Ukraine War Day #835: STRANA Exposes Torture in Ukrainian Prisons – Part I

Dear Readers:

Today I have this piece from the Ukrainian newspaper STRANA. The very unpleasant topic is torture in Ukrainian prisons. We are not necessarily talking about political prisoners, just prisoners in general. Well-known and even celebrity prisoners have been tortured cruelly. Completely unknown prisoners have been tortured cruelly. As we shall see below, there is a whole scheme behind this system of organized cruelty: the purpose is to extract money from the many, in order to benefit a handful of monsters.

Scenes of torture in a Ukrainian prison colony.

STRANA investigative reporters have exposed abuses on a very large scale. The scandals continue to resonate within Ukrainian society. As often happens, a lot of this torture is videotaped and becomes available to the public, for reasons we shall see later. In some cases, torture has led to the death of the victim. STRANA raised this issue back in October, after the death under detention of a well-known businessman, Igor Mizrakh, the owner of the Media Holding Group MKhP.

This past week the Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation (Державне бюро розслідувань, or DBR, roughly the equivalent of the American FBI) announced that it had uncovered a system of torture in a series of penal colonies throughout Ukrainian regions. What they discovered was not isolated instances of abuse, but an entire systematic use of torture against prisoners. For example, four officers of Colony #16 in Poltava Oblast, were running a torture ring. They would severely beat almost every single prisoner who lived there.

Wealthy businessman Igor Mizrak was beaten to death in a prison colony.

According to the DBR, any new arrival to the colony would be beaten mercilessly until his will was broken and he would readily obey any command. The beatings are usually videotaped. They are difficult to watch. For example, in one clip a hulkingly strong man (a guard) wields his truncheon to beat a prisoner’s feet. And continues beating even after the other man loses consciousness. Eventually the other guards drag the unconscious man to an icy pond and toss him in.

DBR are also investigating the acquisition by colony guards of lucrative economic assets well beyond their pay grades. Which means, the guards are not just sadists, but also greedy crooks.

How And Why It Happens

STRANA investigators found sources among prisoners who were willing to tell them what was going on: In which colonies torture is most prevalent, who is doing the torturing, and the reason why they record their crimes on video.

There is a custom of the “Greeting”, in other words, initiating new arrivals into prison life by beating the living sh*t out of them, the moment they emerge from the initial quarantine. This is to let them know, right up front, who is the boss. This custom is applied most often in the so-called “Red Zones”, those colonies which are run fully by the administration. Colony #16 in Poltava is one of these. The newly-arrived zek is taught that he must obey every command or rule issued by either the administration, or a member of the “aktiv” which is the word for zek trustees who collaborate with the administration.

Almost every zek in a Red Zone is forced to “contribute” half his prison salary for the “needs” of the colony. By “needs of the colony” it is understood, the pockets of the Commandant and his Number #2. This “tithe” is for ordinary working zeks, but things get really interesting when the colony manages to reel in a “whale”, for example a former businessman or official, especially those who have wealthy relatives!

[to be continued]

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21 Responses to Ukraine War Day #835: STRANA Exposes Torture in Ukrainian Prisons – Part I

  1. hismastersvoice says:

    Seems quite like the Gulag under Stalin, but then it also seems like the South African prison system under Ramaphosa.

    I suppose it’s understandable that preserving the rights of prisoners isn’t terribly high on the agenda of the collapsing Ukrainian regime, but I wonder if this stuff wasn’t going on before the war started.


    • S Brennan says:

      “…I wonder if this stuff wasn’t going on before the war started”.

      I’m sure it was.

      Like the Nazis before them, the 3LAs need a docile population in Ukrainia to perpetrate their war against Russia. They don’t want their livestock to rebel whilst they’re being led to the killing pens.

