Ukraine War Day #836: STRANA Exposes Torture in Ukrainian Prisons – Part II

Dear Readers:

Today continuing (and concluding) this horrific story about the torture, abuse, and economic exploitation of Ukrainian prisoners in the criminal colony system. We saw that the Ukrainian DBR (roughly equivalent to the American FBI) is investigating complaints, and we shall see how that goes.

DBR investigates the Commandant of one of the colonies.

We saw that the systematic torture was part of an economic scheme to extort money from the inmates: a “tithe” (actually half) of their salary from ordinary inmates in the “Red Zones”. But the colony administration gets really greedy when they land a wealthy inmate like Igor Mizrakh, a media entrepreneur and chief editor of the political journal Rating.

In May of 2023 Mizrakh was arrested and charged with corruption. He didn’t survive very long in the prison colony: In July 2023 he was rushed to the hospital from his prison cell, he was in a coma, and the doctors were not able to save his life. An examination of his body led to the conclusion that he had been beaten to death. As is often the case, the death of a prominent businessman aroused more public ire than the many similar deaths of ordinary zeks; and this incident is what led to the current investigation.

We discussed how every new arrival at these “Red Zones” is introduced to a violent hazing that is designed to break their spirit. After which they readily agree to turn over half their prison salary to the administration. Not every prisoner agrees to this, however, and these are the ones that are punished most severely. But even the obedient zeks are beaten at random times, for random and probably made-up infringements, just to keep them in line.

Humiliation And Blackmail

The colonies and Red Zones are teeming with actual criminals; not everybody is a political prisoner. The actual thieves are known as “suits”, as in “suits of cards”. They are also tortured mercilessly, like everybody else.

The newly-arriving zek is first put into [medical?] quarantine for a few days. But even there, minions of the warden will burst in and give him his first beating. Since this whole thing is primarily a money-making scheme, they seek, above all, to find kompromat against the zek. Part of the initial process is to physically humiliate the zek and thus add him to the caste of those who have been “offended” (обиженных). Physical humiliation might consist of holding his head in the toilet, pissing on him, rubbing his face with a cloth that was used to clean toilets. All of this is captured on videotape. The video is handed over to the Warden or Godfather of the colony. Usually this is enough to make the zek obedient, because he wouldn’t want anyone to see him being humiliated in this manner. And thus he is blackmailed into paying his regular tithe, in return for the Warden not publishing the tapes.

Any Consequences?

The STRANA investigative reporters spoke to inmates, attorneys, and officials of the penitentiary system. Everybody confirmed that the torture system in the prison colonies has gotten completely out of control. The perpetrators of this abuse are protected at the highest levels of the prison administration.

After the war started [Russian invasion] the situation got much worse, because there was ever more pressure to extract money from businessmen. One former prison official who later became a well- known Defense Attorney, stated to the reporters: “Before the war, there was some accountability before the courts. And suspects had a better chance of staying free, not being locked up, provided they had nothing to do with politics. But after 24 February, the situation sharply deteriorated. Judges became more obedient [to the Prosecution], and very rarely refuse any requests for detention.”

Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Zhivago

Due to this, officials of the prison system suddenly realized they had a “golden vein” available to them. They could open frivolous cases against wealthy entrepreneurs and extract as much money as they wanted to, for starters demanding bribes to keep them out of jail. “And those who refuse to pay up, well, they are sent to the colony and hammered down as cruelly as one can imagine. They have built a conveyer-belt of violence and extortion.”

Given Ukraine’s dismal track record in this respect, this may give supplementary arguments to European judges to refuse requests for extradition. Already, Europeans are wary of granting extradition requests to Ukraine. One example of this, is the refusal of a French judge to extradite Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Zhivago, citing the “uncertain situation” in Ukraine’s justice system.

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30 Responses to Ukraine War Day #836: STRANA Exposes Torture in Ukrainian Prisons – Part II

  1. james says:

    this gives a whole new meaning to the idea of corruption in the ukraine… i hope it changes asap, but i am not holding my breath in anticipation… it seems like the whole edifice called ‘ukraine’ needs to come tumbling down, but i also know there are many who would stand to lose if this was to happen – the west in particular..

    and of course the number of incarcerated in the usa tells of a system that breeds this type of byproduct as well… i doubt that is a coincidence, given all the 2 way dynamics between the leadership types in kiev and washington…


  2. S Brennan says:

    OT But; I got this article from ZeroHedge’s news feed and I found the illustration very illuminating. It’s an interesting read on the on the reasons for Team-Biden/Obama/Cheney/Hillary ordering NATO to attack Russia directly. And anybody who thinks the 3LA’s goosestepan-Galician-goons pulled off this “caper”…well…I’ve got a undersea gas pipeline to sell ‘ya. A good read:

    False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

    “….The west is sending Russia the message that they will not allow Ukraine to lose, they will not pursue diplomatic solutions and if Russia begins gaining significant ground, anything goes…”

    But there might be more layers to Team-Biden/Obama/Cheney/Hillary ordering NATO to attack Russia directly.

