Ukrainian Parliament Leader Praises White Skin, Criticizes American Culture

In Ukrainian political news, there is a lot going on.  With Yatsenuk’s departure as Prime Minister, there are re-shufflings and political maneuverings.  There are winners and losers.  One of the winners:  Just a couple of days ago the Supreme Rada promoted Andriy Parubiy from Deputy Chairman to Chairman of the Rada.  This is the equivalent of Speaker of the House.

Parubiy with Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland

Parubiy has long been a favorite of the Americans:  In the past he has met cordially with such American foreign-policy heavyweights as Victoria Nuland, Senator John McCain, and many others.

Parubiy with McCain and others, photo taken in McCain’s office.

Parubiy’s American friends were clearly not aware of various anti-American statements that Parubiy has made in the past.  If they had known about this, they might have felt hurt and upset.  But heedless of the feelings of others, always trying to drive a wedge between America and its bosom buddies, Russian bloggers have hastened to make public past embarrassing manifestos and anti-American statements made by Mr. Parubiy, in his capacity as leader of the Social-National Party of Ukraine.

In particular, Mr. Parubiy had published his manifesto called “A View from the Right”.  In which the politician expresses his concerns about the state of American society, with the following quotes:

Clean-cut Ukrainian youth

“Young men with unkempt and dirty hair, in torn jeans, which propagandize degeneracy and pacifism — this is the result of the expansion into Ukraine of the American way of life, the liberal ideology.”

vs. Ukrainian hippies

In his manifesto, Parubiy counters this awful liberal degeneracy with morally uplifting examples from the past, namely the glories of Kievan Rus:

“Let us remember the times of the Kievan state.  At that time, Ukraine was one of the leading centers of the cultural life of Europe, it was the most powerful military force in Europe.  It was precisely at that time, when Ukraine defended the white race from the totalitarian onslaught of Asiatic hordes.  Ukraine stopped (these hordes) with her own chest.  This was a titanic conflict between two races, in which Ukraine brilliantly fulfilled her preordined destiny.  (This conflict) undermined our mighty state, yet at the same time secured the free development for other peoples of Europe.”

Ukraine sacrificed herself to save Europe from the racially inferior.

Further in his musings, Parubiy has the gall to compare outcast Russians (=spawn of the Mongol horde) with that exceptional people, the Americans.  To Parubiy, these two giants are just two sides of the same coin:

“Russia and the U.S. are the two centers of globalism (mondalism) which, each in their own way, seeks to destroy the European spirit, which they feel as antagonistic to their own being.  They seek to destroy the identity of the European nations.  But they don’t understand:  Barbarians can be victorious in the short term, but the European spirit, the spirit of the white race itself, they cannot destroy.  Barbarians come and go, but Europe remains Europe, as the center of world spirituality and civilization, the Europe of free nations.”

Is Parubiy just a crank?

No.  In fact, he is not.  One only has to remind oneself, not just that Parubiy is the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament, but that virtually the entire Ukrainian government in power today, derives its spiritual authority and historical pedigree from the “Independent Ukraine” of Stepan Bandera and the OUN.

It was the OUN leaders Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko who formulated the official ideology of the “modern Ukraine” – as a member of the European community.

Now, I hasten to add, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with being a part of Europe.  Europe is wunderbar.  Russia herself is a component of European civilization, broadly speaking.

It really all depends on the question of “which Europe”?  The sublime Europe of Beethoven, Verdi, Rembrandt and Victor Hugo?  Or the vicious guttersnipe Europe of Adolph Hitler?

Bandera and his progeny, including Parubiy, clearly see Ukraine as a part of the Hitler-model Europe.  A  “whites only, hordes need not apply” type Europe.  Seeking common ground based on their white skin color as the primary marker of their superiority. To quote historian Kost Bondarenko, from the piece I just linked:

Yaroslav Stetsko: Ukrainian Nazi

“When, on June 30, 1941, was announced in Lvov the creation of an independent Ukraine and a Ukrainian state (announced by Yaroslav Stetsko), the dominant idea at that time, was that the Ukraine must become a part of the New Europe.  As was said at the time, Hitler created the New Europe.  The Ukraine was slated to be a component of this new totalitarian Europe.  The leaders of the OUN propagandized, in every way possible, that they will become a part of the New Europe.  And on July 1, 1941, one of the German officials invited Stepan Bandera to meet with him in Kharkov, and said to him:  ‘It is very pleasing to us, that you recognize yourselves to be a part of Europe, to be our partners.  However, in military terminology, we are not exactly your partners.  We are conquerors of Soviet territory, which includes the Ukraine.‘”

And thus was recorded the first official bitch-slap from Old Europe to the face of Ukrainian nationalist wannabe-Europeans.  The first of many to come….

