that as a low-end-worker who went through the 1970’s de-industrialization in the US. I made it through okay but, it took many decades of 60+hrs per week to get to the level that somebody a decade before got by the time they were 24 years old.

    QUESTION: Does anybody have a good source of information on the developments in Moldova? The 3LAs Anglo-Media-World is throwing up a barrage of propaganda that accuses Russia of everything that they have been doing for the last 70 years so it’s difficult to get reliable info…ideas anyone?

    Liked by 1 person

    • John Kane says:

      Td wine situation is not so dire although it looks like prices are going up


    • yalensis says:

      I need to buckle down and find some pieces on Moldova to read. I think you are right that this is the next hotspot.


    • S Brennan says:

      Should have been:

      “That’s the thing about having a nation-united, it gets difficult things done and makes impossible things doable”.

      BTW Y,

      -> B <- , at MOA, is back in the saddle and gave a good tip on the existence of Kremlin’s website today which…I didn’t know existed scroll down for the web links.

      Moldova is very interesting, particularly since Putin’s Peace Proposal purposely left out Odessa which I found extremely puzzling and…is there a relationship between the two? Dunno.

      Was Putin’s Peace Proposal, sans a claim to Catherine the Great’s Odessa, a MacGuffin for the anglicized & English-schoolboys to chase after in their fevered Crimean War 2.0 dreams? It’s fortunate, for the non-Galacian population of Odessa, DC & London struck down Putin’s Peace Proposal without a moment’s consideration…something, I think they’ll regret and claim they didn’t do…after the US Presidential election is in the rear view mirror…assuming a selected team-Biden-candidate “wins”. Interesting times.


      • yalensis says:

        Putin’s peace proposal was clearly designed and intended to leave Odessa to Ukraine, their last and only chance to maintain access to any body of water. Like tossing them that one last bone…

        I’d glibly call Putin a traitor, except I think he actually IS being cunning here. Formally giving Ukraine one more chance to take the deal, knowing they would refuse. And so whatever happens next is on them, and Russia’s conscience is clear…

        In the future, smart Ukrainians will say: “We should have taken that deal, and we could have kept Odessa.” Even smarter Ukrainians will say, “We should have taken the earlier Istanbul deal, and then we could have kept everything except Crimea!”

        Again, it’s like the tale of the Stupid Gambler, not knowing when to stand up and walk away from the table…


        • S Brennan says:

          Putin is being cunning here…tossing them one last bone…giving Ukraine one more chance…knowing they would refuse“. – Y

          Exactly Y. And I would argue it has two other effects that show Putin to be a mind to be reckoned with.

          1] For the tiny number of competent flag officers in DC/London & NATO-CQ…trading away a place of great military and commercial value in a vain attempt to keep the legally-incompetent Team-Biden-[Obama/Cheney/Hillary] in power will appear extremely short sighted, blindly-stupid, as bad as any of WW II’s mistakes. This will cause internal division. And should the 3LAs allow Trump to assume office…“you want me to re-take/”save” Odessa…hmmm? Well folks, that ship sailed back in June of 2024. But, you folks build me a time machine and I’ll make the deal..otherwise, we are going to cut our losses”.

          2] For the sane people remaining* in Odessa, this will divide the population…“we could have been spared the worst of the war were it not for the pigheadedness of the Galicians, DC & London”. Odessa will likely be retaken by siege & blockade, it will be a long process with much pain and suffering as the Galicians will want to keep their ill-gotten gains…

          *[not the recent Galician emigres…particularly those who have used this war to acquire property on the cheap by sending untermenschen to their deaths in the Russian artillery showers]

          And again, Russia has to prepare courts and councils to rapidly and fairly adjudicate reparations for ethno-cultural-cleansing that the 3LAs of DC/London undertook with the Galicians to advance this war in the former Ukrainia. This should be publicly acknowledged by the Kremlin so civilians know they can flee and be made nearly whole at wars end.


  2. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    Yer gonna need a Part VI (and I don’t mean VIkhr here) in this series to make it live up to the headline. By which I mean, what happened to the Tsar Bomb? Part 4 mentioned the development of the FAB, but I didn’t see it labeled “Tsar.” Unless that word got lost in your translation. But since it was such a short article in the original, I don’t see how that could have happened!

    To me, the “Tsar Bomb” will always be the gigantic multi-megaton nuke the Russians set off in the 1960s, just to show the U.S. “you wanna see a BIG blast? Watch THIS!” Reportedly, their Tsar Bombas could reach 100 megatons of blasting power. I wonder how much matter/antimatter would need to collide to equal that force? It’s a good thing that human industrial civilisation is going to collapse soon, because otherwise I bet some evil genius would come up with such a device. Our species is going to go back to living at the technological level of 1024 before we hit the year 2124, which is gonna stink for the 7 billion people who won’t make it through The Bottleneck. But it will be better for the surviving (and thriving! once there aren’t so many of us) wild critters than having the Earth’s atmosphere blown into outer space or having this orb sucked into a man-made black hole.


    • yalensis says:

      Yeah, the Tsar-Bomba thing was sort of a teaser, that never materialized. He mentioned it just twice, first in the title, and then, further down near the end, in the section called


      (“Part II Surprises of our Defense industry: An Intelligent Tsar-Bomba“)

      I translated as “intelligent” the Russian word ПОУМНЕВШАЯ which actually means “got smarter”. There isn’t really an English equivalent.

      From the context, he means those guided modules that they strapped onto the big dumb bombs that they were previously throwing at him in AzovSteel. These guided-module add-ons were the things that helped them take the Avdeevka coke factory.

      In other words, I think what he is saying that these big dumb bombs got smarter with the add-ons and became Tsar-Bombs?


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