Ukraine War Day #827: Gruzia The Designated Second Front? – Part II

Dear Readers:

Continuing this saga about the beleaguered Gruzian government, the latest target of a NATO Color Revolution. Recall the cast of characters: the governing party, “Georgian Dream” is wise to the ways of the Hegemon and knows well that it is under attack. From the moment it started drafting the “Foreign Agents” law, it was viciously combatted by the trained dogs of the Hegemon; met with the usual street protests and hysterical propaganda about “Russian influence,” and “Putin’s puppets”, and so on. The law (which passed, was vetoed by the President, then overrode the veto) is mild enough: It doesn’t ban foreign-funded NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) sponsored by the U.S. All it timidly asks if that any organization receiving more than 20% of its funding from abroad, register as Foreign Agents and reveal the sources of their funding. Almost every country in the world, including the U.S., has a similar law.

The idea behind the law is this, and it’s a good one: Once the stupefied public (the vast mass of ordinary people) becomes informed as to exactly is behind these mass protests, then they will stop attending them, leaving the streets only to the most dedicated ideological cadres of the various fascist organizations. Protest demonstrations will shrink and fade away.

Carrot And Stick

Prime Minister Irakly Kobakhidze: “I know exactly what they are up to.”

Recall that Prime Minister Irakly Kobakhidze, sponsor of the bill and men’s hair-mousse model in his spair time [little joke there], was threatened, by Euro-Commissar Olivér Várhelyi, with the same fate as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who is still fighting for his life after an assassination attempt.

Gruzian politicians who voted for the law were threatened with personal sanctions; for example, the U.S. might confiscate any property they own abroad and forbid them entry to the United States.

That’s the stick.

There is also a carrot: Should the Gruzians decide to repeal this “hideous law”, then they get a packet of economic aid from the U.S., including favored trade relations. As if, the reporters note sarcastically, the bigwigs in Washington DC will stop drinking California or French wine and switch to Gruzian Kindzmarauli.

But wait, it gets better: In addition to economic incentives, the Gruzian political leaders are promised “military technology” plus all the training and equipment they need to help them avert “Russian aggression”, once they …. open up a second front against the Russian army! Who could refuse such an offer? After all, it’s a real treat, and not one that is offered to every mortal being, to get to go out and play against Team Russia!

The current Gruzian government sees the situation as almost existential: This “Foreign Agent Law” is their last chance to avoid being forced to march off to war against Russia and get creamed in the process.

Similarly, the Opposition, these are basically the pro-Sakaashvili forces, funded by Western NGO’s, those who succeeded in luring 150,000 people out into the streets to protest the law; they also see this struggle as the “Final Decisive Battle” in their quest to return to power. They are motivated by money, of course, but also by the hope of overthrowing the government and getting the top positions in the new coup government.

After which they intend to open up the “Second Front” against Russia on the battlefield.

NATO’s Column

Hunger Games: The 3-finger salute.

There are, in Gruzia, over 25,000 registered NGO’s! These are funded by grants (primarily Soros with his “Transparency International” Foundation) and donations. In a single year the various grants spend around $175 million. One major focus is to brainwash university students to the pro-NATO ideology. As a result of these ideological and financial manipulations, Gruzia has become an American colony over the past 30 years. But the Georgian Dream government had the temerity to rebel against that. Its goal is genuine independence, and sovereignty for this small nation.

The reporters interviewed a pro-Russian Gruzian pundit named Dmitry Lortkipanidze, who outlined the 7 major earmarks of a Color Revolution, all of which can be seen in Tbilisi.

