Ukraine War Day #842: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Created A Drone Army, Deceived Starlink, and Tested Tsar-Bomb – Part IV

“A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more…” (Shakespeare, Coriolanus)

Dear Readers:

Continuing my review of this long piece by military correspondent Dmitry Steshin. I personally think this is a very good way to sit down and review the last 2 years on the battlefield and recall nostalgically each new Westie super-weapon as it entered onto the stage, strutted and fretted, and then departed ignobly.

Steshin’s piece is so long that I nurture this fantasy: On the final day of my review, just as I type the words THE END, I will suddenly see a news flash that the war is finally over! And Russia won, of course! Well, we shall have to see…

Dmitry Steshin

Anyhow, where we left off: Steshin has gotten around to showing us that the Germans, Americans and Turks were not the only people making innovations in weaponry. The Russians also came up with a “new” guidance and correction system (УМПК) that became the “hit” of the Special Military Operation (SMO). Steshin thinks it’s okay to call it a “super-weapon”, even though it’s cheap and simple. And not actually “new” at all.

Steshin: In April of 2022, while embedded with the “Vostok” storm troopers, I was lying in a corridor of Building #20 on the outskirts of AzovSteel. I was just lying there and praying. With every bomb falling, the wall of the corridor seemed to bend and shake, in waves. I said to myself: “Dear pilots, please don’t miss your target!” It was our guys, they were laying down bombs not far away from me, about 300 meters, trying to blast out the Azovites from the neighboring tool shop. The bombs were of the “free-falling” type, and the Azovites possessed quite a lot of Stingers, so one can understand our pilots: They were tossing the bombs from far away, not risking to venture into the strike zone of these Stingers…

It was precisely the storm of AzovSteel which motivated our guys to resurrect a dormant program from 2003: Modules that guided and corrected bombs. It turns out, this module is quite cheap to build and can be attached, just a few hours before use, to any dumb cast-iron bomb weighing between 165 – 1500 kilograms. With this attachment, the dumb bomb becomes a little smarter: It can detach itself from the plane 10 kilometers from the target and then just fly itself the rest of the way. Its accuracy is to within a few meters. The proof of the pudding was the taking of the Avdeevka coke plant. Aviation scouts armed with drones worked hand in hand with “big aviation”, and were able to push the resistance out of the factory in just a few weeks. My “corrector” friends later took a walking tour through the entire plant, noting down the results of their work. The data they collected is secret, but the looks of satisfaction on their faces told us everything we needed to know.

A Sudden Vortex

In June of 2023, the Ukrainian army for the first time applied NATO armor on a massive scale, but on a narrow sector of the front. Their plan was to break through the front, send their reserves into the breach and then, according to the fantasies of the Ukrainian command and their Western advisors, “drive the Moskals into the Azov Sea”.

Anti-tank guided weapon Vikhr

What came as a surprise to them was our anti-tank avia-complex called Vikhr (“Vortex”) which, up until that point, held no interest for anyone. Our Military-Industrial Complex had been producing these things since the 1990’s and trotting them around to various weapons salons. But nobody was exactly standing in line to buy them. Although, they are actually kind of cool, with their laser-guidance system, hypersonic speed, distance of 12 kilometers, ability to punch through homogeneous steel of a thickness of 1.2 meters.

And then came the summer of 2023. The moment the enemy’s armor group moved into the breach, our K-52 helicopters came flying in, unleashing Vikhr rockets which hit their targets. In the words of one of our generals, who commanded the 58th army: “There was one example where two helicopters destroyed between 5-7 armored objects of the enemy on a single pass.” One of my pals from that same army, the sniper with the call-sign “Moskva”, who participated in the battle to push back the Ukrainian offensive in Rabotino: “Our helicopter guys performed VERY well against their armor.” This sounds like only faint praise, but if you knew “Moskva” and how sparse he is with words, this is practically a standing ovation.

A representative of the Kalashnikov company who has worked on developing the Vikhr, stated the following: “On a scale of 0 to 1, these rockets demonstrated a .9 probability of striking their targets.” Translating into ordinary language: One Vikhr rocket equals one destroyed Leopard, or whatever other armor the Western allies of the Banderites brought onto the front.