    “Armavir and other stations could be used to record ballistic missile activity well outside Russian air space (in places like the Middle East). It’s possible these strikes were meant to blind Russia and stop them from detecting missile events that are unrelated to the Ukraine war”

    So, if Israel claimed it was attacked by Iran and wanted to “send a message” to Iran in the same manner they “send a message” Palestinians…by slaughtering tens [perhaps hundreds] of thousands of innocent civilians…well…no one would be the wiser…eh..wink..wink..nod…nod..say no more. But there’s more layers to explore.

    …The timing of the radar attacks comes only weeks before the planned Ukraine “peace conference” in Switzerland on June 15th…I’m not saying the conference itself will be attacked, necessarily, but a major attack during the conference could be used to sell the idea of total NATO intervention…If the goal is to expand the war then any perceived hostilities aimed at the conference could also be used as an excuse to rally popular support…

    …Something very odd is going on here…how do they plan to arrange that outcome [world-wide-war] while convincing the American and European public to join the war effort? They need a serious false flag”.

    The thuggery of Ukrainia-ruling-capos demonstrated in Y’s missive above is a pale reflection of their commandant’s [DC/London’s 3LAs] ghoulish wishes. Our un-elected rulers are monstrous sociopaths that rule through increasingly obvious network of terror but, they are also incompetent individuals who, when faced with a near-peer, are made appear as foolish as a naked emperor. God help us all.

    Liked by 4 people

    • yalensis says:

      I think this radar business only underscores the negligence of the Russian leadership for years on end. They systematically underfunded the military and are still lagging behind in satellite development, from what I understand.

      Russia should ideally have a satellite net that watches everything going on… They could start building one now, but it’s a bit late.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ccdrakesannetnejp says:

        Russia already has such an early-warning satellite system: the EKS Kupol system. See my post.


      • S Brennan says:


        In fairness, I think Putin has been on Roscosmos’s case for a while now. I believe he fired the director a couple year’s back for non-performance but, expecting ANY leader to come in and solve neglect that traces itself back to, at least, Brezhnev is a pretty harsh.

        To the best of my knowledge, the Soviet/Russian space program is in the process of restoration. While performing brilliantly in it’s heyday, it’s decline began under Leonid Brezhnev who wasn’t particularly interested in government sponsored space development…ironically, Brezhnev wasn’t alone, Presidents Clinton/Bush[really-Cheney]/Obama felt the same. To that point, the shoddy treatment of Sergei Korolev who was the lead Soviet rocket engineer during the Soviet glory days shouldn’t go unstudied. While Cosmonauts were lauded, the men who made the machines were shunned and mistreated by the politicos.

        In fairness to all Russian parties involved, it strains all credibility to imagine Team-Biden/Obama/Cheney/Hillary casually ordering NATO to attack Russia directly…it’s just unbelievable and yet it’s happening before our very eyes.


    • james says:

      you might appreciate reading stephen bryen from may 28th on this same topic..

      then there is doctorows article from yesterday which also fits into the same zone..

      Liked by 1 person

    • ccdrakesannetnejp says:

      S Brennan and Yalensis, professor Ted Postol of MIT and others who are warning us that Russia would be very slow to see possible incoming US nuclear-tipped missiles because of a lack of an early-warning satellite system are giving us out-of-date info. In the 1990s, for economic and political reasons, Russian research on early-warning satellite systems was dormant, but in 2000 research and funding picked up again, and, according to Wiki, in 2015 the first satellite in the EKS Kupol early-warning system was launched. I believe Kupol means “dome.” (It seems to be cognate with English cupola. What do you think, Yalensis?) So far 6 out of 10 EKS early-warning satellites have been launched, giving Russia a clear view of all possible incoming US missiles except those coming from subs in the Pacific, and that gap will soon be closed, since a new far eastern operations center is nearing completion in eastern Siberia. Russia also plans to launch several geostationary satellites to further enhance early visibility. So even now, the new EKS system allows Russia to have a backup method of seeing possible missiles coming from the Middle East or the Indian Ocean. Of course the recent drone attacks on the two radar stations were outrageous and may have been done to hurt Russia’s visibility to the south and southeast, but if so the benighted US or Ukie attackers were probably relying on out-of-date information. Never underestimate the ignorance of a neocon or a Banderite. Further, the Russian Konteyner over-the-horizon radar was installed in Mordovia in 2019, and at least one more is planned. See Wiki.

