Ukraine War Day #841: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Created A Drone Army, Deceived Starlink, and Tested Tsar-Bomb – Part III

Dear Readers:

Continuing my review of this piece by war correspondent Dmitry Steshin. Where we left off:

The Humiliation Of The Leopards

Steshin: In the summer of 2023, NATO staked its largest bet so far on the massive use of armor. Riding inside German tanks they actually believed they would make it all the way to Crimea and “push the Moskals back to the Azov Sea.” They even declared publicly that “the Russians will run away at the first sight of our big German cats.” We ourselves have no idea where they got these sick fantasies from. Because we were certainly prepared for the arrival of NATO armor at the front.

Dead Leopards.

As early as March, 2023, when people had just started to talk about the delivery of Western heavy technology into the zone, I happened to have a conversation with some tankists from our “August” Battalion. The tankists were not particularly bothered by the rumors about the Leopards. Just off the top of their head, they rattled off some predictions about the Leopards’ problems with repair issues, shortage of parts, shortage of skilled operators, mobility problems due to the machines being overweight. This is what they had to say about the weak points of the German cats: “Just aim for the treads, that’s their Achilles heel. Aim for the treads, and you’ll be fine.” And this is exactly what happened. The first Leopards died in the steppes of Zaporozhie: They lost their shoes on the mines, and then got finished off by our artillery. Their failure was apocalyptic: In the first 3 days of the Ukrainian summer offensive, they lost 12 German Leopards and 15 American Bradleys.

You know the expression: Defeat is an orphan. The humiliated Germans, having shamed themselves in public, tried to distance themselves from their own armor, declaring these were “Ukrainian” machines. See, they gave them to the Ukrainians, now it’s not their problem. This childish deflection did not work at all: Rheinmetall stocks crashed, and the massive transfer of German armor to Ukraine was quietly halted.

And then on November 1, another pleasant surprise: Our guys destroyed, in the course of a single week, 8 Leopards, an entire tank company! The final Leopard bit the dust literally a couple of weeks ago, as I write this: One of our heroic KP embedded reporters was there to witness it.

And so the world learned that there is nothing magical or supernatural about these German cats. They can be killed just like any other cats. Granted, there is a kind of “super-weapon” that we Russians possess in our hearts: It is our historical hatred when we see German tanks sporting white crosses, rolling onto our soil…

How’s It Going, Musk?

Ukraine’s entire system of communication, its contact with NATO HQ, receipt of real-time data, everything is connected with the American satellite system Starlink, owned by Elon Musk.

The Ukrainian army received 30,000 terminals of this system in the very first year of the Special Military Operation (SMO). This unbreakable communications network became a real headache for our side. Especially when Ukrainian drone operators started to use it. It took our specialists a whole year to figure out how to suppress this system: The first news of crashes started to come out in 2023. And then the Battle for Avdeevka, and the Ukrainian army experienced problems with their previously impenetrable communications system. The “Defenders” of Avdeevka were forced to fall back on mobile phone devices, or even send human runners to communicate news.

Starlink Satellite

Our specialists have not disclosed how they finally succeeded in blocking Starlink. All we know is that, in April, in the heights above Avdeevka, there appeared some strange structures which blocked Starlink communications for a space of 12 square kilometers.

But even that was just a test. Starlink was silenced for good on May 10, the day our troops pushed into the Kharkov region. Hundreds of Ukrainian spy drones simply missed this Russian movement of troops. While, simultaneously, men in the Ukrainian trenches lost communication with their HQ. How this was all done – must remain top secret for the time being.

Downing the Bayraktar

The Turkish reconnaissance/striking drone Bayraktar-TB2 burst onto the media scene during the Karabakh war of 2021. To the Ukrainians it seemed like a new Western super-weapon had appeared in the world, and naturally, they wanted to get their hands on it. A snap of the fingers, and there it was: The UAF not only received these “birds” but even planned to assemble them in a factory within Ukraine. The Banderites composed a boastful song about the Bayraktar and posted a clip online. And the loyal citizens of Ukraine proceeded, as usual, to name their children after this new foreign word. How could it even be otherwise with these people?

Bayraktar is large and sluggish….