It goes without saying that purchase orders are up. The world is watching this conflict with its notebook in hand, writing down: Whose weaponry is pure fire, and whose is garbage.

[to be continued]

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17 Responses to Ukraine War Day #842: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Created A Drone Army, Deceived Starlink, and Tested Tsar-Bomb – Part IV

  1. Quotation is from “Macbeth,” Yalensis. (Feel free to make correction and delete this comment.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. S Brennan says:

    “I nurture this fantasy…the war is finally over…Russia [has] won”.

    This war will end in Russia’s favor*, the logistics of the situation always dictated that outcome. It’s not the distance from the United States but Ukrainia’s proximity to Russia. This in combination with the demonstrated fact that the US can in no way match** Russia’s industrial capability nor, impact it production lines without turning the globe into a nuclear wasteland.

    The real question is, can Russia win peace, can Russia win security?

    Can Russia establish borders that physically prevent the 3LAs/Dept. of State from engaging in their time-honored practice of state-sponsored-terrorism by funding/training/arming effective terrorist cells? Can Russia establish borders that blunt NATOs efforts to create a hair trigger war zone on Russia’s border, within minutes of it’s two largest cities?

    Moldova as a neutral buffer zone between DC/London’s quislings in Romania [with friends like Romania who needs enemies] would seem to be part of the solution? A land corridor tangent to Transnistria up to Slovakia and Hungary? With Slovakia and Hungary negotiating eventual re-acquisition of their native lands seized by the Galicians…purposely excluding Romania from such deal making? Perhaps, letting the Romanians contemplate how it came to pass that all their cities are within seconds of Russian rockets? And to the Belarus/Polish/Lithuanian border much though must be given….yes? Could a land bridge to between Kaliningrad and Belarus be negotiated in exchange for Polish administration of it’s traditional lands that were seized by Ukrainia? Could this negate much of NATOs Baltic machinations/madness by controlling land access to NATO’s sacrificial Baltic state pawns and the sea lane to it’s newly acquired Finland? Why Finnish leadership decided to betray it’s citizens, turning their country into a forward-fire-base for thirty pieces of silver is still beyond me?

    All in all, a lot of moving parts, can Russia truly “win” and secure a “peace”? A peace that the anglicized/English schoolboys of DC/London can’t easily break? “That is the question” and it is a much harder thing than the certainty of a Russian military victory ahead*…

    *…assuming DC/London lacks the nerve to make good on their bluffs…to jump over the precipice and turn this into a world-ending-World-Wide-War. – All for Ukrainia…I mean WTF? Did Team-Biden voters vote for that? People who talk trash about Trump’s voters [and Trump’s language] ought to take a good hard look at those that support the madness that engulfs present day DC, the Biden-voting-never-Trumpers-DNCers in league with Cheney’s-never-Trump-Republicans [ATR’s]. These nut-jobs are playing double or nothing with a nuclear power over piece of property that is worthless to the US taxpayer…and please, I don’t give a damn what that delusional psychotic Lindsey Graham, says about it’s “value” on those idiotic Sunday talk shows.

    **And the responsibility for US industrial defenestration falls wholly on those same ghouls in DC who subscribe exclusively to the neocolon-e-con ideology which is a foreign policy of British/French colonialism combined with a form of financial fascism.


  3. mluiza115872532ade says:

    Thank you for this series. Living so far away from the war’s theatre, I appreciate knowing more about how Russia works to win. As always, Russia is fighting in all humanity’s name, and in my heart, I, a godless anarchist! – pray for your people.

    Hugs and kisses to all Russians you can transmit my love, from the the heart of Brasil.


    • yalensis says:

      Thanks, I am glad you like the series! It is truly interesting, I had no idea there were so many different weapons and types of rockets.

      It’s fascinating how so many people in the Global South can see the realignment that is happening before our eyes, we are living in truly historical times. Kind of odd that Russia was forced into this role, but what else could they do?


  4. to the UMPK eqiluipped FABs I’ll add the old, simple anti tank landmine and dragon’s teeth as real game changes.