      The best article I could find on the EKS Kupol system is given below. It’s 3 years old, but it’s very informative, and the last section, “Capabilities,” is a good summary:

      Danny Davis has a good interview with Prof. Postol, who makes some trenchant points but is unfortunately ignorant of the development of the new EKS satellite system.

      Yalensis, have there been any good articles in the Russian press about EKS in the wake of the two recent drone attacks on the two early-warning radar facilities? The strong Westie tendency to look down on and ignore Russian military capabilities is truly pathetic. At this rate, it won’t be long until most of the accurate knowledge in the world will probably be found in the BRICS nations and in the global majority.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Despite this systematic abuse, hardly any Ukrainians doing “porridge” are signing up for the meat grinder and that Ukrainians on the outside are committing petty crimes and deliberately getting arrested so as to not have to become cannon fodder.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      That’s an excellent point! Seems like a lot of these zeks have the option to join the army as a Get out of jail free card. And yet they would rather stay inside, having the living shit beaten out of them day after day…


  4. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    James mentioned Gonzalo Lira in one of his comments on your first installment, but it bears expanding upon — Lira reported that he had been extorted during his first stay in a Ukronazi prison. It was not a trivial amount, either — something like half the money he had in the world. And the Nazis had done enough snooping so that they knew how much they could squeeze. Paying off the Nazis was no guarantee of being allowed to live, either. He got killed, or was allowed to die of prison-acquired illness, when they threw him back in jail. Perhaps the Nazis knew there was no more blood in that turnip.

    What kind of a sick system is it that extorts money and still kills its victims? It’s another ouroboros situation, the snake eating its tail. And those Ukronazis are snakes indeed! If they are arresting productive members of their society (the ones without a swastikrysha, that is) then eventually there won’t BE any productive ones, because why bother to succeed when it just means you’ll get squeezed? I suppose the Nazis aren’t looking at the long-term prospects for Ukronazistan, though. All that’s on their minds is “what can I steal now, and where can I get away to when it all falls apart?” The logic of a cancer cell.

    Which doesn’t only apply to Ukronazia. You could look at the entire Western economic system in that light. I’m working up a talk on Cory Doctorow’s concept of “enshittification” for the next meeting of my “smartest guys in the room” social group later this month. What I’m going to wrap it up with is a Big Picture question about whether the entire Western technological pattern of civilisation can be seen on the 4-step enshittification spectrum. I reckon that the initial benefits to consumers and then business users has been run through; now it’s just about enriching the insiders, and we’re about to hit Step 4 in a big way — it all collapses.

    Lastly, because I always wonder about human psychology, what does it do to the psyches of the people who do this evil shit for a living? If you’re a thuggish robber, only you’re pretending that you’re an officer of the justice system, does your hypocrisy and wickedness finally corrode your soul? Granted, lots of the people who do that are sociopaths to start with. But not all of them could be so completely evil that it wouldn’t gnaw at them, right? How many of these bastards will end up killing themselves — please let it happen fast! — or becoming self-destructive through alcoholism, drug abuse, etc? How many will get so twisted that they beat their wives and children to the point where they wind up alone because no one can stand to be close to them? How many will get vicious due to their socio-sickness and wreck parts of the robbery apparatus around them? Like cancer cells, will they kill the organism in which they live? When I read about the Nazi-level stuff the nazIsraelis are doing, I have the same questions (and hopes for their self-destruction.)


    • yalensis says:

      Bukko, you are a bona fide philosopher of the human soul. But you should remember that old Nietzsche canard, you know which one I am talking about. Maybe even thinking about the abyss too much let alone actually peering into it…

      Here is an antidote to thoughts of cancerous evil and the wickedness of man: Instead of gazing into the abyss, gave into the eyes of these adorable young animals who are good pals to each other:


      • Bukko Boomeranger says:

        Those are so cute! I think kittens are kuter than puppies because when I see a pup, I remember all the times the various tiny dogs we had when I was a kid would piddle on the floor. Cats, for all their sneaky viciousness, are instinctively self-trained to be self-cleaning as far as where they make their mess. Unless they’re nasty male katz who are going to spray piss to mark their territory!

        Also, is that a REAL photo, or is it AI? It does not have the air of verisimilitude to it, especially the fine details of the fur atop the kritters’ heads. In this post-reality world, I am suspicious of anything that is NOT imperfect.


        • yalensis says:

          Well, it’s just something I randomly found on the internet by googling, “adorable kittens and puppies”, so it could well be AI.

          I’m with you on dogs, though. I like dogs, but I hear too many stories about pet dogs biting children and even killing babies in their crib. Any family with a baby should probably not have a dog.


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