Ukraine War Day #848: Gold Medal For Being A Rat?

Dear Readers:

Apparently there is to be a Summer Olympics held in Paris this year (July 26 – August 11). Everybody is excited … not. But most excited of all: The Ukrainian team expects to win a Gold Medal in being dirty rats. Maybe let’s call it, for want of a better word, the sport of Rattery. In case you are not aware, that’s the sport of ratting out your competitors to the Olympic Committee!

MK.RU tells us more about this exciting development. We start with a woman named Dinara Kudaeva, who is the 2021 world champion in women’s freestyle wrestling. Dinara hails from Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Dinara Kudaeva

Dinara is hoping to compete in Paris this summer, but found herself in hot water with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Everybody knows that the IOC has been corrupted, like almost all of the traditional post-war international organizations, by American money and influence; and thus all converted into tools of American geopolitics. Hence, the IOC has been encouraging Ukrainian athletes to denounce and rat out their Russian counterparts for any perceived infringement of arbitrary rules applied only to Russian athletes. American official Mark Adams acts like an international cop, trying to smoke out untrustworthy Russians who find it hard to pretend to be “neutral” and stateless. Adams declared that he has eyes on the Russians, and that there is no time limit to his investigations. In other words, after months of training, any Russian athlete might be deprived of their berth on the very eve of the competition. Adams: “We are conducting very careful and painstaking work, and we are receiving information from many different sources.” As Jimmy Cagney might retort: “Why, you dirty rat…!”

Citius – Altius – Fortius – Rattius!

The IOC doesn’t even bother to hide the fact that they crave denunciations against Russian athletes, in the same way that plants crave electrolytes and Brawndo. And the Ukrainians have proved to their international masters that they themselves are the masters of the Denunciation (Russian Donos). There are no greater stool pigeons in all of the world. IOC Head Thomas Bach himself has urged the Ukrainians to achieve ever higher levels and even outdo themselves in this dirty sport.

The IOC has a long score to settle with Dinara Kudaeva. In 2021 she competed in the under-23 age bracket and won the Silver Medal. The Gold went to a Ukrainian girl, Anastasia Lavrenchuk. Later, however, Lavrenchuk failed the doping test. It took 3 years for the bureaucratic process to complete itself, so it was only in March of this year (2024) that Lavrenchuk was relieved of her medal, and Kudaeva moved up to first place. But the Ukrainian National Olympic Meeting has not forgiven and is out for revenge.

And they found something to use against Dinara: The Russian athlete had posted on her social media the sad news of the death of her father, on May 9, 2024. Dinara posted a photo of her dad in military uniform with a weapon in his hand. Her caption: “You are my hero.”

According the Ukrainian Olympic Committee, Dinara’s father perished in the course of the Special Military Operation, therefore Dinara’s post about him violates the “Bach Rule” of neutrality. The Ukrainian Committee further demanded that Dinara not be allowed to compete in Paris. They also demand to exclude Dinara’s teammates Olga Khoroshavtseva and Natalia Malysheva, on the grounds that these two girls placed “likes” under Dinara’s post.

Mikhail Mamiashvili

Mikhail Mamiashvili, President of the Federation of Russian Sports [and, ironically, a former Ukrainian wrestler], had this to say about the situation: “We are keeping our finger on the pulse. A final decision has not yet been made.”

Dinara became a mother in 2023, but still found it within herself to get back into shape, return to training, and win the Yaryginsky Tournament. She told the press that she had a double motive: She wanted to bring the medal home to show her husband and baby; and also to repeat the triumph of her coach, 13 years ago, who also had a one-year-old baby at home while competing. “I am confident that I am at my peak,” Dinara stated after her Yaryginsky triumph, “and I really want to demonstrate this at the Paris Olympics.” However, after what happened with her post, and with the Ukrainian denunciation, Dinara has shut down her profile on social media and is trying not to communicate so much with the press.

As of June 16, the news is that, from this team, only Natalia Malysheva is confirmed as an Olympic competitor. The IOC are still mulling over the fates of Kudaeva and Khoroshavtseva. The rats in Kiev are waiting impatiently for the verdict. They know the rule: If you can’t win in a fair fight, then your only path to a medal is to slime your competition!

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14 Responses to Ukraine War Day #848: Gold Medal For Being A Rat?

  1. Absolutely no point of Russia competing in this farce at all.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yalensis says:

      I agree with you mostly, but I am torn, because I can also empathize with the individual athletes. Their main purpose in life is to seek glory on the playing fields, and not every athlete is necessarily patriotic.

      Having said that, I believe that Russia/China, etc., should provide more opportunities for games and competitions where nobody is excluded or discriminated against because of their nationality.


  2. peter moritz says:

    I am sorry to hear that despite all the scandals, the corruption, the blatant politicking etc., the moneygrubbing, there still is no serious attempt to simply destroy the IOC and develop a new international sports movement to provide a stage for an international competition free of all the stains the IOC suffers from.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Jame Lake says:

      I agree, why do they expect anything from the IOC.

      Russians just come across as lacking any pride and a brain when I know that’s not the case.

      The west has been clear about what they think of Russians as a whole not just its leadership. When are the athletic federation and the athletes going to get the message


    • yalensis says:

      I would definitely enjoy the spectacle of watching the IOC destroyed down to the very bones.