      While limited in talent, the 3LAs of DC & London know the value of terrorizing the population, in fact…they know little else. The “prisons” in Ukrainia operate like the Nazi concentration camps did in 1933-38 Germany. Anybody who challenges the power structure of the goosestepan-goons of Galicia gets thrown into one it’s DC-funded concentration camps or worse, sent to “the Russian front”. Of course the guards & capos at theses concentration camps are free to extract what monies they can

      It was in this way that one of the freest societies known to man, the hedonistic society of post WW I Germany, was turned into a nightmarish hell on earth. That’s the 3LA’s mad dream, to replicate once again, the pinnacle fascism, the grotesque world of 1939 Germany. While post USSR Ukrainia lands were never a bastion of freedom, the place has certainly has been turned into what the 3LA’s have in mind for the world, a very gruesome hell. It’s what awaits us all if the deep-state/national-security-state/3LA’s grip on power is not broken.

      Casting aside the grimness of this dark, bleak night…

      Recent Russian advances towards Odessa continue to find purchase whilst Ukrainia is preoccupied thinking about the eventual defense/demise of Kiev. Near term, as many here have pointed out, the city of Odessa itself doesn’t require liberation, just breaking the main NATO supply line and securing the coast. If NATO/EU’s siege of Transnistria can be broken, without Team-Biden committing 101st in Romania, it will create an untenable crucible.

      Way too much noise to signal has been generated by the Anglo-world’s propaganda-stream on the 80th commemoration of D-Day, nevertheless I’d like to add one point on the subject. Within day’s of the D-Day initial landing, typewriters, office supplies, filing cabinets et al were making their way ashore. The great General, George Marshall knew that the US Army had the task of bringing governance back to the lands they were about to liberate from the Nazis.

      Likewise, the Russians now face the same challenge*, even more so because current 3LA/Pentagon “plans” are to use what remains of Ukrainia’s population, those not sold off as sex-workers, as state-sponsored-terrorists. Russian Generals need to approach the task of rebuilding the lands of Ukrainia, post-liberation, with plans in hand. Plans that impose a just peace and a just peace may be hard at first. It may require forced relocation of goons/capos that have taken possession of their victims property through kidnapping/murder/extortion et al. Courts and councils to adjudicate matters, along with appropriate security arrangements, must assembled a priori to liberation. The task of rebuilding a civil society after the west’s reign of terror will be as great as the war itself. Russian society needs to be ready and that’s not an easy ask, already over 66,000 Russian soldiers have lost their lives, more than the US lost in the Viet Nam war.


      Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      I think this stuff was probably going on all along, maybe got worse because of the war and people getting even more greedy for money.

      I think Russia has a similar problem, but I have no idea if the scales compare. Sometime before the war started I had written a post on rapes in the Russian prison colonies. I think it was more or less the same scheme: Prisoners being brutalized on videotape. I couldn’t even figure out at the time why the guards would record their crimes, but now I get it: The tapes are part of a ransom system to extract money from the relatives of the zeks.

      In the Russian case, a whistleblower from among the guards posted some of the videotapes to the internet, and an investigation was launched.

      There was also a similar scandal in Gruzia a few years back, and it helped lead to Saakashvili being voted out of office.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beluga says:

    This is beyond sickening. People preying on their countrymen with apparent impunity. You (the penal colony boss and 2IC) can always find thugs to “assist” you for a tiny cut of the “profits”. They enjoy their jobs, the sickos of this world. Of course with corruption in every sphere in Ukraine, STRANA exposing this torture will get no official response. Zelensky and co couldn’t care less, being on their own bigger corruption game. It’s left to Ukie housewives to futilely beat “recruiters” taking men off the streets to send to the meatgrinder at the front.

    Without as yet the direct torture, this is what Western governments do to their own citizens. Take some income tax and spend it on what the elites and permanent bureaucracy want. Infrastructure renewal, good schools and health care? Nah, spend it on beating up foreigners both in the colonial and peer power sense. Hire thugs to beat up dissenters at home protesting things like genocide in Gaza. Everyone has to keep their heads down, pretend they see nothing, and be exceptionally good little doggies. This pyramid scheme eventually fails when everyone becomes a victim, bar the “fortunate” few bootlickers. I wonder how long the US can keep borrowing and growing the debt by selling the treasury bonds to itself because nobody else will buy them? A sociopathic collective bureaucracy cares only about today, though.