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15 Responses to Ukrainian Parliament Leader Praises White Skin, Criticizes American Culture

  1. Moscow Exile says:

    The Implementation of a Racist Utopia seems to be right up Parubiy’s street.

    A presentation from:

    The German Research Foundation

    Die Umsetzung einer rassistischen Utopie
    The Implementation of a Racist Utopia

    Die Ermordung der jüdischen Bevölkerung wurde in den Plänen gar nicht mehr erörtert – sie wurde als Selbstverständlichkeit einfach vorausgesetzt. Nach den Planungen des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes vom November 1941 sollten 31 Millionen Polen, Balten, Ukrainer und Weißrussen deportiert oder ermordet werden, weitere 14 Millionen „Fremdvölkische“ als Arbeitssklaven Verwendung finden. Der Generalplan Ost vom Juni 1942 setzte andere Akzente: Die Einheimischen sollten nun nicht mehr gewaltsam deportiert, sondern auf Kolchoseland umgesiedelt werden. Hinzu kam die Dezimierung der Bevölkerung durch Zwangsarbeit und forcierte „Entstädterung“. In der Konsequenz ging es darum, einen Großteil der Bevölkerung zu ermorden oder verhungern zu lassen. Um die eroberten Gebiete dauerhaft „deutsch“ zu machen, plante Meyer einige Millionen Deutsche sowie „Germanen“ aus Westeuropa dort anzusiedeln. Sie sollten die einheimische Bevölkerung „biologisch“ verdrängen.

    The murder of the Jewish population was not discussed in the plans – it was assumed as self-evident. From November 1941, according to the plans of the Reich Security Main Office, were 31 million Poles, Balts, Ukrainians, and White Russians to be deported or murdered, and a further 14 million “foreign nationals” to be used as slave labour. The June 1942 “General Plan East” changed its focus: the locals were no longer to be forcefully deported, but were to be relocated on collective farms. Add to that the decimation of the population through forced labour and forced “de-urbanization” and all this added up to the murder of a large part of the population or letting them starve. In order to make the conquered territory permanently “German” [Dr. Konrad] Meyer* planned to have some millions of Germans and “Germanic people” from Western Europe resettled there. They were to displace the indigenous population “biologically”.

    *German agronomist. One of the chief planners of the infamous Generalplan Ost. A Waffen-SS officer, Meyer was charged by the U.S. authorities after the war and found guilty of being a member of a criminal organization (SS), but was found not guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity. He was released in 1948, and in 1956 was appointed professor of agriculture and regional planning at the University of Hannover, where he worked until his retirement in 1964.

    If Generalplan Ost had, in fact, been successfully implemented by the victorious Nazis, it is highly unlikely that Parubiy would have even been born.


    • yalensis says:

      “If Generalplan Ost had, in fact, been successfully implemented by the victorious Nazis, it is highly unlikely that Parubiy would have even been born.”

      Well, at least one good thing would have come of it, then!


  2. Pavlo Svolochenko says:

    ‘Young men with unkempt and dirty hair’

    Jealousy is such an ugly colour.


    • yalensis says:

      Tee hee! The baldy always envies the hairy man!


      • Cortes says:

        But baldies are typically hairy.


        Graves’s I, Claudius has a terrific poem on hairy baldies or possibly baldy hairies.


        • yalensis says:

          I realized later I was subconsciously quoting an old Russian poem/folk song written back in the day by someone named Kirsha Danilov:

          А и горе, горе, гореваньице
          А и горе, горе, гореваньице!
          А и в горе жить — некручинну быть,
          Нагому ходить — не стыдитися,
          А и денег нету — перед деньгами,
          Появилась гривна — перед злыми дни!
          Не бывать плешатому кудрявому,

          Не бывать гулящему богатому,
          Не отростить дерева суховерхаго,
          Не откормить коня сухопараго,
          Не утешити дитя без матери,
          Не скроить атласу без мастера!
          А горе, горе, гореваньице!
          А и лыком горе подпоясалось,
          Мочалами ноги изопутаны!
          А я от горя в темны леса —
          А горе прежде век зашел;
          А я от горя в почестный пир —
          А горе зашел, впереди сидит;
          А я от горя на царев кабак —
          А горе встречает, уже пиво тащит!
          Как я нагь-то стал, насмеялся он…

          Кирша Данилов, № 52.