7 Ways to know you are the Target of a Color Revolution:

  1. Protest signs written in English. This is for the benefit of the Western audience, obviously.
  2. Bringing children to protest meetings. The goal is to emphasize that the demonstration is “peaceful”. They want to show photos of sweet children and lovely young girls draped in the flag, against the backdrop of brutish cops. To be sure, children and young girls are in the foreground, but often, not far behind them, are the athletic young “militants” (in Russian these are called “sporty young men of athletic build”) whose job is to engage the riot police. This is classic stuff, as employed in the Ukrainian Maidan.
  3. Wild rumors. About beatings, disappearances of Oppositionists, snipers, etc. For example, during the Tbilisi protests the crowds started chanting: “Who beat up David Katsarava and Lazare Grigoriadis?” as if they were complaining about harm done to innocent victims. The actor David Katsarava just returned from fighting as a mercenary in the Ukraine. The activist Grigoriadis was caught throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. That happened in an earlier protest. Then pro-NATO President Salome Zurabichvili personally pardoned Grigoriadis, so that he could reappear at the new protests. Speaking of Zurabichvili, she is a citizen of France and receives her salary from abroad, so she actually falls under the guidelines of the new law. Which she vetoed.
  4. Whipping up the crowd with emotions. Noise, whistles, shouts, drums, the revving of motorcycles, the flash of lasers. Under this kind of auditory and visual stimuli, people lose their ability to think critically. Protest leaders continually shout orders: Dance, sing, chant, jump up and down. They don’t want the protesters to have even a moment of peace, to think about what they are doing. This technology has been used successfully not just in Ukraine and Gruzia, but was also employed in Nazi Germany. One can see this in a black-and-white film made by Soviet Director Mikhail Romm, “Ordinary Fascism”, in which archival footage shows Germans swaying in unison out in the public square. Mosh-pit Metal Individualists, meet your new Führer!
  5. Handing out cookies. Just like in Kiev. The very same thing is happening on the streets of Gruzia. There is a religious symbolism to this, like taking Communion.
  6. Mystical rituals. During the time of the protests, young Gruzians created a kind of ritual whereby they would gather in a flashmob, kiss each other, and then salute the air with their right hand. Allegedly they borrowed this ritual from the movie Hunger Games, where it was a symbol of freedom and protest against a tyrranical government. But it also looks quite a lot like the Nazi “Heil dir Sonne!” salute “From the heart greeting the sun”, aka, “Heil to You, Mister Sunshine!”
  7. Setting up kill lists. In Ukraine, all opponents of the Maidan were declared Enemies of the People and put up on the kill-list site Mirotvorec, along with their personal and demographic data. Once they were doxed, anybody was free to just stroll into their home and kill them. Similarly, the Gruzian Opps have published a map showing all enterprises in Tbilisi that are owned by Russians or Belorussians. Pogroms to ensue? Compiling lists also provides a kind of emotional release for the people doing it; makes them taste what power is like before they even have it.

Lortkipanidze: The Ukrainian Maidan and the Gruzian protests: Identical like two drops of water! Instead of cookies, they hand out small pies. They are already bringing in gas masks for the protesters. We stand at a decisive moment. The Opposition is raging, it is closing off the squares and streets. It is demanding unquestioning support from the public. And yet it does not really enjoy the support of the majority.

Next: We hear from another Gruzian politician, Zurab Makharadze, from the Conservative Party.

[to be continued]

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22 Responses to Ukraine War Day #827: Gruzia The Designated Second Front? – Part II

  1. Jim Miles says:

    Interesting information not coming from the mainstream media – keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. james says:

    great overview yalensis and i really enjoyed the humour you brought to it as well! now where do i get these free cookies or pies in Gruzia? i would like to get me some of these, lol…


    • yalensis says:

      I am sure the Gruzian meat pies (or tarts, or whatever they are) are tastier than whatever trash cookies Noodles was handing out on the Maidan. They weren’t even fresh, they were something in plastic wrapping. Maybe Lorna Doones, or something like that.


  3. S Brennan says:

    Wow 25,000 Nonindigenous Government Organs [NGO] have infected a country with a population the size of the Chicago metro area !!!

    That’s impressive, especially considering that the population is shrinking due to all the invasive “care” being forced upon that country by the 3LAs endless conveyor belt of nonindigenous government organs being transplanted into it’s body politic. Imagine all the immuno-suppressive drugs employed to suppress rejection of that many foreign agents…er..uh…nonindigenous government organs.

    If so many lives didn’t hang in the balance it would be comical watching all these foreign agents constantly bump into one another.

    Y, I am glad you are writing about this country’s travails, it is truly sickening what the 3LAs have planned for this sweet country. BTW, wasn’t there were a sizable number of Galicians living in Georgia/Gruzia ~68,000 before the war on Russia began in 2014 and no-doubt increased since the Galicians had start fighting real soldiers instead of shooting defenseless civilians?

    Question, didn’t the 3LAs try this in Belarus and the Russians responded by sending in its thugs to combat the 3LAs thugs? If I were in Russia’s shoes it would seem cost effective to just out-thug the 3LA’s before they gain power and turn a plowshare into a sword?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ccdrakesannetnejp says:

    Thanks for this detail, Yalensis. Even with all this organized chaos and propaganda, I still can’t see why Gurzians would want to repeat the self-inflicted hell they created for themselves in 2006. The “western” guards, er, gardeners must think Gurzians are just stupid jungle denizens, but it is Nato which is the greatest intellectual jungle on the planet. The Gurzians mostly seem to be intelligent and able to learn from history. The systematic western underestimation of reality is a sign of a decaying empire experiencing deepening dementia. In another decade, Otan/Wotan/Valhalla Thinking will have little or no intellectual cred left at all. Its members will be global pariahs.