  5. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    Is the Vikhr the rocket that seems to travel on a looping path as it heads toward the target, when viewed from behind? It looks vortexy. I’m not enough of a weapons geek to remember. No Simplicius am I! I saw those in action a number of times watching war videos. I can stand to watch a bit of boom-boom that’s happening far away, when machines are what’s getting wasted. It’s the images of unshielded guys dying in trenches or treelines that get to me most.

    I get shook even when it’s something with a sorta happy ending. Like the footage of the Russian sturmovik who dodges one flying hand grenade when it explodes, then shoots down two more that were flying for him. Didja catch that one? It was from this week. That chilled me, and I consider myself to be more cold-blooded than most people. (I attribute it to a brain/genetic change caused by venom from the rattlesnake that bit me, but my ex-wives thought it was just because I was a heartless bastard.)

    After the first drone exploded, you could see the Russian had a wounded leg, because he had to crawl/drag himself into some shrubbery to hide. The third drone that attacked him, the vid (shot from a Russian drone) observed it circling around where the Russian was crouched, while the Ukronazi operators tried to get a bead on him. Even being as serpentine as I am, I can put myself into the mind-space of what it must be like to be hurt, bleeding, frightened, while buzzing death hunts in the air around me. That guy must have be SO amped, mind operating at “every second seems like an hour” speed. How would you say in Russian “It’s my life on the line here. If I don’t aim right with my gun and kill this thing, it’s going to kill ME!”

    The video ended after he shot the third drone. I hope there was not another one that got the guy later, but the Russian observers cut that out so it would not be depressing to viewers. And just think of how many more times — thousands, no doubt — that there were soldiers on both sides who AREN’T as skilled as that guy, and they DID die…

    You’ve mentioned you don’t like insects. As icky and scary as hornets and yellowjackets are, though, just wait until you hear drones buzzing around in everyday life! Unless these flying things kill us all first:


    • yalensis says:

      Bukko, you are clearly a compassionate guy, and not the heartless bastard as depicted by your ex-wives. Only sickos want to want vids of humans being hunted and torn apart. I can’t watch them either.


  6. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    ”My ‘corrector’ friends later took a walking tour through the entire plant, noting down the results of their work. The data they collected is secret…”

    Quotes like that make me ponder the many levels of arcane knowledge there are in this world, stuff that’s far out of my ken. If you’re a bomb correction expert, what are you looking for? Do you count the number of craters? Put a tape measure up to a wall to calculate the thickness of concrete that was shredded at X number of metres from where the bomb landed? Use surveyor’s instruments to judge where YOUR guys where vs. where the Azov Nazis were, and how close you came to obliterating your own side? How do you correlate on-the-ground damage to the actions of a jet that’s flying at hundreds of kilometres an hour, releasing a bomb at who-knows-what-exact-point in space, then it flies through the air for 10 km or so, buffeted by wind and air pressure differentials… Is it even possible to match one specific blast to the exact plane and bombing run it was on?

    We all have specialised smarts in the areas where we work. I could not grok a lot of what you do on computers, Yalensis. My most recent Xwife did something like what you’ve described of your functions, because she was a code writer/database manager for a University of California system until we bailed outta Amerika. She’d try to explain what she did some days, but it was all Greek to me. And if I wrote a ramble about the medical stuff I used to do, especially the things when I was on the “body” wards at hospitals, you might not be able to wrap your head around that. How deep and complex our various mental skills are!

    And how sad is it that we’re devoting so many brain cells to death? Recall the Eisenhower speech where he pointed out that every jet plane that got built represented money spent that could have constructed a school, etc. (And then the bald old bugger kept buying them, until he was almost out of office and took one last shot at the military-industrial complex that he was the freakin’ boss of…) It’s not just machines that represent a mis-allocation of resources. When the brainpower of smart individuals is devoted to making better deathtechniques, that means they’re not doing something more beneficial, like designing an artificial intelligence algorithm that will draw qewt kittens and puppies in such an excellent way that mooks like me won’t say “that’s obviously fake and I’m not any happier than I was before.” Maybe we’d have flying antigravity cars by now if the best brains hadn’t been busy designing F-35s and strap-on winged bomb guidance kits instead.

    Apologies for being wordy today, but your posts DO make me think. I think too much. Which is better than not thinking enough, because when you do that, you’re liable to get smacked upside the head by something that you didn’t even think of. If only I could find the right balance…


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