However, problems with the Bayraktar showed up in the very first hours of the Special Military Operation. Officially it was admitted that 9 of these super-drones had been downed just in the course of 4 days. Taking into account that Ukraine only had 50 of them, that was a depressing figure. For two weeks no Bayraktar appeared at the front: the Ukrainians demanded some kind of modifications from the manufacturers. The latter pretended to make those modifications. And towards the end of 2022 our anti-air had brought down around 100 Bayraktars. And they were no longer seen at the front after that. It turned out this large and slow drone is glaringly visible to our anti-air defenses. It only takes the very first rocket to bring it down. The word “Bayraktar” is no longer met with in Ukrainian polite society, the only legacy is a few unhappy Ukrainian children bearing a strange name…

Next: Our side offers up a few surprises of its own…

[to be continued]

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13 Responses to Ukraine War Day #841: How The Russian Army Blinded HIMARS, Created A Drone Army, Deceived Starlink, and Tested Tsar-Bomb – Part III

  1. michaeldroy says:
    Hard to spot the collapsing share price of RheinMetall.
    I guess what really happened is that instead of getting orders to build lots more new tanks for Ukraine they got orders to build new and better tanks for Germany first. A Win Win for the MIC.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Qolotlh Kernow says:

      Is that ‘orders’ as in paid for production of ‘new and better’ tanks for ‘Germany first’ (what better tanks?)? Or ‘orders’ from bosses to ‘fer-kry-sakes’ come up with designs for ‘new and better’ tanks for ‘Germany first’? After which we’ll hold a management meeting to organise a schedule for later approval to make a plan to set a date for when the final approval meeting on any potential new tank _may_ occur. Obvs the MIC make money either way but Pistorius’s boys’n’girls’n’trans wont benefit either way!

      Look at the UK’s terrific new tank: <> which the UK will ‘slim down’ to 127 off!



  2. Qolotlh Kernow says:

    Another great informative series Yalensis. Forwards!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. S Brennan says:

    OT…once again…

    Yesterday I mentioned that:

    a single rigid ideology* us[es] various forms of 3LA-manufactured terrorism to maintain it’s strict adherence

    And from today’s headlines we see the US Government publicly engaging in the practice but…a congressman actually did his job by calling out the US – Department of State [DoS] for funding terrorism directed against US Citizens. US Citizens who disagree with DoS’s policy of engaging in an undeclared war against Russia. What we used to refer to as a “war of aggression” back when the Nazis** tried their hand at it.

    “Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) has taken action against the “Data Journalism Agency” NGO funded by the US State Department that published an ‘enemies list’ of individuals and organizations opposed to the war in Ukraine…the House Appropriations Committee has passed a provision that would prohibit US funding and sever ties with the NGO”


    An unelected/unaccountable/un-American 3LA terrorizing US Citizens for for having the temerity to engage in public discourse of foreign policy…this is what 3LAs do publicly without fear.

    *neocolonialism/neo-economics [neocolon-e-con]

    ** – “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece…it is the leaders…and the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” – Herman Göring

    Liked by 2 people

  4. We ourselves have no idea where they got these sick fantasies from. 

    Racism. Not the Ukies in this case, but their NATO owners have had absolite racist contempt for Russians, since the days of Patton.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    ”We ourselves have no idea where they got these sick fantasies from. Because we were certainly prepared for the arrival of NATO armor at the front.”

    Another instance of someone talking about something that never ceases to amaze me: people who make decisions seem to have no idea that the people on the other side of their decisions will react to what they have decided. The targets on the receiving end have probably already plotted out their options. And the original decision-makers are likely to get smacked around by those counter-actions.

    It seems like an actual mental blind spot, a psychological defect. People such as Blinkey, Micron, the entirety of the “let’s steal Russia’s assets” mob, et al, are wrapped up in the mindset of “nobody else exists but me. Therefore, I can do whatever I want. And I’ll win!” I don’t mean to pick on people with autism, who have built-in brain defects which make them largely unable to conceive what other people are thinking. But Blinkey and the Gang are fucking autistic! Even a psychopath like Mike Tyson could grok it better than Blinkey/etc — “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” The Blinkey mob doesn’t seem to believe that face-punches exist.