    Also, thanks for helping me to understand Maidan and the earlier Orange Reaction better. In 2013-14 I was paying a lot of attention to Syria and missed the whole Maidan trickster coup process. After reading this article, I can grasp Maidan a little more concretely. This is all just Fascism, the Highest Stage of Neoliberalism, or should I say Neomaidanism?


    • yalensis says:

      cc, if you goggle “Rose Revolution, Georgia”, you will see that the Gruzians had their own proto-Maidan in 2003. This coup was color-coded “rose” and brought Misha Saakashvili to power. Two years later, in 2005, Ukraine had its own color revolution, this one color-coded “orange”, which brought Viktor Yushchenko to power.

      3 years later, in 2008, Saak invaded South Ossetia and had his ass handed to him. The Gruzians learned from this experience, but the Ukrainians didn’t. Still, their later 2014 Maidan was modeled on the earlier color-coded ones. They all pretty much follow the same pattern.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ccdrakesannetnejp says:

        Thanks. I meant 2008, not 2006. I was confusing Saak’s Last Stand with Putin’s Munich speech in 2006. I don’t like the phrase “color revolution,” since these highly reactionary interventions sponsored by the metropoles of the current empire are not revolutions. They are takedowns, deconstructions, reductions to primitive, barbaric conditions, returns to might makes right, so they ought to be called color reactions or something better if you can think of something, Btw, somehow I doubt the Banderites are capable of learning anything new unless objective conditions force them to. Attempts at persuasion are useless.


    • S Brennan says:

      My try at it was neocoloni-econ. Maybe drop the i.

      We do need words for these people, we shouldn’t let their marketing dept choose the term. For example there is nothing conservative or new about “neocons”, they are neither. Same for “neoliberalism” nothing new, nothing liberal about how the “neoliberal”-dominated-fed engages monetary manipulation for domestic and foreign political consideration. We need new terms that accurately describe these people.


      • yalensis says:

        I started calling them American Hegemonists. I don’t think there is a real need to delve into the minor political differences between the various factions. Unless one is writing a research paper.


        • S Brennan says:

          Except the ideas/ideologues these people-have/are been around a lot longer than the US has existed. That’s why so many Greek words for society are applicable today, humanity’s problems didn’t start with the US, that’s just a little too simplistic and…misleading, it conflates cause with effect.

          The economic ideas that trouble us today are European, largely English definitely not American. For example, Abraham Lincoln lived next to and was good friends with a bricklayer.

          European colonization preceded the US by approximately 300 years. America is the result of colonization, not the originator. Then too, if all the nutjobs were only in the US the problem wouldn’t be that serious. The US post industrialization, particularly, post WW II assumed the duties/colonies of other empires.

          For example, the Middle-East is a shit pile not because of the US but because England/France post WW I /Ottoman-Empire turn it into a hovel. And England/France were able to do this because they successfully prevented Russia from having a say in matters [see Crimean-War 1.0]. It’s important for reasoned people look beyond what exists [a snapshot in time] to it’s context in a continuum [the whole movie/film].


          • yalensis says:

            That’s true. I certainly don’t blame America for all the world’s problems, that would be too simplistic. But America has its demons that need to be exorcized, being the product of a settler/colonizer nation (just like Israel!) which genocided the people who already lived there. That kind of origin has to leave a stamp on society.


  5. Beluga says:

    If one wants a God Bless America tee-shirt, a new tars and Stripes emblazoned coffee mug, free Enlish language placards to wave, as many crappy cookies as one can swallow and remain non-diabetic, $20 free spending money a protest march, and soon a front row seat in a death blowout against a short invasion by Kadyrov and his Chechens when the time is ripe, by all means visit Gruzia and be a US stooge. It’ be a great vacation! Summer on a Black Sea beach, yay!

    Samantha Power wouldn’t have it any other way; nor would Donald J Trump bellowing from his jail cell. The Orange Oaf recently rescinded his “I can stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours” puffery to join the mainstream neocon crowd. US foreign policy transcends party politics. After all, America stands for all that is good, right, democratic and Christian, and decides how the world will work for its benefit. So any likely bunch of dummies susceptible to bribes can be juiced up on Hollywood movies, no sign of US homeless encampments on TV, but plenty of garbage fast food outlets, and they know from the depths of their hearts that America is great! Yeah, let’s have more NGOs. And fight for right, even unto death.


    • yalensis says:

      I read in the news yesterday, Trump said if he had been Prez he would have nuked Moscow and China by now, “to stop their aggressive moves against Ukraine and Taiwan.”