          Tis the seventh line down which stuck in my head;
          Не бывать плешатому кудрявому

          I don’t even know how to translate it, something like
          “A bald man cannot have a full head of curly hair.”

          The poem is very powerful, it is about an entity called “Grief”. “Grief” is personalized, it become an actual person who stalks the hero throughout life and prevents him from fulfilling any of his hopes. It starts out with trivial matters, like the bald man wanting a head of curly hair. But as the poem progresses, Grief becomes meaner and meaner, and the hero cannot ever escape him. It’s kind of creey, but very powerful!

          I find this musical version on youtube:

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Mao Cheng Ji says:

    When you read about Kievan Rus, the most amazing thing to me is the amount of fratricide (and other similar -cides) going on… I’m not sure how typical it is, for the period…


    • Lyttenburgh says:

      Fratricide was a norm everywhere in the Enlightened Europe (well, not in “Enlightened” – Dark Age-y is more accurate term) of that time period – who really wants to share power? Stephen of Blois vs Mathilde duking it out for power in Britain (aka the “Anarchy”) was just one episode of fratricidal (or dynastic) war.. And let’s not forget about the Eastern Roman Empire aka Byzantium. Compared to them guys and gals from the “Game of Thrones” look like amateurs.

      Plus – there was never such thing as “Kievan Rus”. That’s an artificial historiographical construct, created for the sake of periodisation. “Kievan Rus” as a term won’t be found in any chronicle or international treaty of that time. Besides, the term itself sounds silly. Like, have you ever heard about “Londonian Britain” or “Uppsalan Sweden”?


      • Mao Cheng Ji says:

        Yeah, it’s probably common for dynastic systems…


        • yalensis says:

          Yep. I learned that from reading Shakespeare’s historical plays.


          • Cortes says:

            Great song too, as sung by The Hollies

            He Wasn’t Heavy, He Was My Brother

            And on We (majestatic plural) go…


          • Mao Cheng Ji says:

            Of course. He should’ve written about Boris and Gleb… Fascinating…


            • yalensis says:

              I just googled “Boris and…” google helpfully suggested: “Boris and Natasha?”
              Nope. Boris and Gleb, idiot.
              In any case, came up with this wiki entry. One of the sources in wiki suggests that maybe the story got twisted around and unfairly framed Sviatopolk for killing his bros:

              Moreover, the Norse Eymund’s saga tells a story of the Varangian warriors who were hired by Yaroslav I the Wise to kill his brother Burizleif. Some historians trusted the saga more than sources from Rus’, claiming that it was Yaroslav (and not Sviatopolk) who was interested in removing his political rivals and was therefore guilty of his brothers’ murder. Others consider “Burizleif” a misreading of Boleslaw, the Polish ruler allied to Sviatopolk.

              I like the name Burizleif, it’s a cool name.
              Violent times, in any case.
              I mean, these guys were part Viking too, so what do you expect?


  4. Pavlo Svolochenko says:

    A multi-part survey of Parubiy’s life and career might be a fruitful topic for you. Of particular interest is his departure from the SNPU in 2004, just when Tyanhibok was trying to turn the party into something less repellent to European observers.

    How their fortunes diverged – Tyahnibok briefly won himself unprecedented power and then lost it all through his poor political skills and some dreadfully bad luck. Parubiy, however, has managed to worm his way into the heart of the Ukrainian political elite.

    One thing I hadn’t heard before:

    Claims that his cousin, Yaroslav Yaroslavovich Parubiy, is a big time gangster in western Ukraine.


    • yalensis says:

      Thanks for the link, Svoloch!
      Very interesting but not surprising, since Nazis, gangsters and criminal gangs usually have members in common.
      I saved the link, and I think I will translate this for a future post.
      Not for a week or so, though. Next week I have Lyttenburgh on tap for a big piece on Stalinist repressions! Oh goody!


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