    I think one of the reasons why there’s a trope of “so-and-so is playing __th-dimensional chess” is because in chess, you have to calculate what the person on the other side of the board will do after you move your pieces. Srsly, it’s like the Westies are playing some game where they can’t comprehend that the other side even HAS chess pieces.

    It’s bad enough when a corporate boss-type imposes some policy that will piss off the workers or the customers. We’ve all seen bone-headed business decisions. “If I make the staff work 10-hour days instead of eight hours, and don’t pay them more, profits will go up! If I start charging $15 for something that now costs $10, I’ll get a 50% revenue increase!” Only, the boss can’t work out that the employees will quit, or start doing a shitty job in retaliation. Customers will stop buying that overpriced $15 thing. Maybe the corpo will go out of business. Tough luck. But with the half-blinded things the Blinkwesties are doing, humans will DIE! Ditto with the shit the nazIsraelis are up to, and so many similar situations. Perhaps I psychologise things too much, but the way I see it, masses of humanity — and not just the leadership — have developed thought defects that are equivalent to a mental blindness. It’s like a Darwin Test based on one-eyed stupidity; humanity is failing it, and our current pattern of civilisation is going to get an Award…

    ”The Banderites composed a boastful song about the Bayraktar and posted a clip online.”

    Similarly, the NAFOids made a song and video clip titled “I Can Give You HIMARS” which was based on some pop song whose name included “I can give you” but I can’t be arsed to look up what it was. Perhaps you’ve seen it — I hope not, because that would be 2:33 of your life wasted that could have been better spent clipping your toenails or something. I’ve never dropped a link to it here because fuck those bastards. That Dimocrap warmonger website I scan for opposition research usedta put that up all the time to accompany Ukronazidrone footage of HIMARS strikes. I haven’t seen it much recently. Maybe even those dead-enders realise what a pathetic sham their video is.

    Admittedly, I don’t screen-grab it every day. The guy who compiles the war coverage always includes lots of Twaats, even though everyone on that site reviles Muskrat. Embedded Twaats apparently consume a lot of energy, even when they’re just running in the background on a captured page. Sometimes my laptop’s fan will start running hard when I linger on the page. Or the computer will automatically reload the page and give me a warning banner saying “this had to be done because it was using to much energy.” They reprint long sections of articles from captured propagandamedia such as the Financial Times, or Twaat-series by Ukie commentators including a guy nymmed Tatarigami. He’s an ex-military intelligence officer, definitely biased but not completely dishonest. I’d like to try and grok his viewpoint, in the spirit of opposition research, but they make it halfway impossible. Another fail by the Nazi-symps.


    • yalensis says:

      Mentioning chess is apropos, because people who learn chess have to seriously take into account the fact that (1) another player exists in the real world, and (2) that player might well respond to his moves!

      Not just chess, I mean, any board game or card game will do. I wonder if the morons running the U.S. government and NATO ever played any of these types of games. I mean, they MUST HAVE played poker at least, in their private clubs, no? It’s the same principle, but they still don’t get it. There are other people who exist and who also have some cards in their hand. Maybe these idiots actually are autistic. Maybe that’s what they hire nowadays.

      Speaking of not getting it, I was reading yesterday that Bibi Nutty-yahoo is talking about invading Lebanon. I reckon he forgot about that last time when Hezbollah kicked their ass. This time he thinks it will be different, because…. (?) [even though Hezbollah is much stronger now and has rocket and drones, and the Israeli military has not advanced one iota?]

      I tortured myself by going onto youtube and looking up the NAFO song about the HIMARS. It’s all part of this sick cargo cult mentality that the Ukrainians have. It must feel very sad to be completely incompetent and not be able to build your own stuff, so you have to worship stuff that somebody else built and donated to you. It definitely feels better when you can build something on your own, or achieve something on your own, rather than living on handouts and bending the knee to an overlord. Isn’t that the very definition of not being free?


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        “I tortured myself by going onto youtube and looking up the NAFO song about the HIMARS.”

        I’m sorry I enticed you to waste your time doing that. It was not my intent.