      Seriously between Biden and Trump, is there even any lesser evil? The only candidate worth voting for is Cornel West, but not sure he can even get on the ballot in most states, since everything is rigged in favor of the two-headed uni-party system.


      • S Brennan says:

        Nikki Haley hasn’t “dropped-out” so, you may get your wish for a “real” alternative…yes? Be careful what you wish for in American politics Y.

        Anyway, let’s peel back the headline, I’ll add emphasis to assist those without practice:

        “Trump suggested he would have bombed Moscow for invading Ukraine” Washington Post reports citing
        Chris York, The Kyiv Independent news desk

        [so, two very unreliable sources…yes?]

        Former U.S. President Donald Trump suggested at a fundraising event that he would have bombed Moscow in response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Washington Post (WP) reported on May 28, citing several anonymous donors and advisers.

        In a piece detailing some of the claims and demands the former U.S. president has made while on a fundraising drive for his current presidential bid, the paper also said he would attack Beijing if China invaded Taiwan on his watch.

        According to WP, Trump’s comments “surprised some of the donors.”

        Trump has not publicly threatened to bomb Moscow but, in a phone call leaked in March 2022, Trump told a friend [an anonymous “friend” 😉 who immediately notified a guy working the Kiev desk…ha..ha..ha, OMFG, the shit people believe] he had privately made such a threat to Russian President Vladimir Putin himself.

        Publicly, Trump described Putin as a “genius” in the days leading up to Russia’s full-scale invasion when Moscow moved troops into eastern Ukraine.

        He has also regularly claimed he could stop the war in Ukraine “in 24 hours” though he has never publicly stated how he would do this.

        The Washington Post wrote on April 7, citing anonymous sources, that Trump had privately said he could end it by pressuring Ukraine to cede Crimea and Donbas to Moscow.

        [The above paragraph [italics] is pure BS, Trump has publicly stated that position]

        According to the Washington Post, Trump also said he believes that both Moscow and Kyiv “want to save face, they want a way out,” claiming that Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territories would not object to being part of Russia.”

        If the deal and the idea is simply to give our territories, then it is very primitive,” President Volodymyr Zelensky said in response.

        So the identifiable source is a pro-Ukrainia and clearly the article is written to denigrate Trump because Trump wants to trade “land for peace” in Ukrainia which is EXACTLY everybodies position on this board. I mean…WTF?


        • yalensis says:

          He has also regularly claimed he could stop the war in Ukraine “in 24 hours” though he has never publicly stated how he would do this.

          I think his plan would be to nuke Moscow, thinking that would end the war within 24 hours.


          • S Brennan says:

            Trump has publicly stated said he could end it by pressuring Ukraine to cede Crimea and Donbas to Moscow.

            Point 1, Whether he was right when he made that statement in at the end-2022/early-2023, we will never know. However, after what the present Biden/Hillary/Obama/Cheney administration [singular intended] has done since makes it pretty unlikely to work now. The record is clear, in spite of his verbosity, Trump started no wars the aforementioned administration started, count ’em, 7 wars.

            Point 2, most people would be in jail if we took talking shit as the equal of doing shit, they’re not the same, not close, not kinda close, completely different. When people equate the two you’re dealing with somebody who is trying to deceive you.

            Point 3, as just proved in the cited article, the story about him saying he was going to “nuke” Moscow is pure bullshit, not an iota of credibility…just your typical pro-war, pro-Ukrainia hack click-baiting Team Biden/Hillary/Obama/Cheney supporters.


        • S Brennan says:

          File Under: Be careful what you ask for…you might just get it.

          “While most Republicans expressed outrage, Haley was unique in her silence. Earlier on Friday, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, alluded to the Republicans replacing Trump with a candidate that doesn’t carry the weight of multiple legal controversies, and Nikki Haley supporters agree.

          I would love it if he [Trump] would step aside,” said Alissa Baker, [Women for Haley Committee]. “My hope is … he would say, I’m going to step aside for the good of the country. And that she would unsuspend her campaign because, I do think that she has the right solutions for us. I think she [Nikki Haley] was the best” Baker told the Washington Examiner on Friday”.

          The Biden/Obama/Cheney/Hillary Administration [singular intended], the never-Trumpers, the people that have fomented 7 wars of aggression in the past 26 years think the choice should be between Hillary and Haley.

          Haley’s silence since Thursday evening is noteworthy I absolutely trust the jury

          A handful of [warmongering] Republicans have joined with [warmongering] Democrats and called for Americans to accept the jury’s rulings. Notably former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan. “the jury verdict should be respected”.


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