  3. S Brennan says:

    Panel from Simplicius Sitrep:

    The idiocy of DC/London/Jerusalem has led to worldwide disasters but, “looking on the bright side”…there are people who can find humor in anything…

    …and yes, Biden is just shorthand for the hamlet of Hillary/Cheney/Obama apparatchiks…all who have the same dark sire, the same satanic desire, to set the world ablaze upon a pyre. As Hillary once famously said, [and I paraphrase]; “it takes a village of idiots”

    Liked by 3 people

  4. ccdrakesannetnejp says:

    Isn’t there going to be a BRICS Olympics this year?


    • Thick Red Duke says:


      The Friendship games take place in Ekaterinburg in September. $50M in prizes. So if you need a little cash put on your running shoes and start training. Or put on dance shoes if you’re more of the acrobatic type.

      Here’s the full programme.

      Liked by 2 people

      • ccdrakesannetnejp says:

        Great. Thanks! I’ll get out my old New Balance shoes right away! When I was in high school, for a while I got to train with two Ethiopian runners who were in the Boston area training for the Boston Marathon. I was amazed to see that neither of those fantastic runners, one of whom won an Olympic gold medal, didn’t wear shoes when they ran. It makes my feet hurt just to remember it, but they felt that shoes were just unnecessary weight. In high school I also did free-style wrestling, but I’m afraid Dinara Kudaeva could throw me across the mat almost immediately now….

        Liked by 1 person

      • yalensis says:

        OMG! those dancing acrobats are amazing. That people can train for something like that and actually be able to accomplish something like that – well, it gives me hope in the human race after all!

        Thanks, Duke, you made my day.


        Liked by 1 person

  5. Bukko Boomeranger says:

    This post resonates with the one you wrote the day before focusing on Gen. Potato-head, insofar as the trouble centres on liking something that appeared on Facebollocks. antiSocial media is poison! How many times have you read about something on one of the platforms that caused Big Trouble, from petty botheration like what’s described here all the way up to kids killing themselves because of mean things on their glowing screens? In the span of one generation of humanity, 20 years, it has pervasively rotted the psyches of the materialistic computer-focused world. So many people who are alive today have lost a lot of their ability to get along with other human beings in the REAL world of flesh-and-bone existence. Their entire consciousnesses are locked into “disintermediated” interactions with other humans who they mainly know through seeing them on techdevices, not by looking them in the eye. It’s why I’m always ranting about techno-autistics.

    I often have occasion to look over peoples‘ shoulders as they’re twiddling their techno-tits. I live on the top level of my building, so I get up and down on the lifts (“elevators” to you Americans, except Yalensis, who’s smart enough to catch the context.) Been doing that for years, although since Covid, I’ll wait until I can catch an empty one going up, because I don’t want to be stuck in a small metal box breathing in someone else’s lung-spew. Not even for the 30 seconds it takes to reach my floor, despite the fact that I’m wearing an N-95 mask. However, sometimes someone will jump on at a lower floor as I’m going down. And there were the years between 2013 and 2019 when I was less sniffy about how I traveled. So I’ve had a lot of opportunities to watch people up close. They don’t even realise I’m doing it because their entire frame of attention is their hands.

    As soon as they get on, it’s like they go High Social Anxiety. “OMG, there is another person I have to stand close to! Must. Ignore. Look at phone NOW!” even though it’s going to be 20 seconds maximum until we get to the ground level. So they frantically dig their teat out of their pocket, if it wasn’t in their paws already. That’s mental.

    Phone phreaks aren’t just autistic in their inability to relate to other humans. They’re hyperactive, with the attention span of a goldfish on meth. It’s a constant “flip!” “jiggle!” “push button!” “swipe screen!” Pretty much every single second, they are manipulating something on their little Black Mirrors, almost never staying on the same view for as long as it takes to take a breath. Spazz City! I reckon that has the effect of reprogramming their brains. If so much of someone’s life revolves around a flash!flash!flash! activity, it’s gotta make their outlook on the world into something twitchy. We are moulding our minds into a Short Attention Span Idiocracy.

    OK, this has veered off into a different rant than what I intended when I started it. But not because of any attention deficit disorder! It’s just a topic I feel strongly about. What I MEANT to grizzle about is the nasty human tendency to be like Stasi Karens that’s seen with these Peeping Twats. They are SO intent on bringing down their sporting competitors that they dredge through the others‘ antisocial media histories in the hopes of finding something to smear them with. (Which would seem to go against the short-attention dynamic, but they get to quick-jump through all sorts of Fakebook and Twaater screens as they’re doing it, so there’s that.) What kind of pulling-the-wings-off-a-fly person acts that way? A trivial personality, a sanctimonious snitch, that’s who. And there seem to be a lot of them.

    David Graeber, the great anthropologist author who wrote “Bullshit Jobs” and a lot of other excellent books, brought up the term “schismogenesis” in his last one. (“The Dawn Of Everything” which was about the evolution of human societies.) Human groups like to separate themselves from other groups to maintain their core identity. Tribalism, IOW. One of the best ways they have of doing that is to form schisms, in which they say “My group is superior to yours!” It can be dietary — “we don’t eat that disgusting thing that your people do” or religious “my god’s better than your god!” This ratting-out based on antisocial media posts is another dimension of technoschism. People on both sides of the screen need to Get A Life! to avoid this. GAL so you don’t spend so much time posting and liking crap on the ZuckMusk borg, and GAL so you don’t waste the ultimately limited hours of your existence doing the electronic equivalent of sniffing someone else’s undies to see how bad they stink.


    • yalensis says:

      Well, we are talking about the Olympics here. So, people will literally kill a competitor to get a berth. It was e’er that way, even back in ancient Greek times! Lotsa dirty tricks going on back then.


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