        As far as Satanyahu saying he will invade Lebanon (it seems to be more coming from some of his military goons) nazIsrael has been making that threat for months. I reckon it’s a poorly thought-out bluff. To extend the poker analogy you made, if you bluff too long without any good cards in your hand, you’re gonna get called out and take a loss. Alon Mizrahi and Elijah Magnier, two guys whose Twaater accounts I read on Nitter, have gamed out the logic behind the threats. It’s designed to draw the United States into the conflict with big guns and planes. If the Zionazis make a hard move, and their arses start getting kicked — especially if Iran jumps in in an overt way — Bibi the Baby will go crying to Daddy to get a hand. I hate to sound like a neo-Nazi, but the Jewish lobby and the Christoarmageddonists in the U.S. will put on tremendous to go balls-to-the-wall. How many wars can Amerika fight at the same time?

        Me being Doom-minded, I keep thinking of the Samson Option as being part of the fascIsraeli mindset. It’s a country that glamorises Masada. Perhaps they can see the Wailing on the Wall. There’s no way this genocide just ends, full-stop. Even if they kill all 2 million Gazans, and drive the other million out of the West Bank, it’s not like the entire world is going to say “OK, it’s all over, back to Business As Usual.” They have not just shit the bed, they set it on fire, but they’re strapped onto it like we’d restrain demented residents at nursing homes so they wouldn’t fall out and break their hips. (A practice that’s now more restricted, because it’s cruel. The strapping that is. We’d never set them on fire. And as far as the shitting, well, that happens, and I cleaned up plenty of it when I was a junior nurse. The secret is to breath through your mouth — shallowly! — when you’re doing it because there are no stink receptors there.)

        It’s all over for Israel, no matter how many Palestinians they slaughter. Mizrahi has been eloquent in his thunderous tirades about that. There is an apocalyptic vibe in Israeli culture now, something Mizrahi is good at explaining because he lives there. He’s written some scary stuff about the depth of the psychosis amongst the population. If they cannot win, they may well decide to let the world burn, as long as they can bring down the people they hate as they are going to their deaths. And they hate a LOT of people. Including Americans. I don’t reckon they’ll nuke EVERY city from whatever submarine they send to do the deed, but at least New York and Washington, D.C. will go. Along with Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, Tehran, probably Istanbul, Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow and who-knows-where-else?

        Not here, though. In the words of the Randy Newman song, “We’ll save Australia — wouldn’t wanna hurt no kangaroo…” Plus it’s too far away and inconsequential. The Jewzis probably only have 200 or so nuclear weapons, not all of which are on missiles. From what I’ve read, theirs are intermediate range, not intercontinental. Therefore, I look forward to a slow death from starvation and radiation poisoning in the impending nuclear winter. At least I will get to see the people I despise most, dying before me. Unless Dick Cheney really HAS been converted into a cyborg.


        • S Brennan says:

          “It’s a country that glamorizes Masada [which I happened to mention a few weeks ago]…there is an apocalyptic vibe in Israeli culture…scary stuff…psychosis…if they cannot win, they may well decide to…bring down the people they hate and they hate a LOT of people including Americans.”

          The first time I came to this realization was when I was in the apartment of one of the wealthiest Jewish families in America [circa 1977] trying to discuss why Israel should negotiate a peace deal while they held all the trump cards…to no avail. I remember well a certain young Mr. Rudman claimed, having just returned from Israel and…to the approval of all present, that Jews would gladly fight/die to the end of time rather than give up their God-given claim to one inch of greater Israel.


          • S Brennan says:


            • yalensis says:

              Pish! Jacob had no claim to any of that land. He was the younger brother of the twins and he cheated the elder, Esau, out of the land. For sure, it was a verbal contract, but are you telling me there is no clever Jewish lawyer who could break that weak contract? A hundred loopholes, one for every lentil. Not to mention Jacob disguising himself as his brother to get Papa’s blessing. Now THERE is a contract breach, if ever there was one.

              So, technically all of this land belongs to Esau. Write THAT down in your Talmud, you morons…


        • yalensis says:

          I don’t think the Israelis will nuke New York — too many fellow Jews live there. But if they did, could we start calling it “Nuke York Nuke York” ?

          Stirring anthem:

          “I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps! To find I’m hill of the hill , top of the heap [of molten metal]! ’cause I’m the only one left [except for the rats and cockroaches…]”


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