    On a separate note, I see Larry Johnson at SPIEF got to dine at a top Petersburg restaurant at a table including Maria Zakharova. I am envious beyond words. However, Johnson, upon his return to the US is likely to be snatched by federal goons, interrogated and have his passport seized just like Ritter suffered. The US federal bureaucracy runs things its way, and to hell with constitutional rights.

    I suppose that in reality, this is the way of most countries — if anyone sticks their head up above the parapet and exposes the obvious lies, it’s off with their heads. In the US, courts can catch up years later, when things societally have gotten even worse, and such things as losing free speech, unlawful search and seizure etc have become the norm and not even newsworthy. Peons, thy fate is sealed. Did revolution ever really work long term? No, because new leaders emerge who are just as jealous of their privileges as the people they deposd — it’s biology at work when everyone has to eat to live, and the consequences that flow from that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      I wonder if Judge Nap is jealous now. If he hadn’t listened to Scott Ritter, he could have dined at that same table with Larry and Zakharova, enjoying caviar and champagne, or whatever he wanted. And then returned to his swanky hotel room for even more luxury living!

      I think I called this one: Any American Russophile with prestige is such a rare breed, he is bound to be fêted by the Russian establishment!


  3. Nazis being nazis, right?

    In the nazi concentration camp system rich prisoners could buy their transfer to a relatively safe camp like Theresienstadt. The real Amon Göth, not the caricature from the Spielberg propaganda movie Schindler’s List, was especially notorious for this kind of thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. james says:

    the rot is from the top on down… a very depressing reminder of all the rot is what your post today articulates… whether the ukrainians are in a literal prison, or the figurative prison of ukraine – they are all being tortured with the leadership and present infrastructure here… i imagine life in ukraine for many of the citizens is literally hell.. no wonder young men are drowning trying to escape the madhouse…

    the Myrotvorets list is said to have the full support of the cia and friends.. i always thought it was ukraines idea, but now i am not so sure… the death of gonzala lira is another example of this sick culture in action… john helmers article today catches the mood of the people of russia with regard to this ongoing smo… they are reading it right… ukraine has been used as a batting ram on russia… whether it comes to a direct confrontation with the west – for all intents and purposes – it already is…

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      “Support for the Russian military is up to 79% — 83% in the older population, 85% among Moscow residents…”

      This is astounding in a good way! Moscow used to be Kreakle Centrale.

      Liked by 2 people

      • james says:

        i know next to nothing about the dynamics of large cities in russia, verses smaller places, but if it is anything like here in canada or the west – sometimes there is an attitude that the people in the big cities know everything and those in the smaller out of way places, are bumpkins… i tend to look at it the opposite myself, lol! at any rate, i am glad the folks in moscow have had their eyes opened!!


  5. james says:

    it seems with a few minor exceptions, not much is different in israeli prisons at present…

    Liked by 1 person

    • yalensis says:

      “Other depravities have been documented in several other prisons, often gloatingly by Israeli news channels who broadcast scenes of the abuse, including degrading treatment, in what can only be described as snuff films.” 

      Horrendous! The Palestinians are probably even worse off than the Ukrainian zeks. The Ukrainians are being tortured for ransom money. The Palestinians are being tortured for pure sadism. The Ukrainian snuff films are intended for the relatives, so they fork over money. The Palestinian snuff films are intended as entertainment for the public.

      Even the ancient Romans were not so depraved as this.


      • james says:

        i think you have this exactly right, which is quite depressing in what it says about the israelis… sadists – yes, it appears to be the case.. it is amazing what a perverted concept of religion can do to a person..


        • yalensis says:

          I wouldn’t personally blame the religion per se, although every religion contains elements of anti-humanism and violence. In the Israeli case, I think the rot comes from being the top dogs in an apartheid society. One can think back to ancient Sparta, the relationship of the Spartans to their subordinate caste (the Helots). It was written that Spartans might go out on safari to kill and torture Helots, just for the fun of it. I think this happens in any caste or apartheid society, regardless of religion. It happened in America too, white slave-owners versus slaves, etc. The ruling caste feels a psychological need to de-humanize those it oppresses and exploits.


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